Chapter Seven

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Sabrina 's pov•
She laughed."You got to be kidding me." She said breaking her laugh as she left

"I got to."I said as I took a drink.

"Brads,you do need a towel,I will get one." I said heading upstairs.

"No,I will get it!"Sarah screamed,I gave her a death glare.she folded her mouth.

"I 'll go with you."Bradley said as he got up and we headed upstairs,we got to my room.

"Woah,its still raining."Bradley said as he looked at the window.

"Yeah,"I said as I got his arms around me.

"Am so warm."I said.

"Cause I keep you warm,but am cold."He said as he let go of me and shievered,oh I forgot,he's shirtless,I took a blancket and covered him up.

"Why?"He asked.

"Cause I care."I said.

"Yeah,right."He said.

"Come on Brads,I care. "I said.

'Still, yeah,Right." He said.

"Fine." I said as I went to the bathroom.

"Can I shower with you?!" He asked.

"Ewww!!!!" I said.

Piper 's pov .
"I can't believe it,The guys are keeping a secret."I said as I combed my hair.

"Well,as far as it got nothing to do with us." Peyton said .

"Nah,it got something to do with Sabrina "

"Woah,let it be." She said.

"Fine,so any cute guys on our list." I asked trying to change the subject.

"Sure,this cute guy will be cute for me." I said.


Jake 's pov.
"Dude Its killing me." I said as we played Gears of war 2 on XBOX.

"The game or the lie." Spencer said.

"The lie,we shouldn't have dared on Sabrina." I say.

"You what now!!!!!!!" A voice said frim behind.
We look behind,Peyton. Oh,boy.

"Peyton! Where are you?! "Piper said as she came downstairs.

"Piper!Spencer and Jake..." We pleaded with her,she almost in tears.

"What? "Piper said.

"Nothing,let's go to my room." She said cleaning her tears and went upstairs.

"I hate this." Spencer said.

"Yah,me too." I sighed.

"We need to tell her." I said.

"But... "

"No buts." I said.

"Sure,you got to tell her after telling me what the heck?" Peyton said.

Sabrina 's pov.
"Tell me a bedtime story." I said as we rolled up the blanket.

"Ain't you kinda old for bedtime stories?" Bradley asked.

"Then how will you be a good dad? "

"How will I be a gooddad? I 'll be a great dad." He says.

"Ok." I said sarcastically.

"Oh,no. If I can't tell a bedtime story,but I can sing one." Oh,boy am sure gonna have a bad nightmare.

"Oh,little baby don't say word." Next time don't doubt a friend.

"Papa 's gonna buy you a mocking bird." He sang horrible.

"Am going again...ok from the top.
Oh little baby don't say a ..." I covered his mouth.

"How about now?" I said.

"Ok,let's never tell any other living soul about this."


"Can we sleep now? "He asked as he yawned.

"Sure." Then his phone rang.

"Am be right back." He says as he got up.

Bradley 's pov.
Why is Spencer wanting to have a face time? He could have called.

"Hey ,dude." I said from face time then I saw Jake.

"Brads,Peyton knows." Jake said.

"What?!" I said.

"Yeah and she almost told Piper." Spencer said.

"What? Great,what happened? Do you know what? Am coming over." I said.

"Sabrina, Throw the keys." I said as I wore my shirt.

"Where are you going to? "She said as she threw the keys.

"I 'll be right back." I said as I pecked her lips.

"Ok." She says.
"Please,don't tell me you told her everything?" I said as I shutted the door.

"Yes,they told me everything." Peyton said as she stood by the kitchen door.

"Bradley Steven Perry, how could you?!" She slapped me.

"But... "

"Am sorry,did you say something? Of course,there's no but,this is your best friend,how could you dare on her with these idiots." She said.

"You know we 're right here? "Spencer said.

"Shut it!!!" She said.

I grabbed her arm." Hey,this conversation 's becoming boring,so listen carefully. Don 't you think of telling Sabrina anything." I said with rage in my eyes.

"Tell Sabrina what? That you dared on her." Piper said as she descended down.

"Peyton go upstairs and two of you,am coming back for you." She said, woah what a controlling voice.

Peyton went upstairs and the guys left.

"Woah,Bradley I don't know what to say maybe I could start of by doing this." She slapped me.

"I thought you were way different from the rest but like I always say guys are dogs, mean and heartbreakers." She said.

I grabbed her arm." Good,say whatever want to say, I don't care but don't tell Sabrina." I said.

She letted go of my grip and laughed." Wait,you think that am gonna tell her,this 's your problem so deal with it. I 'll be there to comfort her." She ran upstairs.

Things are getting hot in here,I got to leave this room. Woah,Bradley lost it this time,am so sorry for the delay.
Bye guys

The burning Game Of Love.( A Brabrina love story.)Where stories live. Discover now