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Matt doesn't hesitate to take the name tag from Carly Beth's hand

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Matt doesn't hesitate to take the name tag from Carly Beth's hand. He holds it up in front of his face, studying it closely. Angie peers over his shoulder. "Byron was here," he said.

"Maybe he left it for us to find," Billy tried to rationalize. "He wants us to find him and rescue him."

Sheena puts her hands on her hips. "But where do we go next?"

Behind me, the pigeons rustled inside their cages. I jump back in surprise, staring at them with wide eyes. They began to warble, almost as if it was out of excitement.

"Did he leave a note behind?" I asked. "Maybe it would tell us where he is."

Andy scans the room, his blue eyes narrowed as he scrutinizes every surface. He was the tallest out of the whole group, so he was able to see things that everyone else couldn't. "Not that I can tell," he said.

"Wait. You're right Juliet, there is something else," Carly Beth realizes. She grabs a folded piece of paper that just barely stuck out from the bottom shelf.

I turn to Andy. "See, I knew there must have been something else here," I teased. My boyfriend playfully rolls his eyes in response.

"Careful," Sabrina warns Carly Beth as she starts to unfold the yellowing sheet of paper. "It looks very old."

Carly Beth nods. It crinkles as she unfolds it. She holds it up and gasps. "It must be an old park guide," she said. "Look!"

Matt looked over her shoulder. His eyes widen. "I don't believe it!" he cried. "Check it out!"

I carefully take the page from Carly Beth's hands and study the drawing. It was a detailed sketch of a white carousel. Red and white flames shot off of the carousel horses. "Wait..." I muttered.

Sheena makes the realization as soon as I do. "It's the carousel! The same one I saw Britney and Molly riding!"

Billy narrows his eyes. "But it looks really old," he said.

"Can I see that?" Carly Beth asks. I nod. She peers down at the page. "There's a sign next to the carousel," she said. "The page is torn, but I think I can make it out."

After a moment, she reads the sign that was printed on the page out loud. "'Ride the Wheel of Fire! It's Smokin' Hot!'"

"I bet Byron left that for us too," Matt said excitedly. "He wants us to find this ride. He knows that Britney and Molly are there."

Sabrina nodded. "It should be easy enough to find."

I exchanged a glance with Andy. Did I really want to do this? Admittedly, yes. Even if I put myself at risk, I have to make sure these young teens are safe. It's the right thing to do.

"We have to go," I decided. "Now."

Sheena nods. "Juliet's right. Let's go. Those girls could be in real danger." She pushes past us and strode back into the hall. Despite the scare she had earlier, I could tell that Sheena was determined.

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