Chapter 2

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“Oh my goodness. We need to get you back to Zita.” Amber came running over to join them.
“Amber, meet Andy. Rico, take Andy to the car and wait there. Amber, gather more exiles.” Amber looked at Andy, then back at Genesis.
“It's ok. Go.” She shooed them away. After they left, Genesis picked up the leftover arm from under the bush, dug a small hole, and covered it. She sighed, and walked away. The three white mushrooms from earlier waddled up to Amber.
“You! Peasant! Take us to the queen! Yes, to the queen!” They demanded while jumping up and down. Amber rolled her eyes, and then smiled. A small laugh escaped her lips.
“Ok, I will. Follow me.” She led them to her car, opened her trunk, and lifted them inside. She slammed the door and locked, then continued her search for more exiles. Genesis sighed as she climbed a tree.
“I could have sworn there were exiles up here. Andy probably scared them away when she fought with Rico.” As she jumped down, a cold shiver ran down her spine. She felt warm air land on the back of neck, and she felt it disappear. Slowly, she turned her head and froze. The tall, black, dark hooded creature that stood outside her house was face to face with her. This time, it made no movement. It didn't try to grab her. It simply stared, right into her eyes. Genesis stepped back, breaking the tension. The hooded figure grabbed her hand and slowly turned around. It dragged her with it, into a new direction.
“Let go! A-Amber! Rico! Andy!” She couldn't believe she was calling for help from Andy. The creature was strong, and it dragged her past graves, trees, bushes, and people. Judgemental people. They stared at the mental lunatic before them. She tugged and pulled and hit the creature. An elderly man walked in front of Genesis and gave a worried smile.
“Young miss, are you alright?” he asked. She shook her head, and the hooded monster walked right through him, but Genesis did not. The hooded creature dragged Genesis past the man, and she knocked him over.
“O-oh my. I beg your pardon.” the old man said weakly, getting up from the floor.
“I'm sorry! I can't stop! Please help me!” Genesis begged.
The old man backed away and ran. The hooded creature finally had enough of her struggling. It picked her up and slung her over its shoulder. It then took off in a sprint.
“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! SURELY SOMEONE HAS TO SEE ME FLYING THROUGH THE AIR?!” Genesis panicked. The creature made it to the end of the cemetery. A tall fence covered with leaves and branches, as tall as Rico, blocked the monster's path. It turned to its left and continued to walk forward. Eventually, they reached a large tomb. It was one of those small huts with a tomb inside. The monster pried open the door. It set Genesis down inside, and it grabbed onto her arm again. It closed the tomb's door, and darkness filled the room.
“Kali back. Kali home.” The hooded monster called.
Suddenly, a yellow glowing ball appeared from the darkness.
“G-Genesis? I-is that you? I-it is!”
Genesis squinted, letting her eyes adjust to the glow.
“Hilda! You were here the whole time! I was so worried.” Genesis pulled Hilda into a tight hug.
“Kali helped. You no trust Kali, but Kali is good mon-mon. Kali sorry for hurting Genesis and old man.” The hooded monster said. Genesis looked at Hila, and raised an eyebrow.
“H-he’s just like m-me! H-he was a messenger t-too, but no b-body could u-understand him!” Hilda explained.
“Ah. Well, thank you. Kali was it?” Genesis asked.
“Kali. Kali is Kali's name.” It nodded.
“Well. Nice to meet you, Kali. And Hilda, I love the glow.” Hilda beamed, and Kali giggled.
“Hilda? I heard what happened between you and Rico. Are you ok? Are you willing to come back?” Genesis asked.
“Y-yes. I dont k-know if im r-ready to talk t-to him, t-though.” Hilda stutterd.
“That's alright. You don't have to.” Genesis responded.
Hilda smiled and turned to Kali.
“Kali helped me shelter from the cold wind. Can he come with us? She asked.
Genesis smiled brightly.
“Oh, Hilda. I'm so proud of you. You spoke without a single stutter.” she thought.
“Of course he can. But we also have two other monsters in my car. We’ll have to squish together.”
Hilda and Kali let out a little “yay” in unison. Kali opened the tomb again, and let them out. Hilda shivered, and Genesis opened her sweatshirt.
“You can come in here.” She offered. Hilda wiggled in and stopped glowing. Kali followed Genesis across the cemetery and to the parking lot, careful to avoid the old man they ran over. From the car, Andy squished her face against the window and smiled. Rico’s eyes widened as he saw Kali and Hilda. He leaped out of the car and tackled Kali.
“Rico! Bad Rico! Get off of him!” Genesis scolded. Andy got out of the car and strolled over to them. She opened her mouth and ripped Rico away from Kali.
“Thank you, Andy. Rico, Kali is good. He helped me find Hilda.”
“Hilda! Oh, I'm so sorry! Please, forgive me.” Rico begged. Hilda wiggled back into Genesis’s sweatshirt.
Genesis laughed. She let Andy and Rico back into the car, and helped Kali get into the front seat. She then had one knee in the car, resting on the driver seat, and waited.
“In case you're waiting for Amber, she decided to drive back to take care of everyone back at her shelter.” Rico meowed. Genesis nodded and buckled herself into the car, careful not to squish Hilda with the seatbelt.  For the last time, Genesis drove out of the cemetery. As she and her companions arrived at Amber's house, they walked in and got situated with the other monsters. Amber was sleeping on the couch, with the four rainbow runners scattered around her. Zita and Zhen were on Amber’s fluffy white rug, and the white mushroom monsters leaned against each other. Genesis led Kali, Rico, Andy, and Hilda upstairs, and had them sleep in Amber’s room. Andy secretly followed Genesis to the guest bedroom and watched Genesis as she slept.

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