Chapter Ten

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Sabrina's POV
I heard someone knocking on the door. I rushed downstairs wrapped in a towel, I was taking my shower and my parents are working and Sarah... Who knows where she is?

I walked downstairs and opened the door. It was Bradley and guess what happened? My towel fell and I wasn't wearing anything underwear.

"let me guess, You were expecting Piper. "He said sarcastically as he bent to pick my towel.

" Bradley, what do you want? "I ask snatching my towel from him.

" you. "he kissed me roughly.

Piper's POV
Jake had texted me for Twenty seventh time today. Mostly, were text messages that he wanted to speak with me. Am in the bar trying to cool off but I can't.

Now, I have to call him. I need the guts to answer this dude.

I turned my sit around and dialed his phone number. "hello?" he asked.

"it's me Piper. "I said.

"oh, am sorry, Piper. Are you at a lesbian bar, if not. Have fun with the guys. "He said rudely.

I gasped." am not a lesbian and stop this for crying out loud. I don't wanna lose another friend because a silly mistake made by Sabrina, I'll remind you that she kissed me and I didn't kiss her back. "I explained.

" I saw it life and it looked real like you two were in a relationship. "he said.

" Jake, your sounding jealous. "I said.

" I'll be at there in a sec but don't think I'll forgive you. Bye. "he said and hanged up.

Spencer 's POV.
we are still in the bathtub and everything's going well until...

" stop. "She said.

I pulled away." what happened? "

" did you put on condoms? "She asked.

" I always wear condom. "I said.

" So, your telling me you had sex with other girls. "She said.

" Paris, am a guy. I do have serial urges sometimes. "I explained.

" your not in love with me. "She asked surprised.

I laughed." oh, Paris, you thought am in love with you? "I asked kissing her neck.

Out of frustration. She slapped me and walked out of the bathtub." I was foolish to fall in love with you. "She left then she stopped and took three steps.

" leave before my parents get back and you wouldn't wanna know what happen to you if my dad sees you her. "She said.

Rowan's POV
I went from store to store in the mall trying to get a new pair of sneakers. Maybe, I have a problem.

" hey, Rowan Blanchard! "I heard a familiar voice.

I looked back." Cameron Boyce! "I yelled back.

He walked towards me." hey, kiddo. "he smirked.
" am not a kid. "I spat crossing my arms.

" So, little of Rowan Blanchard, don't want this? "he said pointing to his self.

" No, "I whispered into his ears.

" oh, Row. How about we have some fun in the fun store. "he said throwing me on his back

" they have one of those? "I asked.

" yeah, dummy. See! This is my your little Rowan Blanchard. "he whined.

The burning Game Of Love.( A Brabrina love story.)Where stories live. Discover now