Dont Cry Over Spilt Milk

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Backstory: you can write word in objects, and your soul mate will see it if they're in a situation with the same object
(example: someone writes something in a bonfire, and the other person sees it if they're cooking)

    Emma perkins never thought much about the "soulmate stuff" she's been educated about it since she was in 1st grade, and how it all works. She never really worried about it, if she loves someone and they love her, it doesn't matter if they're soulmates or not.
    Paul Matthew's on the other hand, has been fascinated by it since he was first taught about it. Always pondering about how it works, or if it's just another crazy idea. Nevertheless, he's always wanted to find his soulmate. It could be a boy, girl, non binary, he just wanted to find them.
    Paul walks into the local coffee shop beanies, and immediately his gaze is stolen by a gorgeous girl rocking a neon green apron, and her curly hair draping over her face at the sides. "Could this be it? No, it never is, but could it be her?" Paul's thought all yell at him simultaneously. "Hey, can I just get a black coffee please?" He asks, making the barista jump a bit.
    "Yeah, that'll be $5.50" she responds, turning around to pour the drink. He plops a 5 dollar bill into the tip jar, as she turns around, snapping the lid on the cup and handing it to him. He pays, and just before he leaves, the girls asks,
"I see you in her like, all the time. Whats your name?"
    "Hi Paul, I'm Emma." She smiles, and leans her elbows on the counter. "Emma" Paul mouths to himself as he walked put of the small shop, and makes his way home.
Emma unlocks her apartment, and slams the door shut, leaning against it and falling to her knees. After laying there for a minute, lamenting about her annoying ass coworkers, she stands up to go make herself a tea. She's never been much of a coffee person, though she works at a coffee shop, so she walks over and picks out her favorite green tea bags. She sets it in a cup of hot water to steep, as she grabs the milk from the fridge. Little does she know, in her rush in the morning, she didn't put the cap on all the way, and she drops the gallon and milk goes flying everywhere on the floor.
    "SHIT." Emma screams, running to the bathroom to grab towels. She eyes the spill as she wonders "milk is a common enough thing right?" She kneels doesn't on the tile, as she writes in the liquid "hi, whats your name?" And waits for them to respond.
    "Hey Alice, guess who's here?" Paul yells, opening the door to his best friends house to watch his daughter. "Uncle Paul!" She yells, as she runs into his open arms. "Hey! How are you sweetheart?" He asks, ruffling up her hair.
    "I'm super good now that you're here!" She squeals, as pauls friend Bill comes around the corner. "I swear to God, sometimes I feel like she likes you more than me sometimes." Bill laughs, grabbing his coat from the rack by the door.
    "I have that effect on people sometimes." Paul jokes, slinging an arm around Bill's shoulder. "Okay, her bedtime is 8:30, and there's mac and cheese on the counter for dinner." Bill explains, making sure Paul heard all of it. "Yeah, I got all of it. Have fun being stuck with Ted all night." He quips, punching Bill in the arm. Bill rolls his eyes, and after saying his final goodbyes, he walks out the door.
    "Okay Alice, I'm gonna get dinner started, what do you want to watch?" Paul asks the girl. "Mmmm, Mickey mouse." She answers, after thinking for a moment. Paul turns on the cartoon, and gets to cooking. He grabs the milk out of the fridge, and begins to cook the noodles. While the pasta is boiling, he starts to make the sauce, and as he poues the milk, he spills it on the counter.
    "Oh god," he mutters, grabbing paper towels. But right before he's about to wipe it up, he sees the milk start to dry in certain spots.
"Hi, whats your name?" It shows. Paul, knowing this could be his chance, quickly wipes the message away, and writes "Paul", and waits for another response.
    "OMIGOD" Emma yells to herself, recognizing the name from beanies earlier. She decides she's to scared to go any further, and soaks up the milk with the towel.
Paul, dissapointed when he doesn't get a response, wipes up the milk, and tosses the wet paper in the garbage can. And goes back to cooking.

    All night Emma couldn't stop thinking about what happened with the milk. She drank her tea in pure silence, and thought about the whole drive to the coffee shop. Paul walks in again, and once again says, "can I please get a black coffee?"
Emma nods, and gets to work.
    "So, not a big milk guy?" She asks, handing the cup to him. "Not in coffee no, but when making pasta for a 6 year old, I'd say so." He laughs back, grabbing Emma's attention.
"Paul, right?" She asks urgently. He nods, and instantly something clicks within both of them. "I'll see you later Emma." He rushes, quickly paying and leaving. "DAMN." she whisper-yells so only she can hear.
    This goes on for a while, both spilling something, and finally working up the courage to write something revealing. Eventually, though, they asked enough yes or no questions to figure out it was the other. They were actually soulmates, and no one could tell them otherwise. Paul asked Emma to go somewhere nice, and they continued their lives, living to tell the story of how they knew they were the one.

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