chapter iii

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ERIS DIDN'T GET AN OUNCE OF SLEEP THAT NIGHT. She actually hadn't left her room except to attend her required meetings. Which were mostly about torturing wizards and witches. Some Death Eaters had even brought in Muggles for Voldemort to violently torture for his own fun.

Eris still had yet to fully look at her left forearm. She kept her sleeves pulled down and avoided looking down in the shower. The more she tried to ignore it the more it burned and itched uncomfortably. It was almost like the mark had a mind of its own and knew how much she hated and despised it. It felt like it was alive, slithering up and down her arm leaving a trail of hot acid in its wake.

  One night she had sworn she felt the snakes tongue flickering against her skin as it moved around, but it also could've been the lack of sleep.

Most of her days now looked exactly the same. Perched in a victorian red velvet chair in front of her large window. Watching mindless as her fellow death eaters came and went from the manor. Her eyes sunk in, and the whites of her eyes rimmed with red.  Her life was on a constant endless loop that she was unable to break. She either slept too much or slept too little.

Eris' body was also in constant pain along with her mind. Consistently using Dark Arts which required more focus and skill than everyday magic was exhausting. She was expected to pick up Dark Magic quick. Use it efficiently. It was hard.

Draco came by a few times. Knocking at her door begging for her to let him in, but she couldn't. Despite the pain in his voice. Every time his voice cracked calling her name she flinched a little. The way he called for her was a plea of desperation.  Begging her.

A soft quick knock came at the door. Eris flinched softly from her position in front of the window. "Eris," His voice whispered through the large door.

Her lips pulled tighter together as she pulled her legs into her body. Holding herself. "Eris please, just open the door!" A soft thud was heard on the other side. He laid his head against the door, hand splayed across the wood.

A few mindless silent minutes ticked by. "open the door!" He screamed loudly, his voice cracking and ripping as he kicked the door loudly. The noise echoed across the manor as Eris pulled herself tighter together and closed her eyes.

She wished she had the courage to move.

She couldn't be there for him if she couldn't be there for herself. Her body wasn't her own anymore it belong to Voldermort.

Until, Theo Crouch burst through her locked door.

"I thought you'd be better than this, Avery," Theo scoffed as he sat on the edge of her bed.

He looked dashingly handsome. Despite the warm summer air, he wore a black turtleneck tucked neatly into corduroy pants. His shoes were sleek and expensive. A silver chain hung around his neck and bounced as he walked into the room. She caught the scent of his cologne.

He always smelled the same. Leather and wood.

Eris turned her head up at him. "How long have you been a Death Eater?"

He smiled simply. "Since the start of my seventh year."

"You didn't want me to know. Why?" She demanded sitting up in bed.

His tongue poked the side of his cheek. "It's a need to know basis," with a shrug.

Truth was, he had his own personal mission from Voldermort. Make sure Eris kept the course and would join the Death Eaters. Among other tasks, she was his priority. Lord Voldermort needed her.

Eris hummed. Distaste written on her face. "I am taking this well I'll have you know. It's everything I ever wanted," She told him plainly.

He snickered and patted her leg. "Until he asks you to kill someone. I mean come on Eris, seriously? You're pretty bitchy, maybe a borderline psychopath, but you don't have it in you to kill someone," He told her condescendingly.

Eris sat up. Her face set in a cold dead glare. "You don't know anything about me, Crouch."

Images of Amos Blackwater flashed through her mind. Theo didn't know the lengths Eris would go to to achieve what she wanted.

Theo deadpanned. "I know more than you'd like me to," he stood from the bed.

On his way out the door he peaked his head back through and placed a finger to his lips. "Does this mean we're broken up?" He smiled.

She clicked her tongue, and grabbed her shoe from the side of her bed. She threw it as hard as she could at his head. Theo quickly ducked his head a laugh falling from his lips. "Rot in hell," She grumbled as he closed the door behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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