Losing Her

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Everyone stared at Thyme and Malai in shock until Jane opened her mouth and exclaimed,"Thyme has been attacked by Malai! Thyme has been attacked by Malai!"

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Everyone stared at Thyme and Malai in shock until Jane opened her mouth and exclaimed,"Thyme has been attacked by Malai! Thyme has been attacked by Malai!"

This seemed to snap everyone out of it because suddenly, lots of students were shouting and pulling out their cell phones.

"Record this." Jane demanded her minions and they pulled out their phones too.

"Can we?"

"Sure we can, just hit record."

"Students, what are you doing?" A teacher started walking up to them.

Kavin and MJ looked at Malai and gestured for her to stand up and run, Ren just stood there, amused.

Malai nodded and get off Thyme, running over to Gorya and grabbing her hand, pulling her along with her as they both ran away.

[ Malai has gone insane.]

[ I always knew something was wrong with her, look at her back round. ]

[ I know! How dare she! She should be arrested, this is assault. ]

[ She wont, her 'parents' will cover it up even if she isn't really their kid. ]

[ That's dumb, she deserves what's coming for her that's 10 times worse. ]

[ Yeah and Gorya does too, she must be the reason Malai went crazy. ]

[ You're done Malai. ]

Someone zoomed in, recording Malai getting scolded by a teacher for what she had done.

[ Serves her right, the F4 is better off without her.]

[ Getting expelled is a punishment too small for what she did.]

[ Poor Thyme. How could she! ]

[ How are the F4 doing? They thought she was there friend so they must be upset.]


[Bunny: That was so awesome, I can't stop watching it.]

Malai frowned at her phone before texting back.

[ Kavin, I swear if you don't stop talking about it, I'm breaking your glasses.]

[Bunny: You use that threat too much, that's why I have extra pairs besides, MJ and Ren agree with me. Thyme deserved it.]

[ Just let it go please, this is not funny.]

[ Bunny: Fine...but I'm still showing off the video on my next date, bye now.]

"Kavin, I'm going to kill you-" She was cut off, mid rant when three man ran up and grabbed her, "Hey! Let me go!" the ignored her and put a black sack over her head, but not before she saw Thyme in the back of a black van.

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