Live Together (Ch. 64)

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"So!" Ms. Kang mumbled her food as she speaks, "When are you guys going to have your wedding?"


"In 2 or 3 months I hope." Taehyung spoke on with a smile as he ate on.

"That's a lot early than I thought. Are you guys already planning it? Where it's going to be and all?" Ms. Choi showed her interest.

"We're going to start thinking and giving each other ideas when we have time. Maybe on the weekend." He looked at me with a smile as he pats my head, "Even deciding if we're going to have kids-"

"Mph!" I started choke on my drink by his unexpected words.

"Are you alright, Ms. Yim?" Ms. Choi started to offer me water as Taehyung took it politely to offer to me.

"Y-Yeah.." I drank as I cleared my throat on the way, "I'm alright now. Haha..." I glanced over to see him smiling and laughing a bit. Trying to regain his composure as he hid his face. "You..."


*outside the restaurant*

"Ah~ I feel so full!" Ms. Kang stretched her arms out as she breathed in the air, "Mr. Kim! Thank you for treating us! Next time let us treat and that we ACTUALLY pay you this time!" She bowed as she thanked him as well as Ms. Choi. "Well... me and Ms. Choi will be off! See you!" They both waved off the final goodbye as went on ahead for a taxi.

"Should we head home now?" Mr. Kim leaned over to me so we could keep eye contact. "Let's go." He smiled as he took my hand to lead me to his car.

"Should I already call your place my home? I completely forgot I even have my own apartment."

"Well you have been adjusting your home life to my own home but I like it. I get to see you everytime I wake up. Don't you?"

"I do like it a lot... as well."

"Then... Y/N."


"Move in with me."

"What?" I stopped before he could drag me on, "You want me to move in with you?"

"Yes... is there a problem about that? You don't want to?" He started to feel sad as he frowned looking at me.

"N-No! I don't mean I don't like it! I was just a bit startled that you said that. In fact, I would actually love to move in with you.... but..."

"But what..?"

"We need to sort out things like the bills... we need to split! How much money will that need..."

"Y/N." He started to hold on to my hands with a grip, "We'll worry about that in the future. I can handle it on my own."


"I just want you to move in with me. I want to be with you together and forever Y/N so in final. Will you live with me?"

"I'll go with it for now... but in the future later-"

"I know. Like I said. Leave it to me for now. Hmm?" I nodded with a smile. "Good. Now then, let's head home."



"In the future I want to say that 'I'm home' to someone that I can go to. Isn't it nice like that?"

"Mhmm!" I chuckled, "You're already thinking ahead for our future, Taehyung! I'm happy!" He hugged me behind as he snuggled hus face.

"I love you, Y/N... I really do... so let's get married soon already..." His voice sounded eager. "I don't want to rush things but I already want to make you fully mine forever..."

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