Sick Day

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    Normally, by the time Paul's alarm for work went off, Emma would still be asleep, But today was different. At this moment, Emma seemed like she had been awake for hours.
    "Honey, what are you doing?" Paul asked, walking over to where she was trying to button her beanies uniform. "Getting ready." She responded, not looking up from her hands. "Emma, your alarm doesn't go off for another 20 minutes, why are you up?" He asked, pinching the bridge of his nose, worried for the answer. "I don't know, I couldn't sleep, so we're here now." She said matter-of-factly. Paul soon noticed that her voice was different, and realized "oh she's sick" Emma sees Paul lost in his thoughts, and takes this opportunity to walk out of the room. Paul, as it turns out, saw Emma leave, and ran after her . "Uh-uh, you're not going to work," Paul said, blocking the door. "What are you talking about?" Emma asked, clueless. "You're clearly sick!" Paul half yelled. "Oh come on, I'm fine." Emma retorted, trying to shove past him out the door. Paul wasn't having any of it, and pushed Emma towards the couch, in which she didn't really fight against. He sat her down and quickly said, "Please don't, do anything stupid like leaving." Emma rolled her eyes, as Paul left the room. Emma was tempted to leave, but the couch was so comfortable, and she was so tired, she fought against it. Out of the corner of her eye, Emma saw Paul sprint to and from the bathroom, returning with a thermometer in hand. "Take this, and I won't hear an argument." He quickly said, shoving the device in Emma's  face. She rolled her eyes once more, but reluctantly put the thermometer in her mouth. "Ok, yep thats a fever." Paul muttered to no one in particular. He set the thermometer down on the coffee table. He sat back down next to Emma, and put an arm around her. "You need to sleep Em." Paul whispered in Emma's ear. " "I'm not a human, therefore, I don't need sleep." She responded back to him, clearly fighting sleep. All Paul could do was laugh at his partners delirium. "Thats ridiculous, what are you then, a murderous robot?" He questioned, but as he took a glance back at Emma, she was already asleep. Paul laughed a bit more, as he turned on the TV, simultaneously looking back down at Emma. The only thought his mind could conjure up was "ill protect you until the day we die."

(Sorry if this is bad but i warned you,and I'm to lazy to do real editing)

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