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Laura was lying there watching her ex-girlfriend/ girlfriend/lover leaning against the TV stand completely naked, texting Lucy back.
She couldn’t believe they were here again. So much had changed. It felt like they had only just started before.
Hitting send, Cameron looked up, seeing her watching her, but her mind was elsewhere. Putting the phone down, she pursed her lips, thinking of the last time they had seen each other. She came back over to the bed, crawling over her and kissing her softly. They smiled at each other before they lay beside each other, just being together.
Cameron touched her face softly with her fingers. So much had happened since they were last together; her life had changed so much since...
Laura saw her get lost in her thoughts. She pushed herself up, resting her head on her hand and looking down at her. She trailed her fingers over her skin slowly.
“I think I read somewhere you’ve been seen out and about with this guy who writes advice columns or something?”
“Ha.” Cameron laughed, getting comfortable in the same position. “Yeah, PR. Keeps everyone off my back about being single. He’s got his own business and career that he’s focused on. We have the same interests and he’s pretty good at giving me advice, like motivation and perspective.” She felt Laura’s fingers trail over her stomach.
“What about Lucy?” Their eyes met.
Cameron shook her head. “She is hating on me at the moment. I mean, she’s done so much for me, and I owe her so much for my career, but I think this was her way of finally giving up on me.”
“Giving up?” Laura’s eyebrow tweaked. “See, I told you she was into you. I’m surprised you two haven’t...”
Cameron pursed her lips momentarily, knowing her silence would make Laura think. Laura put her head back, knitting her brow. Cameron smirked in response.
“As if!” She smacked her arm, deciding to get up and pushing her girlfriend onto her back. “She knows I’m off-limits, besides...” She scissored herself between Laura’s legs, pressing down into her groin with her own. “I have a type, and it’s not her.”
Feeling the intimate touch, Laura pressed up into her. Cameron grabbed her leg, grinding down into her. Laura dug her teeth into her lip, sliding her hand over Cameron’s leg. She looked at the now young woman being so intimate with her.
“Mama’s never going to let me near you again.”
“Yeah, I know.” Cameron ground into her.
“So we can’t be seen together, especially now that you’re in the public eye.”
Cameron looked at her, moving around a bit, leaning over her. Laura helped position her, keeping the rhythm going between them. Biting her lip, she closed her eyes briefly, the sensations below distracting her mind. Cameron leaned over her, continuing her tease. She waited until she opened her eyes to look up at her.
Laura’s chest fell, and she opened her eyes, letting the tears fall on her cheek. Cameron touched her face, wiping the tear with her thumb. She searched her eyes a moment before she stopped holding her eyes. She smiled a little. She began to sing quietly. “Loving you was young, wild, and free.” She traced her cheek. “I sing to you all the time. Every time I perform, I’m singing to you. I hope you can hear me telling you that I love you and I’ll never forget you.”
Another tear fell from Laura’s eyes. She moved her hands up the girl’s back, feeling her muscles under her touch. “I’ll never stop loving you.”
Cameron moved a little, arching her eyebrow. Laura moved her hands back down, pressing her hips back into her.
“You love me?” Cameron ground into her teasingly. Laura groaned, pursing her lips and feeling Cameron’s hips grinding her intimacy into hers.
She arched. “Fuck yes!”
The mood started to get intense.
“Good.” Cameron smiled, hearing the moan in the back of her throat.
“Because I’m not losing you this time.”

The elevator stopped, and the doors slid open. Walking out Lucy saw the room service guy stopping outside 362.
“Woo, hi, hi!” She ran up to him before he could knock on the door. “I’m going in there, so...” She slipped him a twenty.
“Sweet as.” He handed her the tray. Watching him walk back towards the elevator she knocked on the door before lifting the lid to see what they got. The door opened, and she met the green eyes before her.
“Worked up an appetite?”
She grinned, flicking her eyebrows.
“Cam, it’s for you.”
Laura smiled quickly before leaving the door open for her to follow. Lucy walked in, seeing Cameron wrapped up in a robe watching cartoons. Laura sat down beside her, tightening hers up.
“Oh, come on, seriously, I booked you guys a room, and this is what you’re doing? Watching cartoons?” She put the tray down on the bed. Cameron grabbed a juice.
“Oh no, we’ve been talking.” Lucy’s eyebrow rose.
“With your mouths?” Laura smacked her in the arm getting a smack back. She looked between them.
“So, did I do good? Are you guys alright now? Cause seriously, this one’s been driving me NUTS!”
Laura glared at her. “Cause she won’t put out?”
“Hey!” She got a smack from both of them.
“That’s my boss you’re talking about!” Lucy gave Cameron a wink. “Anyways, I can’t help if her standards are way below average...”
Laura put her toast down and pushed Lucy off the bed.
“Guys!” Cameron called out, holding the tray as Laura climbed off the bed, attacking her best friend.
“Say it again!”
Lucy tried to hold her laugh, but she couldn’t. Laura smirked, smacking her in the leg. “Go on!”
“You know I’m way fucken hotter than you!” Laura got her down on the ground, sitting on her.
“You skinny arse bitch!” She wrestled her arms.
“Get off me, fatty!”
“Ouch! Did you hear that?!” She directed at Cameron, who rolled her eyes, taking another bite of her toast.
“Do what you gotta do.” She gave her permission.
“What?” Lucy’s eyes opened.
Laura grinned. “Hear that!” She bounced on her. “I’m her bitch, not you.”
“Actually.” Cameron got up, heading to the bathroom.” I pay her to be my bitch.” They looked up, seeing the grin on her cheeks as she walked past.
“By the way, Jordy’s naked under that.” Laura and Lucy looked at each other.
Lucy pushed up. “Gross, get off me!”
“Oh” Laura pushed her back onto the floor. “This is what you get for hitting on my girlfriend!” Lucy smacked her, trying to get her off.
“You just left bitch! You said I could watch out for her!” Laura poked her in the sides.
“Watch out for her, not try to get into her pants!” She smacked her leg hard.
“Ouch! Ok, ok, Jesus! Get off me!”
Laura stood up, sitting back on the bed as Lucy got off the ground straightening herself out. She sat on the bed beside her best friend, looking at her.
“So you alright or what?” She glimpsed at the bathroom door. “I’ve seen Jo a couple of times. She said you’d gone off the rails.”
Laura sighed, taking a quick glimpse at the closed door.
“Thanks for keeping quiet about me. I didn’t want her to know what I was going through.”
“Oh, trust me, even though she’s had all this, she’s been struggling just the same. She’s good at hiding it.”
“She’d be a good actress.”
“Hmm, so would you.” They looked at each other for a moment. Laura gave her a little smile.
“She cares about you, you know. She trusts you, and she can be herself with you. You’re her best friend. Her PA. You are the closest person to her. Don’t throw that away, ok? She’s worth it.”
Lucy smiled shyly. They had been through their shit together, but they’d always remained tight.
“She ah..” Laura pointed to the door. “She doesn’t want to lose me again.”
Lucy let out a breath. She knew this would happen.
Laura continued. “There is no way we can..” She shook her head. “Mama hates me like hates me! I can’t be seen with her. She has eyes on her everywhere now. We can’t be together.” She looked at Lucy, listening beside her. “We can’t do this. I mean, I appreciate you so much for this! Like fuck thank you, but... Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.”
Lucy looked at her a moment. She nodded, looking at the door. “Okay.” She looked back at her, knowing how important this was to the two of them.
She pursed her lips.
“I can do this but you guys have got to be patient with me and not pressure me. I’ll know when the time is right, okay? You’ve just got to trust me.”
Laura looked at her lost at what she was just on about. “What are you saying?”
Lucy spun around, slapping her hand down on her mate’s shoulder.
“This threesome, I’ve gotcha covered.”

Cameron shut the room door behind Lucy before looking to the balcony where Laura had vanished. She walked out, catching her just about to light a smoke. Laura stopped.
Cameron reached up, taking it out of her mouth.
“Yes, it’s hot in the movies, but not on you.” She put it back in her packet.
“Do you think it would work?” Laura watched her tuck them in her pocket.
“Well.” Cameron pulled her jacket around her, leaning in closer. “We wouldn’t be free to do what we want, but...” She looked up at her. “At least we could see each other.” She saw the look on Laura’s face. “If this is not what you want...”
“Hey...” Laura reached for her hand. “Of course, it’s what I want. I want to be with you I just didn’t realize we would end up being so much of a secret.” She touched her face. “Babe, I’ve messed up your life once already, I want you to be happy, and I’m just not sure if this is enough...if I’m enough.”
Cameron searched her eyes. She knew where this was coming from. She understood it. She pursed her lips a moment, linking her fingers with hers.
“If you got a text from Lucy saying I needed you, would you come?”
Laura let out a breath she didn’t even have to ask. “You know I would.”
“Then please believe me, if you needed me, I would come.” She held her eyes reassuringly. “I would come.”
She leaned over and kissed her softly.
Laura held her close before she pulled back. She smiled, pursing her lips.
“Are you going home for Christmas?” Cameron smiled, pulling her phone out.
“Okay.” Laura smiled, seeing her getting ready to take a selfie with her. “I’ll be at Jo’s. We can meet up then.” They posed as they did in the old days.
“Maybe I’ll sneak you into my room.” Cameron snapped them again. “Or maybe we can get our own room.”
“True.” Cameron laughed, snapping the picture of Laura kissing her neck.
“One more.” Their lips met in a smile.
“I will get Lucy to book it now. I will see you at the concert in Houston, right?” She handed over her phone.
“I guess.” Laura teased, putting her number in her contacts. Cameron took it back.
“You have to so I can sing to you for real.” She looked up at her, smiling back at her.
Laura kissed her softly.
“Lucy’s waiting.” She whispered. “And I don’t need any more excuses right now for Mama to kill me.”
Cameron touched her face. “She does care about you. I’ll keep working on her.” She smiled. Holding her hand, she began to walk back towards the door.
“Oh.” She reached into her pocket throwing her packet of smokes. “You don’t need them.” Laura looked at them, putting them in her pocket.
“I’ll try.”
Cameron stopped in the doorway. They wouldn’t see each other for a few weeks, but she was okay with that now. Laura leaned back against the railing, just wanting to remember her like this.

“Because I knew you...” She sang quietly.
Cameron’s smile reached her cheeks. “Because I know you.”
“I’ve been changed... for good.” They sang together. Cameron winked before Laura watched her walk through the room and out the door.

Smiling, she turned back around and saw the sun rising over the buildings. She felt a huge weight had finally lifted off her shoulders.
Hearing a car go up the road with its sounds, her phone beeped. She pulled it out of her pocket, seeing an unknown number. She opened the message, seeing the attached photos.
The message read. ‘Forever, my Elphie.’
“Haa,” She smiled, looking at the photo of them kissing.
“And you’ll forever be my Glinda, Cam. Forever.”

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