Chapter two.

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Sabrina 's pov
I was sulking all the way back home,when the car pulled over at my place,I took my bagpack without saying bye I came out,I entered the house,I didn't say anything,I ran upstairs to my room,I fell on my bed and slept,woah,I had a dreamless sleep,it was blackout. I felt a touch on my forehead, I opened my eyes,my mom was next to me.

"Mom? "I sat up.

"Darling,you have a high fever,and Bradley send you a video chat request, video chat him while I get you the thermometer "my mom said as she left,I took my tab and video chatted him.

Bradley :Sab,am sorry for raising my hand.
Me :*raised an eyebrow*did Spencer asked you to say that.

Bradley :yes,he harassed me to. But,am very sorry.

Me : Apology accept.

Bradley : I still love you.

Me :remember there's nothing like love.

Bradley :yeah,wanna come over tomorrow?

Me : your girlfriend?

Bradley :nah,

Me :I don't think so. Got plans.

Bradley :kk.

Me :bye

Bradley :bye.

Am meeting up with Piper for the master plan of humilation part 1.
My mom brought the thermometer,

"Woah, your fever has gone down, Bradley is a pain killer. I should ship you two off." She said.

"First,eww,second you are the only adult that knows what ship means expect from the boat that floats on water,and third I don't believe in love." I explain. She's right, Bradley 's sure a pain killer.

~Next day~
"What 's up." Piper asked as she came through the door.

"Operation, humilation part 1." I said pouting.

"We will follow her every move,in fact,am going to put video cameras in the house." She said .

"I don't think the camera thingy will work,how about going to her house to spy on her,I need this job done in one day. "I said.

"Ok,let's spy." She took her pause and left,I did the same thing . It was a short drive,we took our pauses and came down I went to the pouch,When I was about to knock,Piper pulled me down.

"Look,she's making out with Greg,"she said as she pointed .I took out my phone.

"Hm,juicy story."I said as I videoed them. After that I went straight to Bradley's house, Piper got some family issues to attend. I knocked,then he opened the door.

" just the right person."I said as I entered.

"What's up?"He asked.

"Your girlfriend is cheating..."

"Sabrina,stop saying..."I shutted him up with the video.

"Oh.My. Gosh,Sabrina this not true."He slipped down the wall.I hugged him.

"Relationships are pain in the neck."I said.

"Am going to call her and break up with her."He said as He took his phone and dialed Tracy number.

B:We are done.

He hanged up.

He kissed me.


" Give me a sec."I rushed to the kitchen. I quickly dialled Piper.

p: Hello.

s:Piper,he broke up with her ,real soon.

p:so under go operation humilation part two.


p:don't blush really hard.

s:I will try not to.

p:have fun.

s:eww,fyi we are still young.



I hanged up,I went to living room,I removed my blazer,it was dark,I felt a tug,I fell on someone,who was shirtless,I could feel the abs.Then he kissed me,I kissed him back,we were kissing for hours and the door opened,Rowan,she turned on the lights,I knew it was Bradley,I letted go of his grip.

"hm,this is really awkward." she said.Bradley putted on his shirt.

"Ok,I heard am so sorry."She said to Bradley.

"Thanks."He said.

Rowan spent a lot of time with us,until I said I was leaving,Rowan decided to go with me.

"Sabrina,I can't say anything." She said.

"Just don't."

"Sabrina,you stood so low."

"I don't get."

"you making out with Bradley."

"come on,we 've been making out for hours."

"it could have lead to something."

"come on,If it was to, I could have stopped it."I said annoyed.

"Yeah,you could have stopped it." She said sarcastically.

"Ok, spill the beans"I said pouting as I crossed my hands.

"You were kissing him passioniately that you never want to let go."

"Come on,Bradley will never try to do something so stupid to me." I said.

"Maybe. "She left.

Ok,am so hurt now,am not going to lose another friend because of this slut.

I called Piper.

P :hello

Me :Piper,its time. Meet me outside .
Ready for action and drama,well,the drama parts will be pretty annoying,don't hate me.


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