6- Is this freedom?

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I was tied to a chair, the rope was strong and I wasn't able to break it. Eight wasn't around, I got worried about her, she's an agent after all. I was trying my best to get out of the chair, no luck, and no signs of Eight anywhere, I sighed in defeat.
Suddenly, I heard commotion on the other side of the room I was in, I heard ink and octolings getting splatted.
ㅡ "Eight?! I'm in here! Get me out of this place!!" I screamed, I thought that it was Agent 8 splatting all of the octolings, and I was right, Eight opened the door with a keycard, she was tired and breathing heavily.
She suddenly passed out, her skin was turning green, did one of the octolings inject sanitized goo on her?! I tried waking her up, no response, she was still breathing, which was a great sign. I suddenly heard footsteps of more people, I thought they were more octolings so I grabbed Eight and ran inside the room they put me in, I locked it and waited.
ㅡ "All of these octolings have been splatted, Three, do you think they were here?" A female octoling spoke, when I heard her voice, it sounded extremely familiar, but I couldn't make up who it was.
ㅡ "It looks like it, onwards! Search all the rooms." Another voice said, it was an inkling now, I was panicking while Eight was slowly getting sanitized. The goo wasn't as fast as the machines they put me in, so I had time to reverse this.
I was looking around for the cure when I saw that an inkling came in, they had a gun that looked similar to what the inkling agents use, a hero shot.
ㅡ "Sanitized octolings? Get ready to-" The inkling stopped with a shocked look on her face, it looked like she recognized Eight, because she ran straight to us, I was crying since Eight was in danger and I couldn't find a cure around. The inkling looked at me, she wiped my tears, and quickly moved on to Eight.

surely you guys werent expecting this am i right??????
anyways ill be working on the next part since my mind is filled with ideas 💪

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