Chapter 1

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"Nope." Genesis walked out and made her way to her bike.
"I thought you liked it here? This place is not too populated, so I guess we'd come across an exile or two." Rico chuckled. Genesis led Rico back to the trail, and back home. As Genesis closed the garage, she saw two rocks with arms and legs waddle by.
"How am I going to adapt to this?" She muttered.
"H-hi Rico. W-welcome back, Genesis."
Genesis, astonished, said
"How do you know my name? I don't remember telling you."
"W-when you w-were speaking to t-the rectangle, y-you told it y-your name." Genesis didn't bother telling her that the rectangle was called a phone. She spotted Rico and Zhen speaking quickly and talking over each other.
"No. It was pretty exile free, however, when we got to that mall place, we saw a rainbow runner!"
"No way! You saw one? I thought they never get exiled?"
"Apparently not. This one was rather odd. It was bigger than the rest. Maybe that's why it was exiled."
"True. It can't do its job correctly if its too big."
"Poor thing. I can't imagine having a job like that. Just slipping in and out of vaults as a spy for the kingdom? And on top of that, you were made incorrectly!"  Genesis walked past them and locked herself into her bedroom. She threw herself onto the bed and dozed off.
    Genesis Shall. An average sized woman, with black hair that dangled just above her shoulders. Two small moles above her left eyebrow, and distant dark brown eyes. Genesis always kept to herself; she never bothered to make an effort to make friends. She came from a house of five, one mother, two sisters, and a brother. Her father had died in the military, trying to map out where landmines were located. Her brother, Armin,  entered to be in the Navy four years ago, and she hasn't heard from him since. Her two sisters, Lydia and Jamie, are both models for the top selling clothing magazine "Be Beauty Or Be Nothing." Her mother was a different story; she hopped from job to job, and sometimes went back to an old one. From a young age, Genesis was considered a "freak", and her family was the circus. Since her sisters were twins, everyone considered them odd, and they didn't like that Genesis's mother collected trolls and cabbage patch dolls. But Genesis was the most peculiar. She refused to wear dresses, hated coming outside to play with other kids, never cutted her hair, and hung out with her grandmother whenever possible. Genesis didn't mind what other kids said. She loved her grandmother, and her hair that fell down to her waist. As she grew up, her family tried to convince her to be a "people person", but she wouldn't have it. Nobody had better stories and understood her like her grandmother did. When her family wanted her to be a model, or enter the military like her siblings, her grandmother supported her dream of being a lawyer. Sometimes Genesis thought her grandmother was a bit odd. Whenever Genesis would come over, she would look up at the attic and try to find some way to get in, just because her grandmother told her not to go in there. Of course, Genesis being a short little kid, could never reach up and pull the door string. The secrets couldnt be revealed quite yet.

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