Author's Note

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Hey guys, I just want to thank you all for the support you've shown Winchester Love and Nephilim Children, The Riddle's Love, The Prince of Hell and The Vampire Queen. 

You are all amazing people and I've very happy to share the Wattpad community with you.

I hope you love this new book I've made. It took a few days, but I'm very happy with the way it's come out, especially the relationship development between Draca and Damien. 

Btw, I don't own anything from Disney's Dinosaur aside from Draca and Damien, who are my own creations. 

I'm planning on going back through my other books at some point and tidying them up and sorting out the plot line if need be, but this will have to happen slowly, as I'm quite busy with internals at school. 

The only reason I was able to get this book done so quickly is because I worked on it during lunchtimes and intervals, as well as a little bit during classes when I couldn't focus properly.

Anyhow, I'd better stop rambling and let y'all get to what you came here to read.


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