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Malai just stood in the doorway, not being able to move or say anything while she stared at Roselyn, Malai knew she would confront her but she didn't want it to be in front of her family

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Malai just stood in the doorway, not being able to move or say anything while she stared at Roselyn, Malai knew she would confront her but she didn't want it to be in front of her family.

She glanced at them and saw that they were all watching her, nervously, her uncle trying to attempt to smile to assure her but it wasn't working.

After a few more awkward moments and walked forward,"Good morning, Ms. Roselyn." She said and wai'd.

Roselyn just stared at Malai like she was a bug under her shoe.

"Ms. Roselyn, our Malai looks lovely today -" Sanchai began, trying to break the silence.

"Yes, Malai looks lovely every day, right?" Roselyn said, no emotion in her tone or on her face.

"... Right." He turned to Malai, his hands shaking,"Malai, isn't it nice that Ms.Roselyn came to visit us?"

"Yes, it is.." Malai said, her face blank, and Gorya and Glakao watched her, worried,"What is the reason for your visit?"

"Hmm." Roselyn looked around the apartment, avoiding the question for now,"Malai, you love this family, right? How can you let them live like this?" She asked, fake concern in her tone,"This house is so small, and it smells so stale and moldy, don't you feel concerned -"

Gorya clenched her fists and opened her mouth to speak when Malai beat her to it.

"I think that you should get to the point of your visit, Ms. Roselyn, I know you want something, no need for this fake concern."

Roselyn looked at her, feeling slightly impressed,"Malai, you must want them to have a better life and one for yourself, right? That's why, all this time, you've been trying to take advantage of my son."

Busaba and Sanchai stared at Roselyn in shock, Gorya clenched her teeth, and Glakao looked worried.

"My poor son should not be associating himself with this sort of thing, and definitely not be with a girl who tricked him all his life," Roselyn stared at Malai, coldly and she just stared back, not flinching," He deserves someone of his statues, so I'm here to ask you briefly, how much would it take for you to tell my son to stop this fantasy that you two can be together." She didn't want Malai out of his life fully, she needed her parents help to keep her company growing,"People like you still love money and social statues right, I can give it to you."

Gorya slapped her hand on the table, and Malai shot her a look, begging her not to say anything, so Gorya crossed her arm, keeping her mouth shut for now.

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