7- Finally, freedom. [FINAL PART]

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She grabbed out a syringe with transparent liquid inside, she injected it on Eight, suddenly her skin was quickly going back to normal, I sighed in relief. She still didn't wake up.
ㅡ "She'll wake back up in no time, thanks for protecting her, i'm Agent 3, or just Three." The inkling said, she took Eight and walked to the exit, I followed her.
ㅡ "So.. You're an agent too? Like Eight?" I asked to Three, I knew it was obvious that she was another agent but I wanted to make sure.
ㅡ "I am, but enough chit-chat, let's head over with the others." Three looked at me, she was grabbing Eight thightly.
ㅡ "The others? Who-" I tried asking, but Three stopped, when I looked infront of me, there were more inklings, and one singular octoling.
ㅡ "Marina, Pearl and Cap'n Cuttlefish, this is the one that protected Eight." Agent 3 said, it got a bit awkward but I waved.
ㅡ "...Just call me Memu." I said, I got a bit shy from everyone that was looking at me.
All of a sudden, Eight woke up.


I woke up, I looked around, I had a headache that was really annoying, but I saw Three and the others, Marina, Pearl, and Cap'n, they were all here for me, I got up and hugged Memu and Three, after all they were those who helped me, then I turned around, and ran to hug the others too.


I was happy that Eight got up, she looked fine and didn't seem to get any memory loss from the goo.
ㅡ "Alright everyone, should we get going to Inkopolis?" Marina asked, Pearl looked excited to her words, everyone nodded.
We all walked to the exit, Three and Eight were holding hands, Marina was grabbing Pearl's shoulder, and me and Cap'n Cuttlefish were talking about life on Inkopolis, he told me all about his adventures with Eight and Three, and how amazing the outside world is.
ㅡ "Here's the exit, now everyone, get ready, welcome to Inkopolis!" Marina said, she opened the door, there was a bright light and people talking, I felt a strange feeling in my whole body.
I walked foward, I looked around to see inklings and octolings having fun and talking to eachother.
This was a dream come true.

wow here it is, the end of un-sanitized
seriously, if you made it this far, thank you for reading thru the story, i appreciate it sm, hopefully you enjoyed!
ill be working on a brand new story in a few days, so stay tuned! <3

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