Chapter 7

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“Ho! You have two of them! Judging by the color, they came from two separate dresses!” He exclaimed.
“We were… teleported here? By these flags. Zita told us to sew them together and they took us here. Is there a way we can go back? And maybe create a way that's permanently open so we can come back here?” Genesis asked quietly. The king took the flags and examined the stitching.
“That's a grand idea. Perhaps that may be one step forward to the previous ruler's peace plan. Although, only you and any other human who hung the flag can see us. Unless…”
Genesis waited for his next words, but received his silence. The king scratched his horns and turned towards the entrance of the garden.
“Trenton!” He called. The orange cat hybrid stepped out of the garden and joined them.
“Could you please fetch me Mr. Salis?” The king asked. Trenton meowed, and took off down the palace stairs.
“Who is that?” Genesis asked as she watched Trenton disappear into the crowds.
“Mr. Salis is a monster who specializes in magic. I had an idea. I can't make it so every human can see monsters, but I can make it so that anyone you are related to in the next generation can see them.”
“So you mean, If I were to have children, would they be able to see them?”
“Yes, and your children’s children. And their children, and their children, all the way into the future. The same goes for that man with you.”
“That's pretty cool. What if I can't have children?”
“I suppose we’d have to find another way.”
The loud thudding of feet came running over to them. Trenton stopped and revealed a little monster on his back. He was small, and he wore a little blue robe that covered his shoulders and fell down to his feet. He was covered in gray hair, and his small green beady eyes shined through his hair. A small black wizard hat rested on top of his head.
“So, WhAt mAdE yOu sUmMoN mE tOdAy, YoUr MaJeStY?” He asked in a scratchy, high-pitched voice. The king bent down and gave his plan to the little wizard.
“WhAt aN aMaTuRe sPelL, eVeN mY aPpReNtIcE cAn Do tHaT. BuT nO mAtTeR, It WiLl bE dOnE, mY lOrD.” Mr. Salis jumped up and grabbed Genesis’s wrist and tapped a small stick against it. He then pointed it at the flags in the kings hand and pointed back at Genesis’s wrist. The pink color of the fabric faded and the flowers wilted. The pink color turned into liquid and danced in the air.
“StAy StIlL, HuMaN, aNd wHeN I aM dOnE, fEtCh tHe OtHeR hUmAn.” He directed the pink color into Genesis' hands, and through her skin.
“ThAt sHoUlD dO iT. ThE mAgIc oF tHe FlAg sHoUlD bE CoUrSiNg tHrOuGh yOuR vEiNs.”
Genesis let out a little “hah”, and turned back to the garden. When she left them, the king turned to Mr. Salis.
“Where will you place the new realm devices?” he asked.
“PeRhApS iN tHe sAmE pLaCe yOu SeNt eVeRyOnE wHeN yOu ExIlEd tHeM. ThAt wAy, tHeY wOuLd sEe tHe pOrTaL bEaM aNd tHeY cAn CoMe bAcK.”
Genesis came back with David and pointed to Mr. Salis.
“Here he is. David, stay still, and we’ll explain what's going to happen.

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