Astraphobia... (Naoki Minamo x Jin Aizawa)

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Jin isn't one to get spooked easily. It's just in his personality. But there was only one thing that could actually scare him.


Even growing up, he was afraid of it. It's loud, it's unexpecting, and he hates the way it shakes things. And currently, a really big thunderstorm is raging outside right now.

The black-haired male curled into himself as he laid on the couch. His parents were away for business, so he has to face this storm by himself in a dark and empty house.

He shivered, the blanket laying over him not providing much comfort or warmth in his opinion. Every time he heard thunder, he would flinch and curl into himself a little more. Not even his 323 guardian spirits could help him with this.

The room lit up again, a loud boom replacing it shortly after. Jin squeaked quietly, whimpering after as tears started to fill his bright green eyes. If only his best friend, who is also his boyfriend, was here...

He shot up at the idea, checking his pockets for his phone. Nothing. On the couch or the coffee table? Not there either. His room? The only other logical place. He got up, wrapping the blanket around his shoulders as he stumbled along the wooden floor to his room.

He grabbed his phone from his bedside table, turning it on to glance at the time. Almost midnight... Naoki would still be up at this time... Right? The black-haired male moved out of his room and back into the living room. Thunder sounded once more, causing him to tuck his face into the pile of blanket in his hand.

God, he hated this so fucking much... He sat on the edge of the couch, turning his phone on and unlocking it, moving to his contacts. An incredibly loud crack of thunder sounded suddenly, making Jin cry out and fall off the couch.

He collapsed to the floor in a heap, his phone hitting the floor next to him and scaring him even more. He scrambled to his feet, turning on his heel run back to his room, only to trip and hit the ground. He gripped his phone and the blanket in his hands, pressing his back to the wall and pulling his knees to his chest.

The small male unlocked his phone again, tears pouring down his cheeks as he tapped Naoki's contact, holding the device to his ear. It gave a couple soft rings before a click sounded, the tired voice of his boyfriend filling his ear.
       "Jin...? It's midnight... Why are you calling...?" Naoki asked tiredly, yawning. Jin whimpered, a small sob escaping his lips and catching the attention of the young scientist.

Naoki sat up in bed, concern filling his chest when he heard him sob.
        "Jin, baby, what's wrong?" He asked, his voice laced with concern and anxiety for the smaller male. "Where are you? Are you ok?"  
        "N-Naoki... I-I'm scared..." Jin cried softly, his tears dripping off his cheeks and onto the blanket.
        "What's wrong?" Naoki asked again, changing into some jeans at the moment. Thunder sounded at that moment, a louder whimper cutting through the phone.

The teenage scientist finally understood what his lover was afraid of.
        "Oh Jin... I didn't know you were afraid of thunder..." He threw on a hoodie, walking out of his room.
        "P-please... I-I need you..." The black-haired male whimpered, shaking with force. "C-come over... I'm alone..."
        "I'm on my way out the door now." Naoki said, grabbing his keys. "I'll be there as soon as I can." The call suddenly ended, which made him rush out the door and into the rain.


Jin shivered, forcing himself to stand and move back into the living room. It was just short of one in the morning, a little under an hour since he talked to Naoki. He hasn't heard from him since, making him fear that he was lost in the rain.

Fearful thoughts clouded his mind, but he snapped out of them when a knock sounded on the front door. The bright green-eyed male stumbled to the door, unlocking it and pulling it open.

Standing there, clothes drenched and sticking to his skin, his hair covering most of his orange eyes, was Naoki, panting heavily.
         "O-oh God... Naoki, I-I didn't think you would run here..." Jin said softly, his fear forgotten for a moment as he pulled his boyfriend into his house, closing and locking the door once more.
Naoki fought to catch his breath, shaking from his cold, wet clothes. Jin went to grab him a towel, the taller blader dropping to his knee.
         "W-why the hell did you run here...?" Jin asked softly, draping the towel across his lover's shoulders.
         "You... Y-you were scared..." Naoki huffed, still fighting for his breath. Jin smiled softly, his hand coming up to rub the tears off his cheeks and out of his eyes. 
        "You're so sweet..." He said softly, running his fingers through Naoki's wet hair. Orange eyes met green, the young scientist smiling softly and shivering again.
        "I-I need a shower..." He said, pulling off his soaked through hoodie.
        "Go ahead... I'll grab the spare clothes you keep here..." Naoki dropped his hoodie to the floor, his shirt with it as he grabbed onto Jin to pull himself up. He gave him a quick kiss before making his way into the bathroom.

Jin walked into his room, grabbing Naoki's spare clothes from the dresser. Lightening flashed outside and thunder followed, making him jump and squeak. He was suddenly aware of the storm outside once again, and he shuddered. He walked into the bathroom and sat the clothes on the sink.
         "I-I'll be in my room when you're done..." Jin said, stumbling back to his room when he heard a soft 'ok' from the taller male.


Fifteen minutes later, Naoki stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in dry clothes. He walked into Jin's room, finding him curled up on his bed, shivering and whimpering. He frowned, closing his bedroom door behind him and walking over to his bed, laying down next to him and pulling him into his arms.

The sudden contact made the black-haired male jump and cry out slightly, fighting against him.
        "Hey. Jin, it's just me..." He heard Naoki say softly, making him relax almost instantly. He moved around in his lover's arms so he could face him, pressing his face into his chest. A muffled squeak escaped his lips when thunder boomed again, his hands curling tightly into the fabric of Naoki's shirt.

The teenage scientist held him close, planting a soft kiss on his terrified boyfriend's head.
         "You're alright... As long as I'm here, nothing will happen to you..." He whispered, nuzzling him softly. Jin moved his head, bright green meeting orange.
         "P-promise...?" He asked, his voice cracking slightly with tears streaming his cheeks.
         "Promise..." Naoki said, giving a soft smile. He pressed their lips together to seal the promise, pulling away after a few seconds.

They laid there, Naoki holding the smaller male as Jin kept his head on his chest, snoring softly. He was finally able to sleep knowing he had someone with him, not even stirring once when the thunder sounded. Naoki pressed a kiss to his forehead, pulling him closer as his eyes slipped closed, introducing him to the void known as sleep...

Look it here! Another Jioki story! XD

Don't worry Lilyeclipse93, you're request for Shu X Valt is the next thing I'm gonna write! It'll be posted soon!

I'll take requests, but it'll be a bit before finishing them. I still have five other stories I need to finish writing. But don't be shy!

NightBear15 signing off...

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