Chapter Sixteen: To Make a Suit

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That's how you ended up at the crafts store, looking for the plushest, thickest felt or velvet fabric to craft a new suit. You already had a large amount of sheet metal and metal bars about the thickness of Springs' fingers in your truck. You came across a sunflower-coloured fabric, and right next to it, a faux-fur fabric a little darker in colour that had tufts about an inch long. Perfect.

You weren't sure how much you would need, so you grabbed the whole roll. You would make Springs his new suit before he could come in the house. You definitely didn't want the smell of rotting corpse to linger around your house. You hauled your finds into your passenger seat and headed off towards home.

When you pressed your garage opener button, you were met with a hilarious sight. Springs' was sitting on the floor, and all your old Pokémon cards were spread out, and he was looking at each one in fascination. He glanced up when your pulled your truck into the garage, but immediately went back to the collection.

You hopped out of your truck, and began loading everything onto your workshop table. "Do you like those cards?" He looked up at you with a certain fondness in his eyes. "The older kids at birthday parties would bring these and trade them. It was fun to see them get excited for a card they've always wanted." You smiled at him. So he does have a soul. "Well, if you like them that much, you can keep them. I don't use them anymore." Springs looked shocked. "Really? You're going to just give them to me?" You nodded.

"Now, its time for the most important project of my life. I have to use those measurements to get it juuuust-" You saw a large piece of paper on your circular saw table. You stepped closer to read it, and your jaw dropped. The sheet of paper was covered in measurements, electronic components, and part dimensions. At the top was a very neat cursive name. 'Spring Bonnie'. You turned to Springs, who was watching you silently. "You... You did this?" He shrugged. "It would take hours of guesswork and mistakes to get everything right, so I made instructions."

You peered over the sheet again. "Wow..." It had everything, from his eye construction to his internal microphone to his finger joints. But then you saw something weird. 'Touch Sensors'. You turned to Springs. "You can feel?" He nodded. You internally fangirled. "You realize not even the robots of the 21st century can feel when humans touch them, right?" His eyes widened, but not at your realization. "Twenty... First... Century? What is that?" You gasped, then it was your turn to widen your eyes. You wanted to know. "Springs, what year is it?" He began to mutter and count on missing fingers.

"It can't be later than 1999, right?" You gaped like a fish. "....Right?" You snapped your jaw closed. Oh, how to tell him. "Springs, the year is 2023." He froze, and if he had a jaw still you knew it would be on the floor. Speaking of jaws..... "Your jaw is an odd shape and I have no clue what your teeth are made of, so it will be the most difficult part. It looks like you didn't include it on your schematics." He laughed, a smooth sound that made you feel something other than fear. "You don't need to rebuild it, I have it right here. You turned to see him reach his hand into his chest cavity, producing his intact jaw. You noted a few claw marks tearing through the fabric, but that's okay because you will be replacing all of the fabric.

You looked over the schematics another time, and that's when you began to notice something weird. You looked back to Springs. "Hey Springs? What are life sensors, heat source tracking, and....... night vision used for?" He looked away, and didn't answer for a little bit. "They're...... additions that William included in secret when I was built."

"Wait, William built you?! So," you thought about it. It made sense. "Do you think he built you to lure the children?" Springs drummed his intact fingers on his thigh. "Possibly... but I know Henry wanted me to be a entertainer, a backup singer. A little while after Henry...... committed suicide, William took over the business and modified my suit, I was the first springlock suit."

You weren't sure how to respond to that, but you could tell Springs needed a subject change. You stepped over to your work table and began pulling the rolls of fabric out of the shopping bag. You turned back to present them to Springs, but jumped, clutching your chest because he was right behind you. He narrowed his eyes at you in a questioning glare. "How did you know what colour I was?" He took the fabric from your hands, focusing on the rolls. "You got almost the exact colour, just a few hexadecimals off. How?"

"I- Um... you see, the reason I reached you so fast is because I had a.... dream about youandwhathappenedtothekidsimsorry!" Springs' face went blank, and as he processed what you said, his eyes widened. "You what!? You dreamed about the kids? How?" You shrugged. He grabbed your shoulders, and you could feel how bad he was trembling. "Tell me... Please tell me what you saw."

So you recounted the dream and everything you saw, and felt it was necessary to tell him about the part with William, and what he said. Then, once you told him about William bursting into flames and the kids dragging him off, he sat back down with a thud.

"How did William reach you, I'm wondering," Springs muttered. "He was tied to me, and the night you had the dream is when I separated us. But I guess him lighting on fire makes sense." You wondered what that look meant, it looked like he was reliving something.

"Well anyway, let's see how we're gonna build that suit." You said, but gaped as Springs began tearing off his outer shell, fabric and all. You blushed a little at the boldness of it and turned away to give him some privacy, even though it looked like he didn't care.

Yo yo Springtrap has no modesty huh? Let's see how that affects him living with the reader 😏

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2023 ⏰

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