2- Escape Plan.

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While walking thru the halls, I heard a few octolings talking about a escape plan, I hid behind a wall and heard their conversation.

ㅡ ''Right, so we pretend to be guards and ask for the exit saying we have to 'patrol' it? That's it?'' A male octoling whispered.

ㅡ ''Mhm, I think we will get away with it, don't ya think Neon?'' Another octoling whispered, this time a female one.

ㅡ ''Hm.. We will have to sneak in the guard's closet tho, which will be hard.'' Neon whispered back, with a soft annoyed tone.

ㅡ ''Right, Kaiba, you sneak in the closet and grab three uniforms, I will search for the exit while Neon finds clear paths, got it?'' The female octoling said, she was pointing at both of them, it seemed like they weren't agreeing with the plan before.

ㅡ ''But Yurei, shouldn't Neon go first and then you go? It doesn't sound safe you going first.'' Kaiba said, he looked a bit upset because of the idea of Yurei.

ㅡ ''Pfft, whatever, Neon is 13 anyways, she can't go alone anywhere in these stupid training grounds.'' Yurei said, she was pretty mad at Kaiba, and looked annoyed since Neon was younger than both of them.

ㅡ ''Who cares about my age? I'm as good as fighting as both of you!'' Neon spat, she seemed annoyed at Yurei.

ㅡ ''Right, enough of this. Let's just go on with the plan now.'' Kaiba said looking at Yurei with a mad look.

Kaiba walked away, he was gonna go look for the guards closet, Neon and Yurei seemed to be fighting but I didn't bother to investigate that. I followed Kaiba, which to my surprise, he knew the facility pretty well. He went inside a room with a sign saying 'PERSONNEL OCTARIANS ONLY' which Kaiba didn't listen, he went it.

He came out of the room with 3 guard uniforms, when he left, I went in. When I was getting inside the room, I saw a squishy octoling-shaped thing with a piece of paper attached to it;

 'Though parted by the ocean deep,

My oldest friend, we meet again.

I touch your face; you rouse from sleep.


wow second part omgomg, try to guess who memu is gonna meet >:))

anyways again if ur srsly invested in this i love you so much marry me rn pls

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