Chapter one

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Sabrina 's pov.

The bell rang,I don't want to wake up,it kept telling me "its time to wake up,the time is 6:30."Do you know what I feel like doing now? Breaking it into pieces,I hate school,I hate math, I hate English,I hate every subject expect from Arts and food.great my phone 's ringing.I swear am going to kill that person.

I took my phone,It was to blurry,I could hardly see it,


??:get your black ass up.


my best friend,I got seven best friends,Rowan,Piper,Peyton,Jake,Cameron,spencer and Bradley.

me:what's up ?stupid.

Bradley:Idiot,I have been calling you like in forever,so dude get ready,am outside.

I brushed my teeth,took my shower and put on a black sleeveless top with a black blazer and some black very skinny jeans and wore some black sneakers since we were on black today.tomorrow is red,I banded my hair in a tight ponytail,I ran downstairs,I kissed my mom,good morning.

"Going to a funeral? "Sarah asked regarding my outfit.

"No,dummy."I walked out.

"What's up,sucker? "I kissed him as I got in .

"Well,I do sleep well at night."He said sarcastically. He is tot lying,Bradley took the gang to a party,he drank ten bottles,well I only took six,when his alarm blew off he took coffee,to keep him awake.

"Well,you took coffee in the morning and I didn't, "I know I said out of point.

"Yeah,"we arrived at school. I came down and meet the girls.Tracy,my nemesis and her let me say "slaves,walked up to us.

"Hey,Sabrina. Oh,who died? your popularity."she said,her and her so called friends laughed.I looked at the girls,we all smirked.

"Do you know what? Kennedy or Tracy you are bunch of suckers who manipulate people to overcome them,well am sorry to tell you, you. are.wrong."I said pouting,then Bradley came over.I kissed him,Tracy is so jealous. Wait was she doing this because she like Bradley, I threw my self at him. She left not trying to crying.

"What just..."He asked confused.

"Don't ask." We walk out. We went for our english class.We sat down for a very long time.until a teacher came in.

"Mr. Philps couldn't make it so he decided to give you a free period don't misuse it." He walk out.everywhere became noisy.

"So,what are you going to do about that Tracy or thief." She said.

"Thief? I don't see her as a thief,I see her as a boyfriend snatcher."I said smirking as I crossed my legs

"Why are you smirking? Hm...she has a plan! ."Piper exclaimed.

"A plan that will shatter her heart."I smiled wickedly.

"Oh yeah."We all said in unison.

Bradley 's pov
After school,The guys and I went to a pool club.

"Come on guys, let's enjoy,its a boys day."I said.

"Ok,I will go get some drinks."Jake said.Then I went over to a chick,

"What's up? Babe."I winl,She blushed.

"Am Bradley, "I introduced.

"Tracy." She said.

"That 's a hot name for chick."men,she blushed really hard,I turned around,the girls,I went to Cameron.

"Cameron,did you invite the girls?" I asked.

The burning Game Of Love.( A Brabrina love story.)Where stories live. Discover now