Things Are Changing

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Malai laid face down on Gorya's families dinner table, not even looking up when they turned on the TV to watch the drama,'Flower Over Boy

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Malai laid face down on Gorya's families dinner table, not even looking up when they turned on the TV to watch the drama,'Flower Over Boy.'

Gorya lifted Malai's head up and fed her some breakfast before letting her best friends head fall back onto the table.

"She talks a big game, but she'll end up with him." Gorya's mom Busaba declared,"They have known each other for so long, of course they love each other."

Malai winced as Glakao asked,"They had a big fight, how can they end up together?"

"Well, if you want a classic trope, two child hood friends fall in love after a fall and kiss." Their father, Sanchai answered.

"That's just something that happens on TV." Gorya answered nervously, rubbing Malai's back.

"Like it's an accidental kiss."

"There's nothing accidental about it." Busaba said,"You can see it on their faces that they had always been in love and the kiss made them realize, see?"

"Right, the fall is just an excuse." Sanchai agreed and Malai covered her ears,"What are the chances of someone falling on top of someone and their mouths touching."

"It can happen." Gorya defended, looking at Malai from the corner of her eye.

"Oh, Gorya, there's no way."

"Speaking of which." The TV began to show the fall.

"Oh, the golden moment."

"There you go."

Malai lifted her head slowly and flinched at the sight of the TV, hiding her face in Gorya's arm so she wouldn't die of embarrassment as the memories of last night flashed through her mind. Glakao and her aunt and uncle didn't notice Malai's dilemma and kept cheering.

"See, it's intentional."

"It's not intentional!" Malai snapped and ran up to Gorya's room to hide, screaming.

"She's into it way too much." Glakao went back to eating.

"Oh, shut up Glakao." Gorya got up and followed after Malai.


"It's intentional," Thyme declared smugly while he, MJ, and Kavin sat around his pool,"Malai always intended to kiss me." He giggled again and opened his yogurt.

MJ, who was laying on a unicorn floaty, sat up and watched Thyme eat,"He seems to enjoy the yogurt way too much."

"I agree." Kavin rolled his eyes and shook his head. The only reason he and Thyme pretty much made up was because of Malai calling him that night and threatening to show all the girls at school his embarrassing pictures.

"Oi," MJ threw a ball at him,"It's all over your mouth, you're a messy eater, Thyme. You know Malai always scolded you about that."

Thyme used his finger to wipe his mouth and closed his eyes, remembering how Malai's soft lips felt against his.

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