Don't Leave Me

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"Let me go, let me go!" Malai struggled against the girls holding her, some refused to step in, afraid of Malai's family getting them in trouble, but didn't stop the group either

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"Let me go, let me go!" Malai struggled against the girls holding her, some refused to step in, afraid of Malai's family getting them in trouble, but didn't stop the group either.

"Keep watch, I'm going to go hard on her today," Jane grinned,"She has been getting on my nerves for years." She grabbed a fist full of Malai's hair, yanking her head up.


[ Malai got the red card again! ]

[ No kidding, are you serious ]

[ I'm staying out of this, I don't want the F4 coming after me ]

[ Thyme gave the green light, he wants us to get back at her ]

[ I'm doing it ]

[ She deserves it ]

[ Let's get her back for tricking them all these years ]

"Let's have a look," Jane held up Malai's school bag,"What's in here," She dumped everything on the floor and saw a picture of Malai and Thyme, Thyme wore wolf ears while Malai wore cat ears, both grinning at the camera,"You are so shameless." She picked the picture up.

"Let that go!" Malai fought harder and glared at Jane.

"You hurt Thyme and yet you show off this picture to make it seem you are better then us." Jane showed the picture around the room before ripping it in half.

All Malai could do was stare at the torn picture while Jane pulled out a Kanings car keys,"Hmm, this doesn't seem like the right key for your car," She feigned confusion,"Kaning?"

"No! That's my friends motorcycle." They could do anything they wanted to Malai's stuff but she didn't want them messing with her friends.

Jane faked a smile and leaned close to Malai's face,"I feel bad for her, being friends with a weed like you but," She paused and slapped Malai,"Do I care? Bow!" She tossed the keys to her.

"Give those back!" Malai felt tears appear in her eyes as Bow threw the keys to another person,"Let go of me!"

Malai broke away and ran after the student who took the key, Por and his friends running after her.

[ Find the bike Malai took to school ]

[ This is going to be good ]

[ The boys aren't here to save her now ]

"Stop! It's not mine, please, stop!" Her pleas were ignored, the students kept it away from her, laughing as they ran, Malai pulled out her phone and her stomach dropped when she saw pictures of Kanings motorcycle in the chat,"No!" She ran again.

She knew how hard Kaning worked to get the motorcycle, how proud she was that she had bought her on her own, her smile shining so bright when she showed it off to her and Gorya, there was no way Malai was letting them ruin it.

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