Chapter eight.

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Bradley 's pov.
"I bought the Iphone 6 and I hope its all over ." I said as I went straight to Tania 's locker.

"Hey,this for you." I said.

"No,am not gonna take this." She left.

"Wow,dude. That girl is gonna haunt you till you're dead." Jake said.

"So will Sabrina. "Piper said from behind .

"Hey Piper." I said.

"Don't hey me,am sure you slept with her yesterday. Hope you won." She said.

"Ouch, that hurts. "I said.

"So will Sabrina be ,Bradley, Sabrina is my best friend... "

"So I am."

"No you're not."

"Am gonna leave you guys,I'll see you in class,Pipe." He left.

"You know quite well,We're bestfriends before the gang came in. "

"Yeah,I know and I regret knowing you as a friend ." She 's really crossing the line.

"Sabrina 's just a bitch, I don 't know what you see in her,fine I dared on her so,what the heck,I slept with her. Are you happy? Am just using Sabrina because of publicity,she's many guys ' type." I said annoyed

We heard someone 's crying. "Bradley, that's why ...I never ...believe in love and you know it." Sabrina, gosh.

"Great,you broke someone 's heart what else will you do? "Piper left. Woah,I can't believe this happened,My Sabrina.

~Two weeks later~

Sabrina 's pov.
"Sabrina, wait." Bradley said as he ran after me.

"Wait,so you can dump me by confession." I said sarcastically. Am not my usual self.

I took a deep breath and faced him. "Bradley,how can I take it? You dared on me by making me yours. Congrats you won this heart made out of stone." I said.

"Just listen to how it happened." He said.


"It started like this."

~flash back~
"Guys,let's play a little game,truth or dare." I said.

"Come on that 's so going to be boring." Spencer said .

"We are gonna do it." I said.

"Ok,Bradley truth or dare." Cameron said.

"Dare." I said.

"I dare you to win sabrina 's heart." Cameron said.

"What the ..."Spencer and Jake starred at him.

"Fine,I'll get her in a week." I can't lose this dare.
~end of flashback~
"And you got me,go back and drink to victory." I started walking.

"I love you." Those words stung me.

I stop walking and faced him." Sorry,I can't hear you." I said sarcastically.

"I love you!! "He said. I came closer and slapped him.

"No,you don't. There's nothing that you'll say that qualifies your love." I said looking into his eyes.

He held me by the waist pulling me closerand I wrapped my hands around, our foreheads touched,our noses touched,then the sun began to set,his face shone like the yellow sun,he started leaning in and I started leaning in to,should I kiss him or not? Tell me wattpad.

The burning Game Of Love.( A Brabrina love story.)Where stories live. Discover now