○Horace: You gonna eat that? Part 1○

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After two years of training, I finally get my own mission without my mentor Pauline accompanying me. Or picking her star student Alyss.

But I did have an escort.

I walked over the cobblestone ground to the stablehand readying my horse.

I smiled as I reached them. My beautiful white horse Eve nuzzeld my hands as I pet her soft nose.

Walking round to her sadle, I heaved my bag of documents off my shoulder and attached it to the saddle.

I opened the bag and pulled out my belt, which held my dagger and letter opener.

I fastend it around my waist and tugged it tight.

I smoothed my blue and white courtiers uniform and turned around to see a knight walking in my direction.

Must be my escort...

To be honest I wasn't too pleased about having one. I've proven to Pauline time and time again that I'm capable of handling myself.

But I'm not Alyss.

I turned my head away from him. Not wanting to accept what was inevitable.

The stablehand brought out a huge battlehorse...he lead it right beside mine.

"You two come back safe now alright?" Said the stablehand as the knight came up.

"I'll make sure of it sir" he said.

I glanced at him, he looked my age. He smiled to the Stablehand and took his horses reigns from him.

He then turned to me.

"You must be Y/N, I'm Horace. Your escort" he introduced.

"A pleasure" I said quickly. Then turned from him and mounted Eve.

Horace's POV


I watched as she mounted her horse and clicked the reigns.

I nervously scratched the back of my head.

"You coming or what?" She asked. She looked down at me for a second. Then turned her horse towards the main gate.


I quickly swung my leg up and over the saddle.

I urged my horse after the odd girl. Catching up in a few paces.

We rode over the wooden bridge and onto the road.

She kept her gaze forward.

I should probably break the silence soon....

I scratched my neck. The atmosphere felt awkward but I figured I should befriend her anyway.

"So, how many years have been training?" I asked.

Y/n huffed and grabbed her canteen.

She unscrewed the cap. "Two years" she responded. Then lifted the canteen to her lips.

I don't understand girls.

I could feel the waves of annoyance wafting off her. But I decided to keep quiet about it.

"I've been training three years" I said. She nodded.

Your POV~

He keeps talking!

I put the lid back on my canteen and looped it over my saddle horn.

He spoke again.

"So we're going to Margon fief? I haven't been there yet" he told me.

"Yes, I'm delivering documents to the Baron, I'm supposed to convince him to send a party to Arrida to help with a gang of theives there" I stated.

I looked over at Horace. He seemed thoughtful.

"What if you can't convince him?" He asked.

I took a deep breath. The Baron there was extremely temperamental. If things went wrong I could end up in a dungeon.

"I will" I promised.

The rode curved around the village and lead into a grassy prarie.

The grass that bordered the trail was so long it came up to my waist while riding.

The trail was a dirt path.

"Is this the right way?" He asked.

"We need to get across this prarie, there's a rode on the other side that leads to Margon" I said.

Eve continued hesitantly, I didn't rush her. If she stepped in a pot hole that wouldn't be worth a bit if extra speed.

The path grew smaller until we were forced to go single file.

I could vaguely see the tops of the forest on the other side of the prarie.

"Those trees up ahead is where the rode starts" I told him.

Horace shaded his eyes and peered at the forest.

"We should set up camp there tonight" he suggested.

This is my mission...

But I saw the reason in his idea.

"Sounds good".

We kept on the trail.

I saw the grass moving up ahead.

Eve stopped uncertainly. Her ears flat against her head.

"Whats wrong?" Called Horace from behind me. I looked back at him over my shoulder. "Somthing is in the grass up ahead" I called.

I quickly turned my head back as Eve pranced back in fear.

The grass moved again and revealed a pack of wolves.

I gasped. The wolves came running towards us.

"Get back!" I heard Horace shout.

He guided his horse around mine and came infront of me and Eve.

Horace drew his sword and Stomper reared up and kicked his front hooves at the four wolves.

They snapped and growled at the huge horse.

My eyes widened. Horace was changing the wolves and slashing each one like it was nothing.

"He's amazing" I whisperd in awe.

Two more wolves slid out of the tall grass and circled around us.

Eve reared in fear. I barley held on as she began to run back down the path away from the wolves. And Horace.

"Horace!" I yelled. I had lost control of Eve. She was running like mad down the path, the wolves were right behind us.

She was running to fast.

She bucked me off and I flew off the path into the long grass beside the road.

I rolled, wincing as I rolled over stones, the grass whipped at my face.

I came to a stop. I lay there completely disoriented from my fall.

My head was spinning and my body ached all over.

I groaned while pushing myself into a sitting position.

I whiped my face which was covered in dust. I couldn't see anything other then grass.

Hopefully the wolves hadn't followed me...

I had to find Eve, she had my satchel containing the documents for the Baron.

I heaved myself up, then fell back down as my ankle screamed in protest.

I reached over and pulled my boot off. I felt my ankle, it was definitely sprained.


I put my boot on again and decided...

I have to crawl my way out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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