Chapter Nine

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Sabrina's POV.
"Sabrina , just stop this. "Piper says clearing out the empty bottles of alcohol on the table and snatching the one from my hand as I drowned my self in alcohol.

" I wanna die! "I yelled.

" listen to me, the Sabrina I knew don't quit and give up on life, your mean devious. The last thing you should be thinking of, is that stupid guy. "She advised.
" your right. "I stood up on my feet."if he wants to play truth or dare, he got it coming." I smirked.

'no, please. "Piper cried.

Peyton's POV.
For some few days now, I haven't spoken to Spencer but you won't blame me, now I feel bad but I need to teach him a lesson that girls don't have a number.

" it's been three weeks now, Peyton. Forgive me already! "Spencer begged as he followed me downstairs just when Phoenix was on his tab.

I sat close to Phoenix and whispered something to him and I looked at Spencer who's anxious what I said.

Phoenix looked at me shocked and looked at Spencer." dude, she said she's not talking to you until you move out and give the room to me. "Phoenix said and goes back to his phone.

I hitted him." ouch. "he cried.

" I never said that. "I said.

" oh, that, those weren't your words. They are mine. "he said and left.

Spencer sat down where Phoenix sat down before. I turned his back at him sulking.

" hey. It wasn't my fault that things ended this way. "he claimed.

I looked at him." I think this talk is gonna end badly for both of us. "I said.

" am sorry. "he gives the puppy eyes.

" no! "I avoided them and went upstairs.

~next day ~

Bradley's POV
" I have been calling Piper and she didn't pick up."Jake dramatically said as he got into school.

"it's like we're losing all the hot chicks. "Cameron said.

We all looked at him." what? You won't say they're cute. "he said trying to prove his point.

I roll my eyes." guys, I think they're still angry at us, and we wouldn't blame them. "Spencer said.

" your right."then I spotted Sabrina opening her locker and Piper talking to her.

"I'll meet you later. "I said walking to them.

Before I could reach THERE. Sabrina pulled Piper and kissed her and she pulled away. When has Sabrina become a lesbian? So gross.

I walked back to the guys who opened the mouths so wide.

" wow. "Jake said.

" please, don't say it. "I begged.

" when has Sabrina become a lesbian? "Cameron asked.

" what part of 'please don't say it'  didn't you get? "I ask.

" am sorry, bro. "Spencer patted me.

Sabrina's POV
Piper kept on cleaning her mouth in disgust." what was that for? You made me look like a... "I interrupted her.

" a lesbian? Come on, you know quite well. Am interested in guys not girls. "I said.

" So why did you do that? cause am beginning to think that I got a girl checking me out. "She said disgusted.

The burning Game Of Love.( A Brabrina love story.)Where stories live. Discover now