Chapter 16 - Dirty Dancing

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Phoenix's pov.

I woke up later on the sofa, wrapped up in Brendon's arms and Karrie leaning on me. I turned on the TV very quitely and put on Kerrang. The first song to come up is All I Want - A day to remeber. I was singing along quitely when i had the massive urge to call Beth and get me, Karrie and Beth together to serch for a lead guitarist.

On the phone:

Beth: Hey Phoenix whats up?

Phoenix: I was wondering if you wanted to meet in Starbucks for a chat because I have a plan about the band.

Beth: Okay meet you there at 1.

Phoenix: Bye

With that I hung up. I looked at time and saw it was 11:30.

I woke up Karrie and I told her that we're meeting Beth at 1 in Starbucks for a meeting. We walked to our room and I took a quick shower washing my hair. I brushed my teeth after I wrapped a bright blue towel around me and walked into my room getting changed into a Room 94 t shirt and some lemon clothing joggers and my special made Nikes. I put on my Fall Out Boy jacket and walk out brushing my hair. I walk into the living room placing my brush on the coffee table waiting for Karrie. "Brendon." I say waking him up. "What?" He says in a really cute morning voice. "I need you to do something for me please." He sits up slowly. I walk into the kitchen making him a cup of coffee. Placing it on the table he asks. "So what do you need me to do?" "Wellllll, could you be the best dad and boyfriend and put up on the internet that our band is searching for a bassist and a lead guitarist please. Thanks love you!" I say kissing his lips quickly. By the time Karrie had her shower and got changed into green jeans, a captain America t-shirt, a black hoodie and some orange converses, we was ready to leave for Starbucks. It was only round the corner so we wasn't going to be that long. Me and Karrie started walking out of the house towards Starbucks to meet her.
Once we was inside we order our cappuccinos and sat down in the corner away from everyone. I brought my laptop with me and browsed twitter replying and following people on it. I looked up and saw Beth. "Hey so what did you guys want?" Karrie says Hi and i reply "We wanted to have a band meeting. So you the drummer and me and Karrie are singing sooo we thought to ask if any one wants to be in the band. Brendon has hopefully tweeted that we need a bassist and a lead guitarist for it so hopefully we get one." I smile at her. "Sounds cool, so do we want males, females who?" I reply "anyone. Doesnt matter who." She nods and i take a sip of my steaming drink. "Ahh he tweeted about it now." I say pointing towards it. Everyone moves closer so they can see it. "It says, my daughters are looking for some people for their band so please contact them on twitter if you want to audition. @phoebestumpurie @amyperry1610"
They nod. "Perfect. So all we do is wait." Karrie says. Then i get 100 notifications 50 of them are followers and the other half is tweets. I look at this one guy in pertictualr, his name is Taylor. I check out his profile and he plays bass. I follow him and send him a message. "Hey you play bass right? I was wondering if you could meet us in London, Hyde Park, with your bass at 1 tomorrow if possible thanks. Phoenix, Karrie and Beth xxx." "Yeah??" I say to the girls. They nod and I press send. 2 minutes later I get a reply. "Yeah thanks so much, you wont regret it!" I laughed, then went back to searching for a lead. "What about him?" Karrie says pointing towards this guy called Matt. "Oh yeah he will do." I say messing around. "Beth, what do you think?" She looks at his profile and says "Jeez yeah wow. He is definatly on our team." I laugh and send the same message to Matt as i did to Taylor. I got near enough the same response. Looks like we have our band.

Short chapter but here!! Thanks and that is my twitter and i think Amys to so yeah also follow Beth tooo Beffy10

Thanks enjoy this chapter xxx

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