Part 3

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Jo came into the lounge, dropping her keys on the table. Laura was still lying on the couch, her headphones on, looking at her phone. That stupid grin was a permanent fixture on her face.
Jo stopped by the door frame. Laura had been staying with her for over a month now, and she’d never seen her so happy. Hearing no presents of Cameron, she was surprised to see her alone. The two of them had been inseparable since that day; the cute girl introduced herself to Jo at the truck. You could hear them before you saw them. Cameron seemed to always have Laura laughing and they would get louder and goofier the more they were in each other’s company. They were only quiet when they were both engrossed in reading a book, watching a movie, or finally asleep after a noisy teenage sleepover.

Her sister’s laugh brought her back to the room. Laura saw her standing there.
“Hey.” She pulled off her headphones. “Where did you go?”
Laura put her phone down. Jo had been going out quite a bit the last couple of weeks. She was sure she was seeing someone. She sat up. “Out where?”
“Where’s Cammeerooon?”
Laura got up, following her to the kitchen. “At some kid’s party thing with her sister. Don’t change the subject!” She took a seat at the kitchen counter. She didn’t remember Jo ever mentioning guys in the past. This was fun. “You’re seeing someone, aren’t you?”
Jo put the juice back in the fridge. She knew Laura would be smart enough to figure her out, but she wasn’t ready to say anything yet. She leant over the counter, giving Laura her full attention. Green eyes meet green. The corners of Jos’lips curled. “As if I would tell you anything, Jordy!” She backed up.
Laura shook her head. “Oh, come on, Joey!” She teased. “I’ve noticed the showers before you go out and the ‘delicate but subtle hint of perfume you’re wearing.” Laura pointed her finger teasingly. She knew. “You like someone. I think you’re in looove.”
“Oh, cut it out! I am not!”
Laura followed her back into the lounge and down the hallway.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about?”
“See, you just admitted it! You do have the hots for someone, Jo, tell me!”
“Nope.” She followed Jo into the bathroom.
“Do I know him? It’s that guy from the service station! No, wait, that guy Matt that mows the lawn next door! Now he’s cute!”
Jo turned around, shutting the cupboard door where the towels were.
“He is cute, right?”
“Yeah.” Laura agreed with her sister.
“No.” Jo reached her hand up, pushing Laura out of the bathroom.
“Well, then, when do I get to meet him? I have to check him out, check he’s not some serial killer posting false profiles on dating sites or something.” The door was shut in her face. “Jo!” She knocked.
“What!” Jo yelled from the other side, getting ready for a shower.
Laura stopped. “It’s good to see you, happy sis.”
Jo smiled, hearing her through the door. “Yeah.” She shook her head. “Yeah, you too, Jordy.”

“Alright, alright, settle down!”
Blair tapped the top of the piano, waiting for the group to focus. She glanced at the two girls centre stage sitting on the prop beds in the dorm room scene. “Now, please, can we do that again without you two laughing!”
Laura looked up from Cameron to Blair. “Yes, Miss. I’m sorry she cracks me up when she gets super girly like that!” She tied her hair back up, smiling at Cameron. Her cheeks were sore from laughing.
“Then don’t watch her!”
“Yes, Miss.”
Cameron leaned into her.
“Pretend I annoy the shit out of you; see if we can make her laugh,” She whispered, getting into character. “I sooo loath you.”
“Oh, I all ta...” Laura got up and got back into position on Elphaba’s spot.
“Right!” Blair yelled, taking a seat in front of the stage again.
“Scene 3 Galinda and Elphaba are in their dormitory room, both dutifully writing home.”

Cameron was pretending to write her letter. “Dearest darlingest Momsie and Popsicle.”
Laura was doing the same as Elphaba. “My dear Father”
They both sang. “There’s been some confusion over rooming here at shiz.”
Laura sang. “But of course, I’ll care for Nessa.”
Cameron sang. “But of course, I'll rise above it.” They sang together.
“For I know that’s how you’d want me to respond. Yes, there’s been some confusion for you see, my roommate is...”
Cameron sung. “Unusually and exceedingly peculiar and altogether quite impossible to describe...blonde.”
They all laughed at Laura.
Cameron started. “What is this feeling so sudden and new...I felt the moment I laid eyes on you. My pulse is rushing...My head is reeling...My face is flushing.”
Jo slipped in, taking a seat next to Blair. The girls continued.
“What is this feeling? Fervid as a flame, does it have a name? Yes! Loathing.”
Everyone laughed.
“Unadulterated loathing.”
They stepped up to each other. Cameron squinted at her. “For your face...”
“Your voice.” Laura sneered.
Cameron looked her up and down. “Your clothing...”
They sang together. “let’s just say—I loathe it all!”
They separated, starting to mimic each other.
The group ran onto the stage up to Cameron. “Dear Galinda, you are just too good! How do you stand it? I don’t think I could! She’s a terror! She’s a tartar!”
Laura started pacing.
“We don’t mean to show a bias, but Galinda, you’re a martyr!”
Cameron turned to them. “Well, these things are sent to try us!”
“Poor Galinda, forced to reside with someone so disgusting we just want to tell you: we’re all on your side!
“What is this feeling loathing so sudden and new? Cameron and Laura sang back to back. “Unadulterated loathing. I felt the moment for her face, her voice. I laid eyes on you, her clothing; my pulse is rushing; let’s just say my head is reeling! We loathe it all!”
They pointed at each other.
“Oh, what is this feeling? Is every little trait, however small, does it have a name? Makes our very flesh, yes, begin to crawl!”
“Ahhh!” Cameron yelled in frustration.
“Ahhh!” Laura yelled back. They paced around the stage and then continued. “Though I do admit it came on fast. Still, I do admit that it can last.”
They turned to each other, quickly walking away from each other. “And I will be loathing loathing for forever loathing, loathing truly, deeply loathing you, loathing you for my whole life long!”
They walked up to each other, standing face to face. “Loathing, unadulterated loathing!” They stared each other out.
Laura caught her wink, her lip curling. She leaned into her close enough to breathe on her.
“Ahh!” Cameron jumped.
Laura let out her witchy laugh.

The room laughed, getting up and cheering. Jo stood up next to Blair, applauding her sister’s performance. She wet her lips, taking a quick glimpse at the young teacher.
Blair glanced back at her. They watched the girls congratulate themselves with a hug.
“Does she know?”
Blair searched her face for a second. “Nope.”
Jo was watching her sister’s interaction with Cameron.
“Are you going to tell her?” Letting out a sigh, Jo turned to face her. A smile came to her cheeks.
“About you trying to kiss me?” She whispered. Blair couldn’t stop the smile coming to her cheeks.
“That night could have changed your life.”
“Alright.” Jo blushed checking they were not being watched or overheard.
“So, do you want to come around tonight?” Blair pursed her lips keeping an eye on the talking students. Jo leaned on the seats in front, unable to control the grin on her cheeks.
“Are you going to cook for me?”
“Of course!” They smiled at each other.
Laura was in the middle of talking with Ally and Dayna when Cameron leaned over, whispering in her ear.
Laura drew her eyes over to her sister and their young teacher. They were talking to each other secretly. She observed their body language. She knew they had sparked a friendship since they had started the production, but this was different. She glimpsed at Cameron beside her, watching them too.
“Are they flirting?”
“They are, aren’t they?” They watched the uncontrollable grin come to Jo’s cheeks.
“Oh my god!” The two girls moved into each other laughing, embarrassed at what they just discovered. “Your sister is so hitting on Miss Williams!”
“Look at Miss! I think she likes her back!” They laughed.
“I wonder if that’s where she’s been going?” Laura watched her sister’s interaction. “I didn’t even know she...”
“Liked girls?” Cameron sat forward. “Well, she likes this one.” They watched them for a second before they found themselves looking at each other.
Laura bit her lip. “She’s happy that’s all I care about. She’ll tell me when she’s ready.”
“I’m sure she will.”
“Alright, guys!” Blair yelled out, getting their attention. “See you all here at 3.30 pm sharp, please, on Wednesday.”


Cameron could see Sean smiling at her. He hadn’t been at school for a few weeks, off on some family holiday in Paris or something. In the meantime, Blair had forgotten to mention that she had cast him as Fiyero.
“Scene 5, In the courtyard, a new student arrives. His cart nearly knocks over Elphaba.”
Laura stumbled. “Hey!”
“Be quiet, miss, you’ll disturb him!”
Laura brushed herself off. “I certainly will! Hey, you! Wake up!”
“Young lady, do you realize who this is!?”
“I don’t care who he is! Your cart nearly knocked me over, and you’re sleeping!”
Sean sat up in the cart. “Of course, it’s daytime. Well, see you soon, Avaric. I’m sure I won’t last any longer at this school than I did at any others.”
Laura looked at him. “Is this really how you go through life? Nearly knocking people over and not even noticing them?!”
“Well, maybe the driver saw green and thought it meant to go.”
On the other side of the stage, Tony was talking to Cameron. “Miss Galinda! I know I’m just a mere Munchkin. But even a Munchkin has feelings! And I have tried to tell you of mine for you, but sometimes it’s like you don’t even know who I am.”
Cameron looked over to where Laura was standing with Sean.”That’s not true, Bick.”
She quickly put her hand on Boq’s arm, shocked. “Bick, do you realize who that is!?”
Tony’s eyes widened. “You’re touching me!” Cameron continued. “That is Fiyero Tigelaar! He is that Winkie Prince whose reputation is so scandalous!” She yelled out to Fiyero (Sean). “Were you looking for something or someone?”
“Yes, some sort of history class somewhere over there.”
Tony stepped between them. “That is the history building right down there!”
“That class just ended.”
“Perfect timing. So what does one do for fun around here?” He came and stood closer to Cameron. A smile on his face.
Cameron blushed. “Nothing, until now.”
“We’ve been studying.”
“I see the responsibility to corrupt my fellow students fall to me. Fortunately, I am up to the task.” He gloated about to sing. “let’s go down to the ozdust ballroom. We’ll meet there later tonight. We can dance till it’s light. Find the prettiest girl; give her a whirl.” He took Cameron’s hand, but Boq grabbed the other and spun her. He looked at Cameron.
“Miss Galinda, I hope you’ll save at least one dance for me. I’ll be right there. Right by your side. Waiting. All night.”
Cameron smiled. “Oh, that’s so kind, Bick.”
She continued. “But you know what would be even kinder?” Cameron pointed to Trudy. “See that tragically beautiful girl, the one in the chair. It seems so unfair we should go on a spree and not she, I know someone would be my hero if that someone were to invite her.”
“Well, maybe I could invite her,” Tony said.
“Oh, Bick. You would do that for me!?”
“I would do anything for you, Miss Galinda. Excuse me, Miss Nessarose? There’s something I’d like to ask you?”
Blair read. “Boq wheels Nessarose away. Fiyero approaches Galinda with admiration.” Sean happily approached Cameron again, reaching down for her hand.
“You’re good.”
“I don’t know what you mean! But I do happen to be free tonight, so?”
Sean smiled. “So I’ll be picking you up around eight?”
“After all, now that we’ve met one another.” They sang together. “It’s clear we deserve each other.”
“You’re perfect.”
“You’re perfect.”
“So we're perfect together, born to be forever dancing through life.”

Laura was a little slower at giving her applause. She leaned over to Dayna.
“Who is that guy anyway?”
Dayna glimpsed up at Sean, flirting with Cameron on the stage. “Oh, that’s Sean. He’s had the biggest crush on Cam forever.” She adjusted in her seat. “They went out for a little while last year. They were Romeo and Juliet in last year’s play too. They do have good chemistry together. They’re so cute.” They watched them interacting. Cameron was brushing him off, but Laura could tell she was enjoying the attention though. She picked up her phone texting Jo.

“Alright, we’ll keep going. Scene 6.”
Blair pointed out, reading the script. “Elphaba, observing the other students in this celebratory frenzy, expresses her disdain for Fiyero to Nessarose.”
Laura got back up on the stage and stood beside Trudy, a new opinion of this Fiyero Sean guy.
“It’s absurd! This silly rich boy appears, and everyone’s off to worship him at some cultish social gathering!” She glimpsed at Cameron across the stage. Trudy sat up.
“Even me! I’m going! Isn’t it wonderful? Boq was too shy to ask me at first, but once Galinda encouraged him...”
“Don’t! Don’t you dare say another word against her! I’m about to have the first happy night of my life, thanks to Galinda.” Trudy began to sing. “Finally, for this one night, I’m about to have a fun night with this munchkin boy Galinda found for me, and I only wish there were something I could do for her to repay her Elphaba, see? We deserve each other, and Galinda helped it come true; we deserve each other me and Boq. Please, Elphaba—try to understand?”
Laura sighed. “I do.”

Blair stood up, reading the next scene. “In the room she shares with Elphaba, Galinda prepares for the dance. Panee and Shen-Shen are there.”
Cameron looked over her shoulder. “Do me up. And now I must accessorize myself for Fiyero.”
Blair read. “Panee and Shen-Shen, find a pointy black hat amongst her things.”
“Galinda, what in Oz’s name?”
Cameron waved at her. “Pretend you didn’t see that. My granny is always buying me the most hideous hats. I’d give it away, but I don’t hate anyone that much.”
“Yes, you do!”
“Oh no. I couldn’t. Could I?”
Blair read. “Elphaba comes to thank Galinda for her kindness to Nessarose.”
Laura walked up to her shyly. “Galinda, my sister and I were talking about you just now...”
Cameron smiled. “And I was just talking about you! I thought you might want to wear this to the party tonight! It’s really, uh, sharp, don’t you think? You know black is this year’s pink you deserve each other. This hat and you’re both so smart you deserve each other, so here, out of the goodness of my heart.”
Laura took the hat. Smiling, she exited the stage.
“Later, in the Ozdust Ballroom.” Blair adjusted in her seat, putting her pencil back behind her ear. “Fiyero and Galinda dance as Boq and Nessarose look on.”
“What’s in the punch?”
“Lemons and melons and pears.”
“Oh my!”
“Suddenly, Madame Morrible struts into the Ozdust.”
“Miss Upland!” Blair yelled.
Cameron turned around. “Madame Morrible! What are you doing here?”
“I have something for you.” Blair handed her a stick.
“Oh, Madame! A training wand! How can I ever express my gratitude?”
“Don’t thank me. This was your roommate’s idea, not mine. ”
“What? Elphaba?”
“Yes, Miss Elphaba requested that I include you in the sorcery class. She insisted that I tell you this very night, or she would quit the seminar!”
Cameron looked at the stick. “But why?”
Blair continued. “I have no idea! My personal opinion is that you do not have what it takes. I hope you prove me wrong. I doubt you will!”
Blair left the stage. Cameron looked down at the stick. Sean came to stand beside her. “What is it?”
“I got what I wanted.”
“So what’s the matter?”
“Good. Let’s dance!” He grabbed her hand, spinning her around.
Blair read. “Elphaba walks in, wearing a pointing black hat. In a split second, Elphaba realizes that Galinda has tricked her. The other students laugh and point.”
“Who in Oz is that?” Sean laughed, still holding Cameron’s hand.
“My roommate. Please don’t stare.”
“How can you help it?”
Blair read. “Determined to ignore them, Elphaba closes her eyes and, all by herself starts to dance.”
Blair watched Laura start dancing. “Galinda feels terrible for what she’s done.”
Sean smiled. “I’ll say this much for her, she doesn’t give a twig about what anyone else thinks.” Cameron dropped his hand, annoyed.
“Of course she does; she just pretends not to. I feel awful.”
“Why? It’s not like it’s your fault.” Cameron let go of his hand.
“Excuse me.” She walked over to Laura on the dance floor. She tapped her on the shoulder. “May I cut in?”
Everyone started to sing as they danced together, centre stage. “Dancing through life down at the ozdust if only because dust is what we come to, and the strange thing: your life could end up changing while you’re dancing through!”
Laura and Cameron continued dancing together through the cheers. Cameron spun her around then Laura spun her around.

“That was great, everyone! Wow, we are charging through these rehearsals!”
They all came and sat at the end of the stage. Laura noticed Sean make an effort to sit next to Cameron beside her. She moved closer, touching their sides together.
Cameron smiled back at her, touching her sleeve with her fingers. Blair looked at the time. Laura noticed her turn to look up at the door.
“She’s looking for Jo,” Cameron whispered.
Laura leaned closer. “I told her I was going back to yours after rehearsals.”
Cameron tilted her head. “Are you? It’s the middle of the week?”
Laura looked over the brunette’s head at the boy beside her ears dropping. She wet her lip, dropping her gaze back down to Cameron’s. She reached for her fingers, playing with them. “We can do whatever you want.”
Cameron caught the slight wink Laura gave her just before she glanced over her head at Sean again. Cameron suddenly realized what Laura was doing. She smiled to herself.
Blair turned back around, looking at her class.
“Alright, Friday, we will continue with Scene 7. Thanks, guys, see you then.” Sean jumped off the stage, heading up the aisle. Cameron noticed Laura watching him with a satisfied grin on her face. She threw her arm around the girl’s neck just as Malani and Dayna stopped in front of them. “Cam, what are you doing? Let her go!”
“Camz!” Laura crocked.
“I saw that!” Cameron laughed.
“Saw what?!” Laura tried to loosen the squeeze around her neck.
“Trying to make Sean jealous!” Malani started to laugh. “He still likes you, Cam.”
“Yeah, don’t be a bitch, Cam! That boy loves you!” Cameron still had a grip on Laura. Laura was trying to tickle her side. It was quickly turning into an actual play fight. They were trying not to laugh. “Camz, let me go!”
“Nah ah! Admit it!” Laura got her hand under the girl’s armpit. Cameron screamed, pulling away dropping them back onto the stage. She wasn’t going to let her go. They were laughing too much.
Dayna flicked her eyebrows at Malani, indicating to the two play fighting.
Cameron started screaming. Malani had a grip under her kneecap. Laura suddenly felt a grip on her knees.
“Dayna!” She screamed, finally feeling Cameron’s arms loosen. She sat up, smacking the tall girl’s hands away. Cameron sat up, grabbing Malani’s hand off her knee.
“Are you two finished?” Ally popped her head around Malani’s shoulder.
“Yes!” Cameron pouted, rubbing her bruised knee as Laura straightened up her ponytail.
“Come on, I’ll drop you all off.”
Laura jumped off the stage taking a glance at Cameron behind her. She put her hand out to assist her in jumping off.
“Do you still wanna come around?” The brunette asked, grabbing her bag off the seat.
“Yeah, if that’s okay? I get the feeling Jo will go see Blair tonight.” Laura picked up her phone, swiping the screen. As they walked up the aisle, Cameron bumped her. Laura looked up, seeing the glint in her eye and her cheeky grin. She smiled, chucking her arm over the girl’s shoulder, giving her a playful squeeze as they headed out.

Back in their dormitory room, Elphaba and Galinda have been up all night. Laura sat on Elphaba’s bed, and Cameron on Galinda’s. Cameron looked over at her.
“Your very first party ever?”
“Do funerals count?”
“Your very first party! Wow! I know, let’s tell the other something we’ve never told anyone! I’ll go first! Fiyero and I are going to be married!”
Laura turned around on her bed. “He’s asked you already?!”
“No.” Cameron stood up. “He doesn’t know yet.” She sat next to Laura. “Now, you tell me a secret.”
“Like what?”
“Like...” Cameron reached under the pillow for the bottle. “Like, why do you sleep with this funny little green bottle underneath your pillow?”
“Give it back!” Laura reached for it. Cameron held it high. “Come on, tell me!”
“Give it to me now!” Laura snatching it back!
“Tell me!”
“It was my mother’s! That’s all!”
“That’s not fair; I told you a really good one!”
“My father hates me.”
Cameron gasped. “What?”
Laura sighed. “That’s not the secret. The secret is he has a good reason. It’s my fault.”
“What? What is?”
“The reason my sister is the way she is.” She looked at Cameron. “You see when our mother was carrying Nessa, my father began to worry that the new baby might come out?”
“Green?” They said together. Laura continued.
“He was so worried he made our mother chew milk flowers day and night. Only it made Nessa come too soon, with her little legs all tangled. And our mother never woke up. None of which would have ever happened if not for me.” Cameron reached over and held her hand.
“But that was the milk flower’s fault, not yours. That may be your secret, Elphaba, but it doesn’t make it true. Look, it’s tomorrow! And Elphie, is it alright if I call you Elphie?”
“Well.” Laura smiled, looking down at their joint hands. “It’s a little perky.”
Cameron smiled. “And you can call me Galinda. You see, Elphie, now that we’re friends, I’ve decided to make you my new project.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that!” Laura waved her off.
“I know.” Cameron smiled. “That’s what makes me so nice!” Cameron began to sing her solo. “Whenever I see someone less fortunate than I, and let’s face it...” She leaned into Laura, “Who isn’t less fortunate than I? My tender heart tends to start to bleed.”
Cameron made her way to centre stage. “And when someone needs a makeover, I simply have to take over I know I know exactly what you need. And even in your case.” She ran back over to Laura, pulling off Elphaba’s glasses. “Tho it’s the toughest case I’ve yet to face.” She put them back on, scratching her head. “Don’t worry” She put her fist up. “I’m determined to succeed. Follow my lead.”
She waved Laura over to join her centre stage as she sang to the audience. “And yes, indeed, you will be pop-u-lar!” Cameron put her hand on Laura’s shoulder just as Laura stood up proud.
“You’re gonna be popular!” Cameron slipped her hand down into Laura’s, guiding her to her bed.
“I’ll teach you the proper ploys when you talk to boys, little ways to flirt and flounce. I’ll show you what shoes to wear and how to fix your hair.”
She started pulling out Laura’s ponytail.
“Everything that counts to be popular!”
She headed centre stage.
“I’ll help you be popular; you’ll be good at sports; know the slang you’ve got to know, so let’s start 'cause you’ve got an awfully long way to go.”
She jumped on the bed behind Laura, singing to her. “Don’t be offended by my frank analysis. Think of it as personality dialysis. Now that I’ve chosen to become a pal, a sister, and an adviser...”
She pinched her cheek and hugged her from behind. “There’s nobody wiser not when it comes to popular. I know about popular and with an assist from me to be who you’ll be instead of dreary who you were.”
She sang to the audience. “There’s nothing that can stop you from becoming populer lar.”
She began to dance across the stage.
Laura was trying not to laugh.
“la la la la..” She pointed to Laura.
“We’re gonna make you popular.”
She ran back over, pulling her glasses off again.
“When I see depressing creatures with unprepossessing features...”
She wiped out her lip gloss, putting it on Laura’s lips. “I remind them on their own behalf to think of celebrated heads of state or especially great communicators...did they have brains or knowledge? Don’t make me laugh! Seriously, don’t! They were popular! Please,”
She sat down next to Laura. “It’s all about popular!” She grinned. “It’s not about aptitude. It’s the way you’re viewed.”
She smiled at her, acting real girly girl.
“So it’s very shrewd to be very, very popular. Like me!”
Laura looked her over. “Seriously, this is never going to work.”
Cameron got up and danced around, coming back and looking at Laura. “Elphie! You mustn’t think that way anymore! Your whole life is going to change! And all because of me! First: hair. See? This is how you toss your hair.” Cameron stood up.
“And toss.” She tossed her hair and again. “And toss.”
Laura stood up and attempted to toss her hair almost falling over.
Cameron caught her. “Well, you’ll practice! And now,” Cameron picked up her new magic wand.
“I shall transform your simple frock into a magnificent ball gown. Ball gown.” She waved the wand, and nothing happened. She cleared her throat.
“Ball gown.” She waved the wand. Nothing happened. She examined the wand, puzzled. “Is this thing on?” She tapped it. “I think it’s broken.
Laura laughed. “You want me to try?” She put her hand out.
“Oh, just wear the frock, it’s pretty! Oh, and this!” Cameron grabbed a flower from her hair and pinned it into Laura’s hair as she sat back down on the bed.
“Pink goes good with green.”
Cameron looked at her a moment. “Why, Miss Elphaba,” She spoke softly. “look at you.” She handed her a mirror.
“You’re beautiful.”
Laura paused a moment, then held the mirror up. She stared at herself. For a moment, she smiled, and a happy laugh left her mouth. She dropped the mirror. “I...I have to go...” She ran off the stage.
Cameron watched her go. “You’re welcome!” She turned the mirror over, looking at herself. “Hello, you!” She winked at her reflection. Clutching the mirror to her chest, she sighed.

Everyone stood up and cheered. “I can see why she’s your star.” Jo leaned over to Blair, sharing the applause.
“She’s amazing, isn’t she?”
Laura stepped back onto the stage, giving Cameron a big hug.
“Alright, alright, well done, well done!” Blair yelled out over the noise as they came to the front of the stage to regroup. She waited till they had settled down.
“So we are getting closer to opening night, guys. It’s only a few weeks away. I will need you to be here for longer from now on to run through the whole play, ok? Practice practice.”
“Till what time, Miss, I have to get picked up,” Missy asked, sitting next to Cameron, Sean on the other side of her.
“Till at least 7:30 pm.” She leaned back against the seats. “You guys are amazing!” Her eye fell on Cameron and Laura standing next to Malani. “All of you! This may be our best production yet!”
“Of course!” Dayna yelled to a round of laughs.
As they started to break up, Ally pulled Laura aside. “Don’t forget to ask Jo if you can stay this weekend.”
“Oh yeah!” Laura dropped her bag back down and headed over to Jo, talking to Blair. “Hey.”
“Hey.” Jo looked at her younger sister.
Laura glanced at Miss Williams. Jo still hadn’t said anything about the two of them.
“So ah, this weekend. Ally’s having a sleepover...” She heard Cameron’s laugh behind her.
“And I wanna know...”
She heard her again, this time with a male laugh.
“If I can....” She looked over her shoulder at Sean and Cameron standing close to each other. Her best friend was looking up at the taller boy, her face lit up, smiling at him and laughing. Her hand touching his shoulder. “Stay with the weekend at Ally’s place.”
Jo noticed her distraction. She glimpsed at Blair, who saw too.
“Jordy.” Laura looked back at her sister, hearing her nickname.
“Yeah.” She turned, catching Sean putting his hand on Cameron’s arm.
“I’ll take you home so you can pack a bag, then drop you off okay.” Laura wasn’t listening. Jo walked around her picking up her bag off the seat. She had to get Laura out of there before she did something stupid.
“Ally,” Jo yelled out to the girl, getting her attention. “I’ll drop her around.”
Laura was just about to interrupt the conversation between Cameron and Sean when she was stopped by a hand gripping her arm. She followed it up to Jo looking back at her. “Come on, I’ll drop you off.”
Laura knitted her brow. “I’ll just tell Camz.”
“Cameron!” Jo yelled over her head. The brunette looked over at her. “She’ll see you at Ally’s.”
“K.” Cameron blew Laura a kiss but didn’t move away from Sean. Jo felt Laura tug, and she held her in place. Laura looked up at her, getting mad. Jo stared at her.
“Get in the truck now!” She said quietly but sternly.
“Grrr.” Laura grabbed her bag out of her hand and marched up the aisle. “I’ll call you.” Jo touched Blair’s hand, following after her sister.

“What the hell was that!?” Laura stormed over to the truck.
“You tell me what the hell was that?!” Jo went around the other side, opening the door. Laura looked at her getting in the truck.
“You embarrassed me!”
“I embarrassed you! You were about to go and embarrass yourself! I saw your face the moment you saw Cameron was talking to Sean.”
Laura slammed the door. “That little jerk needs a punch in the...”
“What!” Laura yelled. Jo stared at her. She knew what this was. But did Laura! She took a breath, resting her arm on the steering wheel. She turned to her sister.
“Laura, I’m not going to stop you from going to Ally’s this weekend.” Laura turned about to bite back. Jo put her hand up. “But please...” She looked at her. “You need to figure out your feelings for Cameron.”
“Jo!” Laura yelled. Her cheeks suddenly turned red, and she got really uncomfortable.
“I see the way you look at her.”
“What? That’s bullshit!”
“It’s okay, Jordy, you just...”
“You’re such a hypocrite!”
“Excuse me!” Jo stopped.
Laura leaned forward. “When were you going to tell me about Miss Williams!” She saw Jo quickly close her mouth. “That’s right!” Laura bit. “When were you going to tell me you’re fucking my teacher? Better yet, when were you going to tell me you’re gay?”
“Jordy, I’m just waiting...”
“Just waiting; what?” Laura unclipped her belt, grabbing her bag. “You know what...fuck you! Fuck you, Jo!” She pushed the door open. “I’m not you, and nothing fucking like you!”
“Laura, get back in the truck!”
“Get fucked!” The door slammed, and she was gone.

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