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When I woke up in the hospital, it was day.

My head was throbbing, and it was wrapped with bandages.

I looked around confused, until I locked eyes with Mikey's concerned ones.

"Mikey I-" he interrupted me by hugging me.

"Are you okay? How do you feel? Does your head hurt still? Where exactly did he hit you?" Mikey blabbered out questions.

I put my hand over his mouth to shut him up for a minute.

"My head is killing me right now, so just let me talk for a minute." I said. He nodded.

"I didn't know Hanma was an enemy. I'm sorry. He's the dude I ran into when having a anxiety attack. He helped me and took me to Baji's apartment. And no he didn't see what apartment he lives in.

I'm really sorry Mikey. Please don't be mad." I said, tearing up a little, while looking down.

Mikey placed his hand on top of my head. When I looked up at him, he was smiling.

"Why would I be mad? You didn't know, plus you weren't even in the right state of mind at the time.

I'm glad you're okay. It's been 2 days." Mikey said. My eyes widened.

"Huh?! TWO DAYS?!" I shouted, wincing after since my head was still hurting.

"Yeah. Draken got stabbed. Thanks to Takemitchy, we were able to save him. He's still recovering. Also, I made amends with Peh." Mikey filled me in. I nodded slowly.

"Im glad Draken's okay." I said quietly, looking out the window.

"Me too." Mikey said, now sitting on the hospital bed.

"Hey! She's awake now. 'Sup (Y/n)?" I heard Draken's voice speak from the door.

I turned to see him, also in a hospital gown. He still needed to recover so he had a little walker to help him keep steady while walking.

I tried to stifle my laugh, but I couldn't. So I bursted out in laughter.

"What the hell? Why is she laughing?" Draken said, now annoyed.

"You look like a grandpa!" I cried, trying not to laugh so hard.

But instead, it ended up with me holding my head in pain while laughing. There were also tears coming down my eyes.

"A grandpa?! Well you look like a mental patient now! You're crying and laughing while holding your head! What the hell is that?" Draken yelled.

I just kept on laughing.

Mikey was also laughing, but at the two of us. Internally,

He was just happy two of the people he cared the most about were still with him, alive and well.

A few more days passed by, Takemichi, Hina, Yamagishi and the others, Emma, Baji and Chifuyu coming by to check on me, and I was finally released.

"Freedom!" I smiled, holding my hands up in the air and spinning around.

"Be careful, you're still not 100%." Takemichi warned, smiling nervously.

"Fuck that! I'm finally out that shit hole." I grinned at him.

To be honest, those past 4 days were complete shit.

I tried running out the hospital, I tried to guilt trap them, I even had panic attacks to the point where they almost decided on emitting me into the mental health section.

They even gave me liquid Valium. And that shit felt good.

I suddenly had a weird idea.

"Mikey, can we go see Sanzu?" I asked.

"(Y/n)? What brings you here?" Sanzu asked, opening his door.

I walked in, stretching my arms out.

"Hey Sanzu. How you been?" I asked, smiling at him.

"Good, how are you? I saw you knocked out at the brawl." He said, walking up to me and giving me a hug.

"Don't bring it up." I said, embarrassed.

"Anyways, I was just wondering about something..." I said.

He motioned for me to go to his room with him.

"Do you still have some of those pills?" I asked him. His eyes widened.

"I'm not gonna start abusing drugs." I said, rolling my eyes.

"I only take them to help me when I'm feeling a little worked up." Sanzu told me.

"I know. That's why I wanted like 3 of those pills." I said. He rose an eyebrow.

"(Y/n), you've never been interested in any drugs before. What happened?" He asked.

I sighed, motioning for him to sit down.

"When I was in the hospital, I kept on panicking because I fucking hate them. They bring back bad memories.

Anyways, to calm me down, they gave me liquid valium. And it felt great.

It felt amazing to just finally be calm, and at peace. I couldn't think of anything. And my body was just, relaxed for once.

I felt normal for once." I said, sighing after all the talking.

Sanzu sighed. "Here, I'll give you alprazolam. But no more after this. I'm only giving you three of them. Only use it when you REALLY need to. Promise?" Sanzu said seriously.

I nodded. "I mean it (Y/n)."

"I promise!" I said. He sighed and walked over to his little pill bottle.

"Here." He said, handing me a small zip-block bag.

"Thanks." I smiled. He nodded. "I hope I didn't make a mistake." He whispered to himself.

"Bye! I'll see you around!" I waved, leaving Sanzu. He waved back and closed the door.

I took out the bag, and looked at the white pills. I started to think.

"Should I try one now?" I said out loud.

I've seen so many shows and documentaries on drug addicts.

It gets so bad.

But, I'll feel calm.

I shook my head.

"No." I said, shoving the bag into my pocket and walking back to Mikey's place.

When I got back, I saw Mikey sitting down on the steps.

"Hey!" I smiled, sitting next to him.

"Hey (Y/n)." He greeted back.

"What you thinking 'bout?" I asked him. He looked at me and sighed.

"A lot has happened recently. I feel like you, me, Draken, and Takemitchy should go have some fun." Mikey suggested.

"Ok, where?" I asked him.

"Well, I was gonna take Takemitchy and Draken to a public bath." He said. I rose an eyebrow.

"Want to go to to Universal Studios?" He asked.

My eyes widened. "YES!" I shouted, sparkles in my eyes. But then they went dull.

"Wait. Isn't it in Osaka?" I asked him. Mikey then pulled out four train tickets. And tickets to Universal Studios.

"How the-"

"Don't ask."

"Alright." I said, shutting up and smiling.

What I did next shocked him.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and hugged him.

"You're the best Mikey." I said, smiling. Also hiding my blush from him.

What I didn't see was Mikey's also blushing face.

"Nah." He said, hugging me back.

"Also, we have a new member of Toman joining us." Mikey said suddenly.


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