That Someone Special... (Zac the Sunrise x Akira Yamatoga)

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Ever see Zac the Sunrise frustrated? He gets this look on his face and he can't really focus on anything.

And there was only one person that could bring this side out of him.

Akira Yamatoga.

A brand new star and a new ambitious blader.

Upon first impression, Zac thought Akira was gunning for his career both as a performer and a blader. That's why he would be so frustrated whenever Akira was brought up.

Their battle in the quarterfinals was an epic one, two stars competing to outshine one another. To Zac, Akira put up a good fight, especially when he managed to catch up with a burst finish in the third battle. In the end, of course, Zac won, winning with a score of 4 to 2.

That was when he kind of changed. He was... nicer to the small pink-haired male, admiring to way his red eyes shine when he's happy or excited. The blonde idol didn't think anything of his sudden change towards him though. He just felt there was no need to have such a negative attitude about Akira.

Then again, the biggest stars shine brighter together. So Zac felt they could make a constellation.

        "Let it RIP!" A voice yelled as a bey hit a stadium floor. A stamina type bey spun gracefully around the stadium before taking command of the center. "That's it Zeutron... Just like the sun, you shine bright." A familiar idol praised as he picked up his bey. Zac was practicing alone today, feeling he needed silence to keep himself focused. To keep his mind off of Akira.

He found himself thinking about the red-eyed male a lot recently, normally making him flush a light red. The blonde male could never understand why though, but shook it off nonetheless.

A picture of Akira crossed his thoughts at that moment, making teal eyes widen slightly as his cheeks burned to a red color. The pink-haired male himself watched him from afar, making note of how the blonde idol froze.

Akira could admit it a heartbeat, he was fascinated by the Sunrise. He always seemed to smile whenever he seen him, and he learned he had a crush on him after the battle at Nationals. Would he ever tell Zac that he loves him? Absolutely not... He and Zac have been on good terms since their match, and Akira was not about to ruin that.

He knocked softly on the door, catching the attention of the other idol.
        "Hey Zenkuro? You got a minute?" The smaller male asked, using Zac's real name even though he hates it. Zac groaned at his real name, directing a glare at his rival.
        "I thought I told you to stop calling that Akira." He said in annoyance, placing his launcher in its holster.
        "You have. I just find your reaction funny Sunrise." Akira replied with a smile and a shrug, stepping further into the room.
        "What do you need? I'm in the middle of practice."
        "Just to talk. I don't really have anything to do, so I thought I'd come pay you a visit."

Zac gave him a small smile, his eyes shining in the light.
        "How about a battle? It'll be great practice." He asked, holding up Zeutron. Akira smiled widely, taking out Anubion and holding it up.
        "Definitely! We've been waiting for a rematch against you!" The pink-haired idol said, running up to the other side of the stadium.
       "I don't think I ever said this, but I absolutely adore your enthusiasm." Zac said as he readied his bey in his launcher. Akira blushed at the comment, smiling nervously at him as he got into his launch position.
       "T-thanks! That really means a lot." He stammered, moving his gaze to the stadium. Zac also got into his position, smiling at Akira's sudden nervousness. He found it quite adorable actually.
       "Ready?" The taller blader asked, the smaller giving a nod.
       "3... 2... 1... Let it RIP!"


A couple hours later, the two decided to call it quits with practice for the day, they now walking to nowhere in particular. It was dark by the time they stopped and Zac had suggested they take a walk since they won't be crowded by fangirls at night, so they would be safe.

Akira immediately agreed to the suggestion seeing as he enjoyed the blonde male's company whenever he sees him. Maybe this would be a perfect time for the red-eyed male to confess his feelings for him, he would think. But then again... Maybe not... Thoughts of doubt also crossed his mind, making him even more nervous.

He wouldn't be able to handle the rejection. It's happened too many times before.

Zac looked over in Akira's direction, noticing the nervous look in his eyes and how he kept his face partially buried into his scarf.
        "Hey Akira, are you alright?" He asked, nudging his arm slightly. The smaller idol snapped out of his little daze, looking at the teal-eyed male, giving him a small, nervous smile.
        "Y-yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking about something." He replied, fiddling with one of the ends of his scarf.
        "Alright. But if something is bothering you, don't be afraid to tell me. I won't ever judge you."

The pink-haired male suddenly stopped, his hands clenched tightly and his eyes focused on the ground.
        "Akira?" Zac asked, stopping and turning to face his rival.
        "There's been one thing that's bugging me. I don't think I can keep it inside anymore." His hair covered his red eyes, hiding the terrified look they held.
        "Well, what is it? Like I said, I won't judge you for it." The taller male said, making Akira clench his hands tighter.
        "Look, ever since I first watched you on stage, I always wanted to be like you. I admired you so much. You gave me the confidence to do what I do now. I'm a new rising star, I'm a blader, and it's all thanks to you. After our match at Nationals, I realized something. I realized... That I wouldn't be who I am if it wasn't for you... T-that's why I want to say that... T-that I love you.."

Zac stayed silent, soaking in what Akira had said. Love... Was that what he was feeling towards the young idol? He smiled, stepping closer and grabbing Akira's hands gently, making red eyes snap up to meet his teal ones.
       "Akira... That's really sweet. What you said, it touched my heart. And really, I love you too. I always seem to think about you. You always stay positive, and it makes me smile. I really, truly love you too." Zac said, making tears form in Akira's eyes.
       "R-really?" The smaller male asked, wanting to make sure it's true.
       "Really." The blonde idol said. Akira smiled widely, jumping slightly and wrapping his arms tightly around Zac's neck.
       "You made me so happy!" He cried out in joy, making Zac laugh softly and pull back so their eyes met.
       "I'm glad to make you happy. That's what I want." He smiled slightly, suddenly leaning forward. Akira did too, their lips meeting halfway in a powerful kiss.

Zac's hands fell to the pink-haired male's waist, grabbing it and pulling him closer so they were pressed to each other. Akira tightened the grip he had on the blonde idol's jacket, standing on the tips of his toes. They pulled away after a while, panting lightly from the power of their first kiss together, they both smiling at each other.
       "I love you so much Akira..." Zac said softly, his hands tightening their grip on his waist.
       "I love you too Zac..." Akira replied, hugging him tightly.

They pulled away from their embrace, Zac taking the other's hand as they continued walking. Where? To Zac's house so they could spend the rest of the night together...

Hello Zackira fans! I am SO sorry that this has taken SO long to write! Zac and Akira were a lot harder to write about for some reason... Oh well! I did it! I really hope y'all liked this. I stayed up until midnight to finish it!

And I want to thank BeyBurstForever2244 darkdaigo and LTT199200 for all of the support they gave me while I was writing this! I really appreciate all of the supper you all gave me while I wrote ALL of my stories! Over 5,000 views... That's a big accomplishment for this book being out since October 2nd.

Thanks again guys! I'm lucky to have such great fans and followers! I love all of you!

NightBear15 signing off...

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