Part 6

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Dayna was watching the two girls on the stage. She tapped Ally’s arm beside her.
“Something is wrong with them?”
“What do you mean? They look fine to me.”
“No, no.” Dayna sat forward observing the friends’ interaction with each other. “Something is wrong. I think they are going to break up.”
“Wait, what?” Malani overheard as she sat down in front of them. “Who are we talking about?”
“The witches.” Malani glanced over at the two main leads in this production. The best friends were not themselves lately. Malani flicked her hair. “They haven’t spoken to each other all day.”
“Yeah, I noticed they were avoiding each other yesterday in class too.”
“Should we be taking sides?”
“We are not taking sides.” Dayna leaned over the seat in front of her next to Malani. “Does this still have to do with Cam’s girl crush on Laura?”
“Do you think she knows?”
Ally leaned forward, joining in. “Maybe.”
“If she does, Laura doesn’t seem to be that happy about it. I mean, if one of you had a crush on me, I’d be fine.” Dayna observed Malani in front of her. “I think your fucken hot!”
Malani slowly turned her head, raising her eyebrow. “Keep it in your pants, Dayna!”
They laughed. Dayna sighed, observing the long stares Laura and Cameron were giving each other.
“Well, if they are going to break up, I think it’ll happen after the last show. They need each other to get through this. This is their story.”
“Ha, their story alright. Elphie and Glinda.”

Intermission opening night

The slender brunette walked backstage with no problem. She spotted the green-eyed green girl sitting over on one of the light boxes. Then she noticed the pretty girl in her blonde wig pacing over in a quiet corner. A grin came to her cheeks back, tracking to the pacing girl.
Cameron caught movement out of the corner of her eye. She looked at the slim model figure walking toward her. Her long hair was tied up in a shiny ponytail, and she wore her black dress pants and tailored collar blouse confidently. Cameron stopped. Who was she?
The girl stopped in front of her. A charming smile came onto her perfect features.
“Hi.” She flirted.
Cameron noticed her eyes trail down to her lips.
“Hi.” Cameron took a moment to observe this attractive young woman. She had an idea who this was. “You must be Lucy?”
“Ha.” The girl laughed, her cheeks bringing the brightness to her soft brown eyes. “Well, I can’t blame you for looking me up. I’d be curious, too.” She brought her lips together, biting them softly as her eye looked Cameron over.
Cameron smiled to herself. She understood now why Laura hadn’t introduced them before. Lucy was...she looked her over, confident.
“Have you seen the female green hulk? I can’t believe I can’t find that?”
“Yeah, she’s probably over there somewhere?” Lucy noticed the tone in her voice. Laura still hadn’t told her, huh?
“Cool.” Lucy smiled back. “Ah, how long is the break?”
“twenty minutes.”
“Ok.” Lucy raised her eyebrow, starting to walk back. “Hey, um, Chica Bella, you're pretty amazing out there. Always preferred vanilla to mint fresh.”
Cameron laughed. At least Lucy was making an effort to talk to her.

“Poo, something smells like..witch!”
Laura looked over seeing the figure walking toward her. She smiled. “At least I don’t smell like be-arch!”
“Ouu harsh, Jordy!” Lucy walked into a green hug.
“Thanks for coming, Luce.”
“Hey, how could I miss this outstanding award-winning performance? I’ve gotta ensure I’m investing in talented friends here, right?”
“Yeah, well, I would have kicked your arse if you hadn’t anyways.”
“That’s true.” Lucy laughed. She looked around them. “So where’s the girlfriend? I can’t wait to hug that!”
Laura sat up straight. “Hey, no! You are not going anywhere near her.”
Lucy looked back over her shoulder at Laura. There it was.
“You haven’t told her, have you?” She saw her roll her eyes before looking down at her feet. “What are you doing, Laura?! You have been stringing that girl along for way too long as it is!”
Laura looked up at the brunette standing in front of her. “Luce, I am going too, I promise! Just after this is over. I couldn’t bear to be standing up on that stage with her, knowing she hates me; just give me till then, please.”
Lucy searched her friend’s face. She’d known her long enough. She stood straight, nodding as she put her hands on the sitting girls’ shoulders.
“Look, Jordy...” She searched her eyes. Her brows creased. “I know this will be hard hearing, but you’re quite good up there on that stage.” A smirk came to her lips. “I could possibly develop a crush on a green girl.”
Laura pushed her not impressed with her sarcasm. “But in all honesty, the blonde Witch is more my type.” She watched Laura’s face as she started backing away. “So if you’re not going to mark your territory, Witch, she’s fair game, you hear!”

Cameron was just getting ready to go to her mark.
She turned around to see Lucy hiding behind the curtain.
“What? What are you doing?! You need to get to your seat!”
“You need to know something Laura hasn’t told you.” Cameron turned around on the spot. How could she ignore that? She quickly glanced out at the stage before she stepped back to Lucy.
Lucy looked around her. “Alright, so she’s going to kill me for this, which is fine because I was going to kill her for not telling you anyway.”
Cameron shook her head, confused. “Lucy?”
“Alright! Laura didn’t get into a fight. She thought her friend wanted to kiss her and she’d already got it in her head this girl liked her so, you know.” She waved her hands. “She ended up embarrassing herself, and to make matters worse, the girl was going to tell everyone, so she punched her out.”
Cameron’s eyes widen.
“So, she wants to punch me out?!”
“No, no!” Lucy laughed. “She is head over heels crazy about you!”
“I’m sorry?” She stared at Lucy’s lips. “Can you say that again?”
A cheeky grin came to Lucy’s cheeks. She put her hands on the white witches’ shoulders, holding her still.
“Laura Jordan is in love with you. She hasn’t said anything because she is so scared you don’t feel the same. She’s putting herself through hell just to stay friends with you.”
“Oh.” Cameron stared at the spot over Lucy’s shoulder. Lucy could see it sinking in.
“If I’m not mistaken you feel the same about her?” Those eyes turn back to hers. “Cause if you don’t, I’ve seriously just fucked this up for her.”
Cameron nodded, the little smile coming to her lips.
Lucy sighed. “Thank god! I bet you’ve been holding that in for a while, right?”
Cameron finally smiled up at her, a new glow on her face. “Yeah, yeah, I have.” She nodded. They heard noises on the stage.
“Hey, you better get back out there.”
Cameron stepped closer, putting her hand on her arm. “Thank you.”
Lucy stood up straight. “Oh, don’t thank me. If I had my way, I would be taking you home tonight, beautiful.” She smirked as she disappeared out of sight.

Ozians: “Go! And hunt her and find her, kill her! Wickedness must be punished evil effectively eliminated wickedness must be punished kill the witch!”
Boq paced the stage.
“And this is more than just a service to the Wizard. I have a personal score to settle with Elph... with the witch! It’s due to her I’m made of tin, her spell made this occur! So, for once, I’m glad I’m heartless; I’ll be heartless killing her! And I am not the only one.”
He looked offstage.
”Oh, come on, you! Come tell them what she did to you in class that day. How you were just a cub, and she cubnapped you.”
A Lion entered the stage. “No!”
Boq addressed the audience. “You see, the lion also has a grievance to repay. If she’d let him fight his own battles when he was young, he wouldn’t be a coward today!”
“No, no, that’s not the way it happened!” Cameron walked out onto the stage.
“Madame, you’ve got to stop this; it’s gone too far!”
“Oh, I think Elphaba can take care of herself.”
“Madame, something about Nessarose and that cyclone has been troubling me.”
“Oh yes... well, I guess it was just her time.”
“Was it? Or did you...”
“Now, you listen to me, Missy! You may have fooled the rest of Oz with this “Aren’t I good” routine, but I know better! You’ve wanted this since the beginning! And now you’re getting what you wanted! So just smile and wave and shut up!

The Scene Changed To Kiamo Ko. Sounds of Dorothy Crying Are Heard Offstage.
Laura Storms On, Frustrated.
“Oh, for Oz’s sake, stop crying!!! I can’t listen to it anymore! Oh, you want to see your Aunt Em and Uncle, What’s his name again?! Then get those shoes off your feet!!! Little brat... takes a dead woman’s shoes; must have been raised in a barn! Chistery! Oh, Chistery, there you are. Where are the others?”
Chistery motions away.
“Chistery, please... if you don’t at least try to keep speaking, you will never...”
Laura sees Cameron.
“Go away.”
Cameron stepped closer.
“They’re coming for you.”
“Go away!”
“Let the little girl go, and that poor little dog... Dodo.” Cameron stepped closer again.
“I know you don’t want to hear this, but someone has to say it... You are out of control! I mean, come on! They’re just shoes; let it go! Elphaba, you can’t go on like this.”
Laura walked away.
“I can do anything I want! I am the Wicked Witch of the West!”
Another monkey brings her a letter.
“At last! What took you so long?” She reads it. “What’s this? Why are you bothering me with this?” She reads on.
Cameron watches her.
“What is it? What’s wrong? It’s Fiyero, isn’t it? Is he...”
Laura sighed. “We’ve seen his face for the last time.”
“Oh no!”
“You’re right... It’s time I surrender.” Laura picked up a bucket carrying across the stage. Cameron watched her. “Elphie... Elphie, what is it?”
Laura looked back at her. Concern on her face. “You can’t be found here. You have to go.” She pointed to the corner.
Cameron walked up to her. “No.”
Laura touched her arm.
“Glinda, you must leave.”
Cameron put her hand on hers. “No! Elphie, I’ll tell them everything!”
“No! They’ll only turn against you.”
“I don’t care!” Cameron cried.
“Well, I do!” Laura sighed, taking her hand in her own. She looked at her, touching her cheek. “Promise me, promise me, you won’t try to clear my name... promise.”
Cameron searched her eyes. “Alright... I promise. But I don’t understand?”
They looked at each other. Laura waved her hands up in defeat.
“I’m limited”, She sang quietly.
“Just look at me; I’m limited, and just look at you; you can do all I couldn’t, Glinda.” She sang to her as she walked past to pick up the book.
“Here. Go on. Take this.” She handed her the Grimmerie.
“Elphie... you know I can’t read that... Elphie...”
Laura stood by her.
“Well then, you’ll have to learn. Now it’s up to you for both of us. Now it’s up to you.”
Laura looked out to the crowd. “You’re the only friend I’ve ever had.”
Cameron looked out a head off her at the crowd.
“And I’ve had so many friends...”
The crowd laughed.
“But only one that mattered,” She began to sing.
“I’ve heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn, and we are led to those who help us most to grow if we let them and we help them in return well, I don’t know if I believe that’s true but, I know I’m who I am today because I knew you.”
Cameron glanced over at her. Laura noticed the glow on her face, the little smile in the corner of her mouth.
“Like a commit pulled from orbit, as it passes a sun, like a stream that meets a boulder halfway through the wood, who can say if I’ve been changed for the better?”
She turned to sing to Laura. A warm felt smile on her face. “But, because I knew you...I have been changed for good....”
Laura put her hand to her chest. She felt that. She walked over and took her hand in her own.
“It well may be that we will never meet again in this lifetime so let me say before we part...” She could feel these words.
“So much of me is made of what I learned from you; you’ll be with me like a handprint on my heart....” She put her hand on her chest. The emotion touched her soul. “And now, whatever way our stories end, I know you have re-written mine by being my friend...” She moved closer, putting her hand on Cameron’s other shoulder. “Like a ship blown from its mooring By a wind off the sea, like a sea drop by a sky bird In a distant wood.” Laura stepped aside to sing to her. Cameron was watching her with a smile on her face. “Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better? But because I knew you...”
Cameron shook her head.
“Because I knew you...”
They sang together.
“I have been changed...for good...”
Laura looped her hand through her arm, walking them forward. “And just to clear the air, I ask forgiveness for the things I’ve done, you blame me for...”
Cameron turned and sang to her.
“But then, I guess we know there’s blame to share.”
They continued together. “And none of it seems to matter anymore!” They held hands again. They sang their verses together.
They turned to each other. Cameron looked up at her. “Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better?”
They stepped closer, singing to each other.
“I do believe I have been changed for the better.” Cameron’s eyes were glowing. Laura was getting lost in them.
Cameron searched her eyes. “And, because I knew you.” She sang emotionally.
Laura shook her head, putting her other hand on hers. “Because I knew you.”
Cameron stepped into her, running her fingers over the rim of her witch’s hat. They smiled at each other.
“Because I knew you.” They harmonized.
“I have been changed...” They held the note together. They were in this moment together. Their eyes locked on each other.
For good....” they sang to each other.
Laura stepped into her, about to give her the rehearsed hug. Cameron stopped her. Her finger touched the side of her chin before she leaned in and kissed her lips.
Laura stopped on the spot. Her eyes fell on the blonde wigged girl moving back from her.
Cameron saw her eyes light up.
Jo almost fell off her seat. She glanced over at Lucy, a couple of seats away, who was the first to wolf whistle. The crowd broke out in cheers as the two girls on the stage suddenly realized what happened.
Laura wet her lip.
“Did you just kiss me?” She whispered, searching her face.
Cameron nodded, unable to hide her giddy smile. They moved into the rehearsed hug as Cameron started laughing.
“Oh god, I just changed the story!”
Laura started laughing with her.
“Who cares?” She pulled her back. “We’ll just have to improvise.” She glimpsed out at the crowd watching them. “They won’t care. It’s our play. Let’s keep going!” She stepped back, winking.
She grabbed her hand.
“You have to hide. No one can know you were here. Hide!”
Cameron ran to the side of the stage as Laura as Elphaba draped a scrim around the stage.
Boq and the other Witch Hunters run in. You can see the silhouette of the action happening behind the scrim.
Cameron stood downstage, watching the action take place. The mob surrounded the Witch, and she melts with a scream.
The mob leaves and Glinda comes out from hiding. She moves near the scrim.
“Elphie?” She whispered. “Elphie?”
Chistery opens the scrim, where just Elphaba’s hat and the green bottle remain.
Cameron starts to cry and grabs the hat, holding it against her. Chistery hands her the bottle.
“Miss, Miss Glinda.” Cameron takes the bottle, holding it to her chest. She walked off the stage.

Ozians: good news! She’s dead! The witch of the West is dead! The wickedest witch there ever was, the enemy of all of us here in Oz, is dead! Good news, good news!!!”
The Scarecrow (Fiyero) walks on Stage. He bends down and knocks on a trap door on the floor.
“It worked!” He opens the door, and Laura climbs out. The audience gasped.
“Fiyero! I thought you’d never get here.” She touched his straw face.
“Go ahead, touch, I don’t mind. Ah, you did the best you could. You saved my life.”
She smiled. “You’re still beautiful.”
“You don’t have to lie to me.”
“It’s not lying... it’s looking at things another way.”

On the other side of the stage, Cameron stands on the platform.
“Fellow Ozians, friends, we have been through a frightening time. There will be other times and other things that frighten us. But if you let me, I’d like to try to help. I’d like to try to be... Glinda the Good.”

Fiyero looks at his watch. “It’s time to go.”
Laura looked at him. “We can never come back to Oz, can we?”
“I only wish...” Laura turned around, looking over towards the other side of the stage at Cameron.
“That Glinda could know that I’m alive. We’re alive.”
“She can’t know, not if we want to be safe. No one can ever know. Come...” He put his hand out.
Cameron started to sing.
“Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better? But...”
“Because I knew you...” Laura and Cameron sang together.
Ozians: No one mourns the wicked...”
“Because I knew you...”
Cameron glimpsed towards the other scene on the stage as Sean and Laura walked up towards their exit. Laura stopped a second and looked back over at her. They sang together.
“I have been changed...”
Fiyero and Elphaba leave the stage through the clock
Ozians: “No one mourns the wicked! Wicked...wicked!!!
And the curtain fell.

The curtain rose again to the crowd's cheers, and the cast came together to take a bow.
Everyone took their turn finishing with Laura and Cameron center stage. The crowd cheered louder. Taking hands, they all took their final bow before running off stage.
“Oh my god, that was crazy!” Cameron dropped Laura’s hand, reaching for her water bottle on the table backstage.
“Four more shows to go!” Laura sighed, reaching for her own. Taking a sip, their eyes met. They needed to talk.
“Oh my god, you guys were amazing!” Dayna ran up behind them, wrapping her arm around Cameron’s neck. “That scene where you two were fighting, classic.” Ally and Malani found where they were.
“OMG, Cam!” Malani reached out, pulling her into a hug.
“Hard out.” Ally hugged her next. Laura just took a seat on a storage box. “You were amazing!” She noticed the green girl sitting opposite them.
“And you!” Ally smiled, heading over to Laura to hug her. “You blew me away with defying gravity.”
“Definitely!” Dayna piped in.
Malani looked between them. The two girls kept looking at each other.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought Fiyero and Elphie kissed in this play, not...” She waved her finger between the two. Cameron pursed her lips, her eye falling back to Laura.
“Hey!” Dayna smacked Malani’s arm. “It was a sweet moment. Besides, Miss Williams wanted us to make this our own, right?!” She threw her arm over Cameron’s shoulder, taking a look at Laura opposite them.
“So looks like Cam’s going to have to kiss you every night for the rest of the week.” Dayna winked. “Sure you can handle it?”
Laura smiled down at her drink bottle. “I’m pretty sure I can.” She said softly.
They saw Blair come around the corner.
“There you two are!” She glimpsed at the other girls. “You all were fantastic! I’m so proud of you all! That was one of the best opening nights we’ve had!”
“Oh, I bet.” Dayna charmed in referring to the kiss.
“Girls.” Blair looked between Laura and Cameron. “May I have a word with my leads alone, please?”
“Sure, Miss.” Ally got up from beside Laura. She followed Malani out closely, followed by Dayna, who winked at Laura again as she left.
Blair stood quietly for a moment, gathering her thoughts. Cameron looked over at Laura, sighing. She started unclipping her blonde wig.
“Look, I’m sorry, miss I just got caught up in the moment and...”
Blair put her hand up, silencing her. She looked between them.
“I have to say that it took courage to use the stage as a platform to announce your feelings.” She observed them quietly smiling at each other. Sighing, she shook her head, smiling to herself. “But I have to say...I did enjoy that little twist in the story.”
“You did say make it our own.” Laura laughed, trying to unclip her cape and costume.
“I didn’t I.”
“Miss, are we in trouble?” Cameron had to ask.
Blair looked between them.
“Look, I personally have no problem with you keeping that twist in there, but I can’t speak for the school board, so I’ll go and see them in the morning and let you know before tomorrow night, okay?”
“Yip.” Laura looked up at her. “Are you staying tonight?”
Blair started to laugh. “Oh, hell no! Now that you two have finally figured it out you can have the house to yourselves!”
“Is that wise? It is a school night?” Laura winked at Cameron, who blushed.
“Oh, I think it will be fine. But check with your mother first.” Blair directed to Cameron. “And you better tell your parents before they find out! Both of you!.” She waved her finger before heading out towards the back.
Finally breaking free of her wig, Cameron put it beside her, flicking her hair free. Laura sat there watching her. Cameron saw her.
“You should go wash that off.”
“I will,” Laura said softly.
Cameron leaned forward, letting out a breath.
“Why didn’t you just tell me about that girl at Carrollton?” Laura shook her head and sighed.
“Lucy got to you, didn’t she?”
“At least she was honest with me.”
Laura leaned forward. “I was going to tell you. I just didn’t want things to be awkward between us up there on that stage. Besides, you haven’t said anything?” Cameron sat back, pushing a hair behind her ear. She shrugged.
“I wasn’t sure. I mean, I knew I was crushing on you but I didn’t realize until the last few days...”
“The last few days?” Laura questioned.
Cameron smiled. “Up on the roof, in your lounge, in your bed.” They held eye contact, the images of the weekend playing through their minds. Cameron blushed. Laura pursed her lips, rocking a little on the box.
“I’m sorry. I just needed some space. Having you in my bed really messed with my head.”
“Same.” They looked at each other. This new tension was intense.
“There they are, the bride and groom!” Laura closed her eyes.
“Vines, you have such a big mouth!”
Lucy sat down beside Cameron, wrapping her arm around her shoulders. “I’m good with my mouth, by the way.”
Laura tilted her head. “I said I was going to tell her.” Lucy looked at Cameron under her arm.
“So she keeps saying! Personally, I would have told you the moment I laid eyes on you.” Cameron blushed. This girl was such a flirt.
“Yip.” Lucy kept her eye on Cameron who was starting to flirt back.
“Hey!” Laura growled, knowing what her friend was like. Lucy laughed. She directed her attention back to Laura.
“You know what, Chica? I don’t know why, but I actually like that green ball of snot.” She smiled over at Laura. Laura poked out her tongue.
“But seriously.” She spoke to Cameron. “If you ever get sick of her un-tanned lily-white arse,” She winked. “Call me, and I’ll treat you like a real princess.”
“Alright! Thanks, thanks, Luce!” Laura said sarcastically as Lucy got up and ruffled her hair as she walked past. “You’re such a great friend!”
“You know it, babe! And you’re welcome!” The slender girl winked as she headed off.
Laura shook her head. “I don’t really know why I put up with her.”
“She’s your best friend, that’s why.”
“I said that, didn’t I?” They looked at each other for a moment.
“You really need to wash that off.”
Laura caught the look in her eye.
“Nah. By the looks of it, if I stay green, you will kiss me every night this week! I mean, if green is what you’re into, I’m not going to wash at all!”
Cameron smiled to herself. Pursing her lips, she got up and slowly approached, stopping in front of her. She took the girl’s hands in her own, intertwining their fingers. “Well I do like green, and I did enjoy kissing Elphie.”
“She is pretty cute, right?”
“Ah-ha.” Laura smiled nervously as Cameron moved between her legs.
“So...” Her voice broke. “So is there any chance that maybe I could...” She caught Jo out of the corner of her eye. She quickly looked up at Cameron seeing her look over at Jo and step back from her.
Jo smiled. “Well, well...” She swung her arm over Cameron’s shoulder. “And here I thought my sister would have the balls to make the first move!”
Laura put her hands up. She stood up, grabbing her stuff. “Ok, so I’m the only one who didn’t know?!”
“Seems like it, Jordy!” Jo laughed. She turned to Cameron beside her. “Wow, that took guts in front of everyone like that!”
“Thanks. It kind of just happened.” Cameron blushed.
“Nope, Lucy opened her mouth! She didn’t give me the chance to tell her myself.”
Jo and Cameron looked at each other.
“Well, good on Lucy! This one is stubborn like her dad!”
“Um, your dad!”
“At least I had the balls to tell Blair I liked her!”
“Oh, here we go!”
Cameron quickly stepped out from under Jos’ arm, reaching for Laura’s hand. “Guys! Can we go?” She locked onto Laura’s eyes.
“You REALLY need to wash this off.”
Laura searched her eyes, noticing the glint behind them. “Grab your stuff.” She said quietly. “Can we go now, mum?” Laura joked.
Jo smiled. “Just wait till I tell your mum you’ve been making out in public with a girl.”
Laura turned back around, holding her stuff in her hand.
“Ah, just wait till I tell your mum you are making out with my teacher, who is a girl!”
Jo glared at her as they headed out.
“I’m so glad you’re not home tonight.” Jo stopped. “What? Where am I going?”
“Blair said you’re staying at hers so we can have the place to ourselves.”
“Woo, hang on!” She looked between them. “It’s a school night.”
“Blair’s already said it’s fine.”
Jo sighed. She wasn’t ready to be this adult. “Look, guys, I know you’re old enough to...” She blushed slightly.
Cameron smiled, feeling Jos’ awkwardness. “It’s okay, Joey, we’ll respect the house rules.”
“House rules?” Laura looked between them, confused. Cameron subtly squeezed her hand.
“Oh yeah, the house rule! Yeah, don’t worry, Jo! We’ll behave. We just need to talk, that is all. And hang out.”
“Yeah, this play is enough to focus on this week.” Cameron smiled reassuringly.
Jo squinted her eyes. She wasn’t sure about this. “Oh, look fine!” She waved her hands. “I’ll stay at Blair’s, but you two just... You’ve got school in the morning and the production at night. There’s no hurry, alright.”
“No hurry for what?” Laura smirked, raising her eyebrow.

“Yes, mama. I will go to sleep soon.” Cameron held the phone next to her ear with one finger as she relaxed on the couch in the lounge. “You are coming tomorrow night, right, mama? I got you tickets for really good seats.”
Laura came down the stairs from her shower hearing Cameron on the phone with her mum. She threw a towel at her and headed into the kitchen where Jo was.
Jo looked up seeing the green all washed off. She leaned over the counter.
“Are you two planning to..tonight?”
“Jo!” Laura smacked her arm as she leaned over the breakfast bar before her. “Even if IT does happen, we are old enough!”
“Yeah, I know.” Jo sighed.
“Then what’s the issue? I don’t get it?” Laura whispered, seeing Cameron head up the stairs for a shower. “I really like her; you already know this.” Laura pushed.
Jo put her head in her hands. “Sorry, Jordy, it’s not that.”
“Then what?” She leaned closer. “You’re starting to freak me out!”
Jo looked over at her younger sister. She should have told her when the girl first came to stay.
“Look, Laura,” Jo scratched her head. “Your mum wants you to move to Houston with dad when schools finish in a couple of weeks.”
Laura stared at her. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing!
“Are you serious?!” Jo nodded. Laura stepped back. “What the fuck!?” She put her hand on her head. “Jo!” She looked back at her, starting to get mad. “When did this come up? Have you known this the whole time!”
Jo nodded, regretting not telling her earlier.
“Laura, I’m sorry! This was supposed to be just temporary until you finished school.”
“No!” Laura slammed her hands on the countertop. “No! I’m eighteen I can stay here with you! I can get a job, I can pay my way! Jo, come on, please...” She pleaded. “Please, you gotta back me up on this! I can’t leave now! Tell them I can stay here! With you! Please!”
Jo stood up.
“Have you tried talking to your mum?! She’s nothing like mine! She won’t listen to me!” She watched the girl, distressed by this news. “Maybe dad can have a word with her. Ring dad.”

Cameron came downstairs wearing one of Laura’s long shirts to sleep in. They had been wearing each other’s clothes enough now that she was sure this was actually hers.
“But there’s no reason why I can’t stay mum!” Laura looked up, seeing her coming down the bottom of the stairs. Cameron noticed her face suddenly scrunch up, about to cry.
“Mum, please.”
Cameron ran around the couch instantly putting her hands on the girls’ hips, gripping her shirt with concern. Laura looked at her, trying to fight the tears she could feel behind her eyes. Cameron could hear the woman’s stern voice mumbling through the phone. Listening, Laura brushed her fingers over Cameron’s necklace around her neck, straightening it up. She dropped her head, knowing her mother wouldn’t let her have the final say.
‘Alright, see you tomorrow night. Love you.’ Cameron heard as Laura pulled her phone away from her ear knowing her mum was about to hang up. Cameron searched her eyes. She waited for the upset girl to look at her to tell her what was wrong.
“Hey?” She said softly, tugging her shirt gently. “What’s going on? What’s happened?”
Lauras’ whole body sighed. She pursed her lips before she dared to look at her again.
“I um,” She looked down. “Mum is sending me to live with Dad when school finishes.” The room went silent.
“When?” Cameron asked quietly.
“Ah, in a few weeks.” Laura searched her eyes. She felt deflated. She shook her head. “I’m sorry I just, I didn’t know this was coming.” She turned around, sitting down on the couch.
Cameron sat down with her. She turned slightly.
“Surely you can stay here with Jo, right? I mean, there will be heaps of jobs here over Christmas. We can even do waitressing or something. Laur...” She slid her hand down her arm, intertwining their fingers. “You can’t go; this is not fair.”
Laura dropped back, slouching on the couch. This hadn’t put her in a good mood. She glimpsed at the girl next to her.
“Cam, I’m sorry.” She squeezed her hand. “I’m not really in the mood anymore.” She dropped her head back. “I know you probably wanted to...” She blushed slightly, hoping the girl knew what she meant.
Cameron smiled.
“Make out?” Her eyebrow twitched.
A grin came to Laura’s cheeks. “Sounds weird you saying that to me.”
“Sounds weird saying it to you.” She laughed. She took a look over at the clock. “So what you wanna do? It’s 9 o’clock?”
Laura let out a breath. “I really wanna ring my dad.” She decided. “You can go to bed if you want or watch TV. I really need to sort this out.”
“Ok.” Cameron nodded, watching her get up and head into the kitchen with her phone.

Laura closed downstairs, noticing Cameron must have gone to her room. She could hear her the moment the bottom light had gone silent. Listening to the tones of the voice coming from her room, her face softened, and a little smile came to her lips. That voice. She’d heard it sing almost every song they knew, but the few on repeat were like their own theme songs. A soundtrack to their friendship. Their songs, just their songs.
She stopped at the door. There were butterflies in her stomach. She let out a nervous little breath before opening the door. Sitting on the floor next to her bed, Cameron was listening to her headphones, staring out the window in her little world. She pushed the door closed, shutting the outside world out.
Cameron felt Laura bounce on the bed behind her head. She sat forward so she could see the mood on her face. The girl seemed more relaxed than she was before. Unable to break out of her zone, Cameron continued singing to herself.
Laura rolled onto her side so she could watch her. Her eye fell to the features of the pretty girl’s face. The long lashes, those deep brown orbs, and the defined nose gave shape to her profile. Those lips, the sweet way they moved and shaped the words as she sang.
Cameron felt the movement behind her but continued to finish the concert in her ears. She felt movement above her. Opening her eyes, Laura was standing over her, moving down to straddle her legs. Laura heard her breath catch in her throat. She subtly chewed her lip, looking over the body that blocked her view of the night sky. She continued singing, just a little more distracted than before.
Laura smirked. She’d daydreamed about doing this for weeks. She eyed the fingers as they crept onto the skin of her thigh. They knew each other’s touch but not like this.
Cameron could hear the music in her ears but her senses were absorbing the feel of the girl sitting in her lap. She could feel her skin under her fingers. Her touch tracing with a different emotion.
Laura pursed her lips. Cameron’s eyes were searching hers. She leaned a little closer, her eye falling to the target her lips aimed for. The sound left Cameron’s parting lips as her focus dropped to the mouth coming to meet hers. She leaned up to meet her. That first brush of lips changed everything.
Laura felt the fingers on her thigh curl and the nails scrap her skin. Laura’s bottom lip moved again taking the girl’s own between hers. The moan came from deep within her throat. All the uncertainty, all the hesitation, and wanting were released in that one sound.
Cameron heard the groan escape from her mouth. Her hand reached up for Laura’s face. She needed guidance so she could taste her lips. She wanted this!
Laura felt her move into her. There was no turning back now they were doing this! She slipped her hand up the side of the girl’s face, reaching for the cord to her headphones. Wild was playing in both their ears.
They got lost for those few minutes; the only senses alive were in their lips, exploring the others and the fingers that had started to have confidence in roaming.
Laura was the first to pull away. She dropped her head to Cameron’s. The girl touched her lips; they were tingling.
“Did you talk to your dad?” She said softly.
“Yeah,” Laura answered in the same tone. “He’s going to talk to mum. He will try and be here for our final show on Friday.” Cameron nodded. Laura grinned as the lips came closer to hers again. Cameron’s lips curled into a smile. She kissed her this time with more confidence and more desire.
This time, the moan escaped from Laura. She felt Cameron’s smile on her lips. She laughed.
“You’ve got me.” She whispered into her lips.
Cameron smiled. “You’ve got me.”

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