Could Be Something

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Malai pulled up a chair and sat down, looking as Busaba and Sanchai,"What's going on, Auntie?"

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Malai pulled up a chair and sat down, looking as Busaba and Sanchai,"What's going on, Auntie?"

Busaba sighed,"I might as well tell you about it, you might be able to help."

Sanchai looked at her,"Dear-"

Busaba reached for a paper on the couch,smacking his arm,"Huh?"


She handed it to Malai and she took it,"Your uncle took a loan from this flier," Malai looked at it in shock and horror,"This loan shark flier is usually left on a bicycle, he was caught because Glakao and Gorya found the flier, but it's too late."

Malai slumped in her chair and Gorya crossed her arms from where she was sitting on the floor next to Glakao.

"Recently, the loan shark went to your uncle's workplace to collect, he said if we didn't pay in interest, he'd come to our house."

"Why did you have to take out the loan?" Malai demanded, if they needed help, Malai would have given them the money they needed,"You guys paid the rent and tuition fees."

"Your grandfather is sick," Sanchai sighed,"He borrowed some money from me, I'll get the money in two weeks but they changed the date of the payment, it's extortion."

"How could you trust loan sharks?" Busaba demanded,"You know they're mafias."

"They're easy to talk to."

"All right, you got the loan, nothing we can do about that," Malai looked at the paper again,"I'll see if one of our lawyers can get you out of this but if not, I'll help out, how much do you owe them?"

"35,000 baht." Sanchai said, sheepishly.

"Huh?" Gorya looked at him,"35,000? Dad you didn't tell-"

"Gorya, it's going to be okay." Malai soothed her,"If the lawyer can't get you out of this then I'll take care of it."

Busaba looked at her,"Malai, are you sure?"

She nodded,"Yes, you have done so much for me, let me do this." She sounded way more confident than she felt and looked back done at the flier, worried.


"So, you can't do anything about it?" Malai asked as she pulled up to the club the loan sharks owned.

"Sorry, Miss Malai, but it's an air tight agreement."

Malai sighed,"Alright," She rubbed her forehead,"I'll figure this out, thank you for trying."

"Please be careful Miss Malai."

"I will," She hung up the phone and looked at the door. Gorya wanted to come but Malai put her foot down and promised she would be okay, she was wondering if she was telling the truth.

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