Chapter Five.

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Sabrina 's pov.
Woah,its a really wierd convo,its like they're talking in codes,but this Tania 's asking Brads for a new iphone6,but she can't stand me and she's confessing her love to him and why do I have a feeling,that am involved in this?

"Brads,answer the damn question,tell what the heck is this?!?!?!?! "I screamed angrily.

"Sab,who dare you go through my phone and why do you want to know what the heck is that?!??!?!" He screamed back.

Then there was a knock,we both starred angrily at the door,then Bridgit got in.

"Any problem? "She asked.

"Beat it!!!!!!!!" We screamed at her.

"Fine,am going. "She shutted the door.

"Am sick and tired Bradley of sneaky ways,just tell me "I said placing my arms around him around his body.

He shrugged his body and pushed me away,I do think this 's turning into a fight.

"You know I hate it when You call Bradley! You know it,I know it everyone knows it!!!! "He shouted hitting his hand on the wall.

"Brads,what got over you?!?! "I screamed at him then got into the bathroom,I slipped through the door and tears streamed down my face.

Bradley 's pov.
Great, I hurted her,my sabby,I just don't like the way I talked to her,but she made me mad.

"Sab,opened the the door." I said to the bathroom,the next thing,I.heard was the running of the shower, I guess she's in the shower.,I gave up.
Then she came out in a towel,I couldn't care less.

"Sab,Am sorry!" I apologised.

"Take me home." She pleaded.

"Ok,but you can't go home in a towel,"I said.

"Right, "She said as she wore her clothes,then I grabbed my keys and kissed Bridgit,and we got into the car,Sabby looked sad,am so mad for shouting at her am a fool,a huge one.

"Drop me at home and go to school,I'll take my car,"She said as she as she walked to her door,she opened the door without looking at me,I slowly drove away.

Sabrina 's pov
I opened the door,maybe its my fault,I shouldn 't have talk to him in that way,my second fight with him. Please,I need to settle this,right now.

I ran upstairs to my room,brush my teeth,put on a sundress with black flat,I took my keys and drove away.
"Hey,Pipe." I said as I saw Pipe.

"Woh,Sab, you look beautiful." She said.

"Thanks,emm... Pipe." I said as I pulled her away from the hallway next to a locker.

"Do you know Tania? "I asked .

"Tania Waters?" She asked .

"I don't know. "I said.

"But, she's kind of weird. "I continued.


"She texted Bradley for an Iphone6 in exchange for her silence and says she can't stand me and claims she loves him,doesn't it seem weird?"

"It 's like they are texting in codes."

"That's what I said! And when I confronted Bradley about it, He snapped. Am confused. "I said.

"Woh,I help here! Trust me. "She said then we hugged.

Bradley 's pov.
Damnit,Tania 's so messing up my life.

"Sab,almost found out,the truth. "I told Jake as we arrived at school.

"Dude,you got to tell Sabrina." He said.

"But,she'll won't take it well." I said .

"I know,she would,we shouldn't have... "

"You shouldn't have what? "Rowan skipped to us.

"You shouldn't have what? "She repeated.

"We shouldn't have failed that chemistry test. "I said .

"Yeah." Jake said.

"Fine!" She skipped away.

"Great." I said.

And now Bradley 's keeping a secret with a psychopath away from Sabrina, will it shatter her feelings.

Hey,guys have been updating real quick,hope you enjoy it,cause its very boring.
Nena. J

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