You Made Me This Way

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    Alice walked along the small sidewalk on her way to her last day at Hatchetfield high. It was an emotional day for her, leaving her friends, her dad, and her the only town she's ever known behind. She grabs her phone out of the small pocket of her backpack and opens her messages. She stared at the bright screen, adjusting in the light of the sunny day. She stares at the message before her reading,
    "dad, I'm to scared to say this in person, but I'm gay. Like, I like girls." There was no reply, only a small tag reading "read" her gaze turns toward the small clock in the corner, as it reads 8:10 she goes wide eyed, as she remembered school starts in 10 minutes, and not wanting to end on a bad impression, she starts sprinting towards the building.
    Once the doors come into her field of vision, Alice thinks she can slow down, but as she stops, she runs into a figure that appeared in front of her. They slma into each other, and both end up on the ground. "Oh my God I'm so sorry." Alice says, quickly hurrying to pick up the girls things. "Here's your stuff bac-" she starts, but is cut off by the girl in front of her. The way her curly hair falls out of her beanie in such an organized chaos, her gorgeous eyes, made Alice internally swoon. "Thanks" she says, snapping Alice out of her trance. Alice sees the girls phone next to her hand and quickly picks it up. She notices the spotify playlist playing, and hands the phone back to its owner. "What is that?" Alics asks, pointing to the screen.
     "Its hamilton, you know it?" She responds, smiling. "I've heard of it, but I've never listened to it. I'm not much of a theater person" Alice said, forcing a laugh. "Well, I have a great playlist to get you started! Can I get your number?" She asks, holding her hand out. "Definietly!" Alice exclaims, trading phones with the girl. The xcange contacts, and Alice looks at the contact the girl left for her. "Deb🏳️‍🌈" it shows. "Sorry, I'm gay. I hope that's cool with you." Deb says, with a neutral expression. "No its fine, I am too" Alice says, a genuine smile this time. They sit in silence for a moment, until they hear a large "DING" from behind them, and realizing it was the school bell, the bolt up and start sprinting to class, both with smiles on their faces, and hands weaved together.
    The day that Alice had to leave was hard. Her and deb had grown closer, and Alice's obsession with musicals grew stronger everything they saw each other. The promised they would text each other every moment of the drive to clivesdale, and just like that, she was off.
    It was musicals that brought them together, and the same thing would tear them apart.

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