Emperor's Blood (Kurt Baratier x Bisuke)

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~~So, this was a request! It took some time to find the right motivation, but I did it! These two need so more love for SURE :) Thanks to Rubberduckiesh for the wonderful request, hopefully it's what they wanted!~~

Their relationship has remained a secret since the beginning and despite one’s title, it was pretty easy.


At this point, the word meant nothing as grey eyes stared down in complete disbelief. He bought one as a joke, having felt under the weather for some time, and research led him to thinking. That’s all it should’ve been. A thought. He felt sick, covering his mouth with wide eyes filled with tears. How exactly was he supposed to tell his husband? They were only married for less than a year and he’s a guy, so why is he staring at a positive pregnancy test? The little Aussie fidgeted nervously as he tried calming his breathing, trying to keep his tears in his eyes as he hid the evidence. He soon rushed out of the bathroom and looked around hoping to not run into-
    “Bisuke, there you are.” His husband… The Emperor, Kurt Baratier, tilted his head to the side in confusion, curious as to where he was going in such a hurry. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you, are you feeling alright?”
    “H-hey, uh, I-I can’t talk right now.” Bisuke spoke nervously, going to squeeze by until the taller man stopped him with a hand on the shoulder.
    “Woah, hey, talk to me. What’s going on? Where are you going?”
    “Out.” The jester’s tone sharpened suddenly and unexpectedly, Kurt looking at him in disbelief as his hand was shrugged off.
    “Bisuke, what’s gotten into you? You don't act like this.” His deep voice held a mix of emotions, his small lover wincing.
    “Look, I need time to myself right now. We’ll talk about it later-“
    “And since when did you start ordering me around?”
    “It’s not giving you orders, it’s called communication, Kurt. We can talk later.”
    “No, Bisuke, we’re talking now. That’s an order-“
    “No it’s not! I'm done being pushed around and forced into situations I don’t want to be in!” The Aussie snapped, small hands curling into fists. “It’s unfair! I’m more than a jester to you, start acting like it!”

Kurt blinked, at a loss of words for a moment. Never before has he seen Bisuke so angry, let alone with him, it was strange. The Emperor sighed softly and knelt down, pulling his beloved into a hug as an unfamiliar feeling pierced him in the chest.
    “Dear, I’m sorry if I made you feel like you were nothing. I love you with all of my heart, I’d move mountains to see you happy, I just want to know what’s wrong.” His deep voice was soft as the smaller slowly hugged him back, burying his head in his shoulder.
    “We can’t talk about it around the court… It… I-it’s too personal…” Bisuke mumbled, pulling back and rubbing his eyes stressfully. Kurt nodded and the two walked off, holding open the door to their shared bedroom when they walked upon it. The door shut and the jester collapsed on the bed, taking in a deep breath. “I’m pregnant.”


Neither spoke after those two words were uttered.

The sudden news definitely stopped his taller partner, red eyes holding an emotion rarely seen. Astonishment.
    “Are… Are you sure?” Honestly, Kurt didn’t want the news to be a lie. He really wanted the chance to be a father, and this might very well be that chance… Bisuke dug into the pocket of his pants, pulling out a pregnancy test and holding it out to him.
    “I… I took it as a joke, I didn’t think it would read positive…” Grey eyes filled with tears, his eyebrows furrowed. “Kurt, what are we supposed to do? No one here even knows we’re together, let alone expecting a child.”
    “Bisuke, light of my life, you have no idea how happy the thought of us having a child actually makes me. It fills me with an amount of joy I haven’t felt since I watched you walk down the aisle at our wedding…” Kurt told him happily, setting the device aside and hugging his husband. He pressed gentle kisses to his face and smiled as he heard him laugh softly, the mood lightening up substantially. “It doesn’t matter to me what we do in the future, I'm just happy we’ll be bringing a baby into our life.”
    “It certainly makes me feel better knowing you took the news well, I didn’t know how you would’ve reacted…” Bisuke smiled, kissing his partner’s lips gently.
    “As I mentioned, you’re the love of my life, and this was the best surprise I could’ve ever gotten. I love you so much…”
    “I love you too…”


The first two months or so were smooth sailing.

It wasn’t until he started showing was when things started getting difficult. Bisuke has always been tiny for his age, not just with height but with weight as well. So when some other court members, ones that didn’t think too kindly of our beloved little jester, noticed that he was getting a little tummy, the horrible comments and rumors started. It started out as members calling him a little pig and snorting at him to him being referred to as a fat little whore.
    “No one will love you if you put on weight.”
    “Go on a diet.”
    “Eat a salad.” All around, just not nice words. With hormones being all over the place, but Bisuke not wanting to show how the gossip was getting to him, he did his best to stay stoic. The only time he broke was when he was alone. He didn’t want to bring Kurt into the drama, he had a kingdom to run-
    “Bisuke.” Kurt’s deep voice boomed through the Central Arena, every court member stopping what they were doing. “Throne room, now.” God he hated when he used the Emperor voice on him…

Court members snickered and whispered among themselves as the jester walked up the steps, saying that ‘the pig is getting slaughtered.’ Grey eyes rolled as he walked behind Kurt towards the throne room, the couple stepping inside.
    “Why didn’t you tell me?” He sounded hurt and pissed off all around, arms crossed over his toned chest in slim patience.
    “Because their opinions and rumors mean nothing to me…” The teen answered, hands on his hips as he stared up at him.
    “That doesn’t make it okay for them to treat you the way they have been,”
    “What does it matter? I’m fine and so is the baby.” The small hands left his sides and came to his stomach, giving it small pats.

Kurt grit his teeth and grumbled, kneeling down as his large hands came to the slightly pudgy belly, the belly that held their baby. Their bundle of joy…
    “I swear, I’m going to end up beating someone’s ass for making fun of you…” The Emperor mumbled, feeling the warmth that his partner’s stomach held. Bisuke smiled and brushed some stray strands of his husband’s hair back into place, kissing his cheek happily.
    “I love you so much, thank you for caring.”
    “I’m your husband, I’m supposed to care.”
    “Yeah, I know.” The couple sat together for a moment, taking the chance to be by themselves for a moment as Kurt kept a hand to Bisuke’s tummy.
    “I’ll still talk to the members of the court, I don’t take too kindly to rumors.”
    “Whatever spins your bey, sire.”~

NightBear15 signing off…

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