Chapter 7

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Rico peered down at the casket. He was alone, standing next to the former queen. Everyone else was speaking to each other in small groups, or examining the birds in the green house.
“Rico. How are you doing? Its been a little while since we've actually had a friendly conversation.” Zhen slid next to him and smiled weakly.
“It's hard to process. I never knew that Samira was with us the whole time. Putting up an act for 4 years. It had me convinced; I was such a fool. All her stuttering and kindness really was convincing.”
“I know. She was so small and always scared. I wonder where she got the name Hilda from.”
“Her grandmother, the king's mother, was named Hilda. I believe that's why.”
“Oh, that makes sense. Were you scared?”
“Scared? Scared of what?”
“Scared to kill Samira. I remember you yelled that it was planned.What would have happened if you failed to kill her?”
“I was a bit nervous. I mean, I was about to kill a child. It's not normal if are not hesitant to kill a minor. If I did fail, all of the monster race would no longer exist.”
“That's… actually cool. You're the savior kinda.”
“N-No! I-I was just d-doing as I was t-told!” Rico suttered, surprised.
“Ha! You sound just like… Hilda.”
Rico patted Zhen, not bothering to take his hand out of his slime.

“So that's it then? Everything is done. What's going to happen to me? I can't go back to jail.” David panicked. Warm sweat beads slowly rolled down his forehead and down to his neck.
“That's true. What will happen to David when we go back? Since he escaped, and the police think he was strong enough to break the handcuffs and the iron window, will they think he’s too dangerous to be kept alive?” Genesis thought.
“Haha! I like you humans. Its simple, go fetch Rico.” The king laughed. David stared at him, and turned back to the garden.
“What are you thinking?” Genesis asked.
“If you don't want him to be seen, just give him some monster DNA! Once his cells mix with Rico’s, no one will be able to see, just like a monster!”
“That won't work. When we were back on earth, Zita used her blood to heal my cut, and people were still able to see me.”
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That's just too good! You really are funny. You're making me laugh too much. That's because Zita has pure blood. The properties of her blood are so positive, it can heal, but also make you stronger. Rico’s blood is negative and impure. That means when his blood is injected into a non monster species, they will no longer be seen, heard, touched, or smelled. Make sense?”
“I guess so. But, where will he go? The monster realm or earth?”
“I'm not certain where he will stay if he chooses earth, but if he chooses the monster realm, he will stay in the castle with me.” The king looked proud of himself and he beamed brightly. David returned with Rico.
“May I help you?” Rico mewed.
“Oh, HoW eXcItInG. RiCo, wE nEeD yOuR bLoOd.” Mr. Salis giggled.
“What for?”
As the king explained his plan, Mr. Salis prepped his wand and pointed it at David.
“Sal PiEr, CiM OiN CiM WaLl, SaSa LeE lEe.” He chanted. A small cut appeared on Rico and David's left wrist. Ricos blood was a dark red, and it soared through the air into David’s wrist. David hissed through his teeth and grunted. Rico laughed at this.
“What happens now?” Rico asked.
“I think it's time to go home.” Genesis responded. Trenton gathered everyone in the garden to say goodbye to Genesis, under her request. Andy clung to her leg and cried.
“Please, Genesis, please stay here. I'm going to miss you.”
“Hey, it's ok. I'll visit whenever I have time. And guess what? You can visit me too. But for now, find your mother. I think she's worried sick about you.” Andy nodded and let go.
“Thank you for everything.” Zhen hugged her. Kali hugged her leg.“Rico, take care of yourself, ok?” Genesis scratched the cat's head. Little tears escaped his eyes as he purred.
“Thank you, human. I don't know what would have happened if it weren't for you. I shall escort you to the realm device. It will take you to that human resting place, and if you wish to return, walk into the beam that shoots into the sky. It will bring you back here.” Genesis nodded and followed the king to a fountain in the main plaza. A yellow beam shot from the sky down in front of the fountain. Genesis reached out for the beam. It was warm, like a sunny day.
“Genesis, wait!” David ran after her and rested his hand on her shoulder.
“Would you want to… um… get a coffee sometime?” He asked slowly.
“I have time now. Where would you like to go?” She smiled.
Rico watched from afar. He laughed at the two as they entered the beam and left the monster realm.
“It took him that long to ask her? Humans really are something else.”

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