Chapter Fourteen: IT'S ALIVE!!!

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On another note... I'M ALIVE!!!! I know, I know, it's been a while, BUT- I'm feeling so much better this week! So enjoy!

You arrived at your house with your precious cargo, and backed into your garage. Mike parked in your driveway in front of the garage door. You cut the engine and hopped out as Mike was entering your garage. You leaned into your truck and hit the garage door button.

You and Mike watched idly as the garage door closed at a snail's pace. As soon as it was closed, you rushed over to the bed of your truck and opened the tailgate. Mike stood next to the bed as you climbed up and slowly pulled the tarp off of Springs.

He looked worse for wear. Not only the missing casing you remembered seeing last night, but he had numerous rips and red splotches on the outside of the suit, and he also had mud on his back from laying down on the ground.

You could feel Mike's eyes on you. "So, what's the big secret?" You took in a shaky breath. "Well.... It's easier to show you than tell you." You heaved Springs' body up into a sitting position, and sat down on front of him. You looked at Mike, who was eyeing you warily.

Your voice was quiet. "Springs, you there?" You didn't see movement, or hear the telltale click of his joints. His eyes were open wide; lifeless. Is he dead? Can robots die? You gently touched his limp hand. "Springs?"

You looked back at Mike again. He was frowning deeply. You bristled. "Look, I'm not crazy. Just... trust me." And all at once, there was movement. There was sound.

You whipped your head around to see Springs fully sat up, and his jaw hinge clicking open and closed, but no sound emerged, although he didn't even have a jaw anymore. Then you remembered. "Oh! Lemme help you there." You grabbed the fixed and cleaned voice box out of your glovebox in your truck, grabbed a screwdriver from a nearby toolbox, and got to work.

You screwed his voice box into his endo, and rewired his jaw at a lightning pace. You sat back to admire your work, and that's when you noticed it. Springs' eyes were narrowed, but not at you. You turned to see what he was looking at, and saw Mike, face completely devoid of colour, looking at the animatronic in unmasked fear.

Your face morphed into confusion. "Springs, what's wrong?" Springs' eyes flitted over to you then back to Mike. you began to hear a static, that skipped and glitched, then it was gone. "Michael...." A smooth voice emerged from Springs. Mike (Michael?) froze and you briefly saw a look cross his face, before it was replaced with anger. Mike stepped closer from his position he had backed into. "How.... How do you know my name?" The robot rolled his eyes like it was common knowledge. "William told me." Mike paled once more. "How do you know my father?!? He's been missing for 30 years!"

Now it was your turn to freeze. How did Mike look so young if he was more than 30 years old? He couldn't have been more then 25. But, the more concerning thing was, how did Springs know Mike, and Mike's dad was WILLIAM?!?!?! The MURDERER?!?!?

Now it was turn to have the blood drain out of your face. In a voice barely over a whisper, you turn to Mike and ask, "Is it true, Mike? Your dad was William Afton?" Mike turns to you, his face hidden by apathy, and responds. "Yeah, he wasn't much of a dad. He really fucked up my life, and his creations are what took a fucking chunk out of my skull."

He was sneering now. "You know who did it, (Y/N)? You know who bit me?" His eyes were crazed now. You gulped and shook your head no. "It was FUCKING FOXY WHO BIT ME!! I ADORED HIM SO MUCH and for what? For me to lose my frontal lobe?"

He was quiet now, and a deep frown adorned his face once more. You took a deep breath. "I'm so sorry Mike. I really am. I don't really understand what you went through, but I'm sorry."

Mike looked up at you. "It's alright, (Y/N)." Then he turned to Springs, who you just now noticed had his fingers intertwined with yours. "Is that you, dad? I had a feeling you died in the suit, but could never prove it." Springs' eyes drooped.

"No, he's long gone, I tore him out of the suit piece by piece and burned him with the rest of the building." Mike's eyes widened. "It was you who set Fazbear's on fire? But, who are you? Did you also die in the suit?"

Springs made a sound akin to sighing. "I am me. Nothing more, nothing less." Mike's jaw dropped, much like yours at the realization. "YOU'RE the robot!? You're not a spirit?" Springs leaned forwards, and he readjusted his hand in yours. "I've always been alive, from the moment I was first turned on."

You took the silence as the perfect opportunity to interject. "It's a good reason he was destroyed though. Do you have any idea what he did? What those kids went through? What SPRINGS went through? He had to watch idly as each and every one of those poor children were brutally murdered."

Mike rubbed his scar, looking ashamed. "I have an idea of what he did, but I was so young back then. Either way, he's not the only one with blood on his hands. My.... My brother was killed by Fredbear, after me and my friends put his head in his mouth..."

You gaped at the confession. "I don't even know why I'm telling you this, telling you won't bring him back, but if you know about my father it's fair you know about me."

You smiled sadly. "Like you said, you were so young, so there's no way you could have known what would happen. I don't think you did it to hurt him, so you're not like William." His name dripped with malice as you uttered it.

There was a long silence, with Mike and Springs noticeably eyeing each other up, although you didn't understand why. You felt they would be fine together, so you rushed into your house to find your tape measure. By the time you came back, Mike and his car were gone. You asked Springs where he went, but he just shrugged and said Mike had a job interview. You clapped your hands together.

Now, to make a new animatronic suit?

OH MY GOD GUYS, MY MOTIVATION IS BACK, I WANT TO DO SO MUCH!!! Stay tuned for next chapter!! Bye guys!! -Serif

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