▪︎Gilan: Don't shoot! Part 1▪︎

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I dragged myself into an abandoned alley.

Of course Carvel wasn't pleased with my kill. He never is.

And because of that I suffered a kick to the stomach. Which didn't feel nice.

I slumped down against the cold stone ground. Setting my bow aside, I sighed and closed my eyes. Waiting for the pain to subside.

I'd get him back for this.



I woke to the dim light of dawn. I blinked and took a deep breath. My stomach still hurt alot. I grumbled and stretched my sore arms above my head.

I really need to quit sleeping in Tavern alleyways. I should at least upgrade to the Eaterey alley a few blocks away.

Finding my crossbow, I stood up and made my way inside the tavern.

The old door creaked as I opened it, signaling my arrival. Everyone knew I frequented the taverns here, but I never drank more then a half pint. It made me feel gross.

The real reason I frequent this place, is for work. And not the kind you might be thinking.

I strode up to a table, a younger man in shiney armour sat there. A tankerd ever present in his hand.

He took a mouthful as I sat across from him.

He was one of the main buyers. For my skills.

"Anything today?" I whisperd quickly. I was a bit rushed today. My older sister was getting married and she didn't have enough wedding funds. So I told her I'd help out. But of course, she had no clue what work I participated in.

"Yes, but you couldn't do it anyway" he said cockily. A scowl came to my face.

"Try me Ferin" I hissed. I was up for anything if ment helping my sister. She raised me from four years old. I needed to thank her over and over again for everything she's done for me.

"This one's really hard~ he sang in his annoying voice.

"Get on with it you big nit wit" I threatened. I glared at his dumb arrogant face until he relented.

"He lives in the forest, names Gilan. You know him?" He asked.

I racked my brain for the name. It rang a bell.

"He lives in the forest?" I spoke to myself. Not many people even dare to go in let alone live there. I wanted to know why...

"He's one of them ranger folk who work for that insufferable King Duncan fellow".

There it is. My answer.

"A ranger you say?" I repeated. I decided to ignore the fact that he had just slandered the King of Araluen.

"One of the best out there according to the sentries I work with" he muttered.

The best huh?

"What has the poor thing done to get on your bad side?" I smirked.

"He's been chasing me off the Barons private hunting grounds. The forest is dry of deer at the moment and me my buddies need to eat well you know-"

"Thats it?!? You want me to risk my life to kill a ranger so you and your "buddies" I air quoted. "Can stuff your greedy pie holes!?!?" I whisper shouted.

He frowned at me for a bit.

"Well when you put it that way-"

"How much?"

"What?" He asked dumbfounded.

I sighed angrily.

"How much for the job?" I demanded.

Ferin smirked. "You are devious".


I ended up leaving the tavern with half the money for the job. I'd get the other half once I actually killed the guy.

I grimaced, it was a lot of money. But would it be worth the risk?

I pondered it all the way home.


Hello! I hope you enjoyed this part! I'll hopefully update it tomorrow.

I got a ton of inspiration to make a book like this from my good friend HeelsAreCute

Please give her books lots of love! She's really good and won't disappoint you!

Have a great week!

The Author~

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