Part 7

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Laura could see her staring at her from across the other side of the stage. A smile came to her cheeks, causing the girl to beam into life. They’d spent most of the day apart due to classes but their texts had been enough to get them through to tonight’s performance. They would spend a whole hour and a half telling what was becoming their own story.

Cameron had seen her family sitting up in the reserved seats. Oh god, she was so nervous, but she knew the spotlight was hers once she got out there.
Laura glanced out at the audience beginning to be drawn into Cameron up on the stage. She found Jo over on the left. She spotted Lucy with her arm around some girl up the back. Cameron’s folks and sister were in the reserved centre seats. Then she noticed her mother sitting down over on the right.
“Great.” She said to herself.

Intermission came, and Blair found her stars sitting by the props room chatting.
“Hi, guys!”
“Hi, Miss!” Cameron spun around in her seat, giving her her attention.
Blair stopped in front of them. “So I haven’t heard anything back from the school board, and no one has laid a complaint, so...” She directed to Cameron with a smile. “So do what you gotta do!”
“Yes, madam!” Cameron laughed, giving her a salute. Watching Blair walk off, Laura turned back to her girlfriend beside her.
“So you’re going to make out with Elphie tonight?” She teased, poking her in the side.
“Um, maybe, I don’t know; my mum and dad are here. They don’t know about us yet.”
“True.” Laura sighed, taking the girl’s hand in her own. “My mum is here too.”
“Yay, I get to meet your mum!”
Laura pfffed. “Don’t get too excited. She isn’t all that.” They looked at each other for a moment.
“Well.” Cameron stood up. “I guess I’m going to have to kiss you then.” She nodded. “It’s the only way to know what they will think of us. It will either be a yay or a nay.”
“Yeah,” Laura sighed. She was already on the outer with her mum. She didn’t need any more conflict.

And, because I knew you...” Cameron sang emotionally.
Laura shook her head, putting her other hand on theirs. “Because I knew you...”
Cameron stepped closer, running her fingers over the rim of her witch’s hat.
“Because I knew you...” They harmonized.
“I have been changed...” They held the note together. They were in this moment together. Their eyes locked on each other. “for good....”
Laura searched her eyes leaving the decision up to her to make. Cameron stopped in front of her. Her finger touched the side of her chin before she leaned in and kissed her lips.
Instantly, there was a cheer from the familiar wolf whistle. A few more cheers, but the room remained silent. Laura pulled her into their hug.
“Don’t worry about it, keep going.”

Elphaba: I only wish...”
Laura turned around, looking over towards the other side of the stage at Cameron.
Fiyero: “What?”
Elphaba: “Glinda could know that we’re alive.”
Fiyero: She can’t know, not if we want to be safe. No one can ever know.” Sean put his hand out to Laura. “Come...”
Cameron sung. “Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better? But...”
“Because I knew you...” They sang together.
Ozians: “No one mourns the wicked...”
“Because I knew you...” Cameron glimpsed towards the other scene on the stage as Sean and Laura walked up towards their exit. Laura looked back over at her. They sang to each other.
“I have been changed...”
Fiyero and Elphaba Leave through the clock
Ozians: “No one mourns the wicked! Wicked...wicked!!!”
The curtain fell.

The crowd cheered louder, but they couldn’t drown out the few boos Laura heard as she and Cameron exited the stage. It was instant. They looked at each other, feeling like they had made the wrong decision.

“Hey.” Blair appeared beside them just off-stage. “That was a turnaround from last night.” She looked out at the audience departing. “Look, don’t let it get to you. The theatre is supposed to provoke and get reactions.”
Laura pulled her witch’s hat off, dropping it down on the floor. Cameron was unclipping her wig. A frown was clearly on her face.
Laura turned around, taking her by the hand. She intertwined their fingers.
“Don’t worry about it, babe. We added it in we can always take it out.”
Cameron let out a breath. “Yeah.” She threw her wig on the bench. She gave her attention to Laura, wrapping her arm around her neck.
“What the hell, right? I’ll just have to kiss you backstage.” She flicked her eyebrows, moving closer to her.
“Even though I’m green?” Laura wrapped her arm around her waist. “Especially when you’re green.” Cameron moved in to kiss her.
“There she is!” Cameron looked over, seeing her sister running up to her, she quickly moved back from Laura.
Hey, Sof!” The girl came crashing into her arms. “Wow, Cam, you were awesome! You were amazing! Where’s your wig?”
“Over here.” Cameron reached over, handing Sof her wig. As her younger sibling slipped it on her head, she reached out as her mother approached them.
“Hey, mama.” She squeezed her tightly.
“Aww, my baby, you were fantastic!” Her mother pulled back, squeezing her cheeks.
“Aww, mama!” Cameron blushed, relishing the attention.
“And you, Laura!”
Laura stepped into the hug Cameron’s mum was giving her. “You, darling, were just as amazing! You are so talented!”
Aww, thank you, Mrs. Rodriguez.”
“Ha, and you are so green! I hope this washes off?” They laughed. Smiling, Laura noticed the figure walking up behind Cameron’s mum.
“Mum!” Laura stepped around Mrs. Rodriguez, testing the waters first. “Hi, ma!” She reached out, pulling her mum into a hug.
“Hi, my darling.” Mrs Jordan pulled back, looking at her green daughter. “Wow, you are green!” She laughed. Laura took her laugh as a good sign.
“Ah, ma this is Mrs. Rodriguez. She is Cameron’s mum.” She indicated to the girl standing next to her mum.
“Oh, nice to meet you. Your daughter looked stunning up there!”
“Oh, thank you!” Mrs. Rodriguez smiled. Cameron stepped forward, nervous to meet her potential mother-in-law.
“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Jordan.” She put her hand out.
Laura’s mum smiled, taking the girl’s hand in her own.
“Such a pretty girl.”
Laura moved around to stand beside Cameron to introduce her as her girlfriend. Her mother turned her attention to Cameron’s mother.
“I hope your daughter kissing mine in such a theatrical way does not keep any potential sons-in-law away?”
Mrs. Rodriguez laughed. “Yes, I’m not too sure I recall that being in the original.” Laura’s mum looked at them. Laura slipped her hand quietly out of Cameron’s. This didn’t feel good. She saw those blue eyes look straight into hers.
“Whose idea was it to put that in there?”
Laura felt a lump in her throat. Oh my god, her mother was going to do this!
“Ah, it kind of just happened,” Cameron answered nervously, rubbing her palms together. This woman was scary! Laura’s mum’s eyes met hers.
“How does something like a kiss just happen?” Cameron felt her face drain. Mrs. Jordan was locked on her. Laura just happened to see Jo and Blair walking up behind them holding hands.
“Umm.” Cameron stumbled. Laura quickly waved, trying to get Jo to drop Blair’s hand.
“Oh hey, Jo!” Everyone turned around just as Jo let go of Blair’s hand.
“Jo darling!” Laura’s mum turned around welcoming the hug Jo walked into. Jo gave Laura a questioning look. Laura quickly pointed to her, and Cam shook her head. “Now, is my daughter behaving herself? Apart from kissing random girls on stage?”
“Ahh.” Jo glimpsed over at Laura, who rolled her eyes. “Ha, yeah, no, she has been great. It’s been nice having her around.” Mrs Jordan’s eye fell on the blonde woman beside her daughter-in-law.
Cameron caught the silence.
“Oh, mama!” She pulled her forward. “You remember Miss Williams, our drama teacher. And Jo,”
Blair stepped closer taking the woman’s hand in her own. “Oh, Mrs. Rodriguez, so nice to see you again. Thank you for letting me steal your daughter one last time.” She smiled.
“Oh, you’re so welcome, dear.” Mrs. Rodriguez laughed. “I love seeing my daughter doing what she loves.”
Laura and Cameron smiled at each other.
“Miss Williams.” Laura heard her mother’s voice. Mrs. Jordan put her hand out in front of the blonde woman. “I’m Laura’s mum.”
“Oh, Mrs. Jordan, so nice to finally meet you! Your daughter has been a blessing to this production. She is an amazing talent.” Blair flashed her teacher’s smile. Mrs. Jordan smiled.
“Thank you for your kind words, Miss Williams. May I ask?” She leaned in. “This story is clearly about friendship. Now, I know we are in modern times, but that little lesbian twist was a little uncalled for, wasn’t it? I’m sure Mrs. Rodriguez here is just as uncomfortable as I am at seeing her daughter kissing another girl in front of the whole school like that.” She held Blair’s eyes. “A little inappropriate, isn’t it?”
Blair felt herself being put on the spot. She took a quick glimpse at the two girls in question.
“Well, Mrs. Jordan. This is the theatre and a place for freedom of speech. All the cast has the freedom to make this production their own and express themselves and their views openly.” She glimpsed at Jo just off to the side of her.
“Personally, I have no issues with the kiss. It is purely up to the girls if they add the twist in or not.”
“Hmm.” Mrs Jordan nodded, thinking to herself. “I’d like to hear the board’s views on this matter.”
Blair clenched her jaw. “Of course, I will inform them in the morning of your concerns and someone will be in contact.” Her fake smile hid the anger starting to rise.
“Well.” Jo stepped forward, trying to break the tension. “I know we have things to talk about, so...” She tilted her head at Laura to grab her stuff.
“Yes!” Mrs. Jordan looked from Jo to her daughter. “It was nice meeting you all. Laura, I will see you in the car.”
“Yes, ma.” Laura watched her mother walk off before she glimpsed at Jo. Jo could see the tears welling up behind her sister’s eyes.
Cameron felt sick. She reached over for her mother. “Mama, I’ll meet you at the car. I’ll just grab my bag and say bye.”
“Ok. It was nice to see you again, Blair, Jo.” Cameron watched her mother tap her sister’s shoulder, walking back out to the front.
The room was suddenly silent.
Cameron looked up at the three women around her, all feeling the same way she did.
“I’m sorry, Blair.” She said.
Blair looked over at her. She stood up. “It doesn’t matter.” Blair waved them off. “It’s all a part of the parent-teacher relationship.”
Jo noticed Laura’s sombre look. “You didn’t say anything about you two, did you?”
Laura glanced over at her. “I couldn’t! She jumped on the kiss so quickly I was afraid to! She would have ripped into you, too.”
“Yeah, thanks”, Jo glimpsed over at Blair. “And at the fact, you’re their teacher; she would have ripped you apart.”
“She did anyway, didn’t she?” Blair pointed out.
Laura and Jo looked at each other. Neither of them was going home with their girlfriend tonight.
“I guess we better go.”
“Yeah.” Laura dropped her head, looking over at Cameron.
Jo walked over to Blair, taking her hand. “I’ll see you at home?” She directed Laura before leaving the two girls alone.
Laura forced herself over to Cameron, not wanting the bad air around them.
“Can I call you later, or even just text you good night?” She touched her hand. “I’m going to miss you tonight.”
Cameron waited for those fingers to caress hers. She held them in hers. “Not too late, okay.”
“Okay.” Laura gave her a little smile before kissing her lips quickly. She went to go when Cameron pulled her back, the girls’ lips attaching to hers. Laura felt the nerves in her stomach come alive. A moan escaped her mouth.
Cameron pushed her back, still holding her shirt. Laura’s eyes were half-lidded, her lips parted.
Her eyes flicked up to Cameron’s before targeting those lips. Cameron pulled back, grinning, knowing she got the desired result. Laura was distracted now. Laura saw the grin in front of her and instantly beamed.
Cameron pushed her back, still holding her shirt. “I better see you tomorrow.”
“I better see you tomorrow.” Laura laughed. The girl knew how to get under her skin.


Cameron woke to a sound by her window. She lay there a moment, then heard the dirt tap against the glass again. She flicked her duvet back and tip-toed over to the window. The moonlight shone down on the pale skin of the young woman standing down in her backyard. She pushed her window up.
“What are you doing?”
“Can I come up?”
“It’s like 1 o’clock? How did you here?”
Laura shoved her hands in her jeans. “I got the bus. Cameron, come on, let me up.”
Laura watched the figure move away from the window. She headed up to the back porch, slipping off her boots. She left them on the step.
Standing up, the half-naked girl came into view at the glass door. As she unlocked it, Laura’s eye fell on the long, slender legs below the bed shorts. As the door slid open, Laura stepped into the heated house, causing the girls light sleep attire. Jo’s place wasn’t as heated on the colder nights as the Rodriguez’s.
“What’s going on? Are you alright?” Cameron pushed the door closed behind the covered-up girl. She didn’t blame her, she’d felt the chill in the air as she’d opened the window.
Laura rubbed her hands.
“I need to warm up.” Cameron turned and headed back upstairs towards her bedroom, quietly followed by Laura. Watching her enter her room, Cameron softly pushed the door to her bedroom closed; she needed to keep this visit a secret.
Laura unwrapped her scarf and slipped off her beanie, placing them in a spot that would become her pile as she warmed up. Cameron sat back in her bed, pulling the duvet over her legs.
“How did it go with your ma?”
Laura turned around, coming over to sit down on her bed.
“Ahh.” She shook her head. “She’s such a bitch.” Cameron stayed quiet. “She’s heard rumours about why I got kicked out of Carrollton.” She dropped her head. It still felt so real. “One thing led to another, and now I have to stay away from you and your impure ways.” Laura could see the clogs processing what she’d just said in her head.
Cam tilted her head. “Did you tell her about us?”
“Yes.” Laura hesitated a bit. She let out a relieved sigh. “She was going on and on about us kissing on stage that I kind of said we kiss more than on stage.”
“Yeah, Right now I am up in my room grounded until the end of the term. No Wicked.”
“You can’t do Wicked?”
Laura nodded, admitting she had fucked up.
“Fuck.” Cameron threw her fingers into her hair, grabbing handfuls. She dropped back onto the bed, shaking her head. She couldn’t believe this.
“I can’t do Wicked without you!”
Laura heard her voice break. She leaned over, apologizing for her life.
“I’m so sorry, babe; I didn’t know any of this was going to happen.” Laura could see the corners of Cameron’s eyes tearing up.
“No, don’t, don’t cry! Camz, please don’t cry.” She lay on her.
“I promise I’ll try; I’ll try to make this right.” She leaned up so she could see her face. “I will find a way to fix this. I will.” She gently cupped the girl’s face, drawing her eyes to her own. “I will fix this.”
Cameron scanned the pleading girl’s face, her body becoming aware of the weight upon it.
She’d had this gut feeling the moment the green-eyed girl had told her her mum wanted her to move in a few weeks. She was going to lose her. This happiness, this place to let down her defences, she was losing it. She was losing her.
She brought her arms down from above her head. Her hands caressed the dark hair coming to rest at the back of Laura’s neck.
Laura couldn’t quite make out what was running through the girl’s head. She could feel her slipping away, though. Since Jo told her about her mum’s plans, she felt like she had been trying to hold onto her.
She pursed her lips, feeling the tears coming to the back of her eyes. She knew she could feel her.
Cameron could see the pools in her eyes. Laura knew what was happening just as much as she did. Without thinking, Cameron leaned up, pulling the girl’s lips down to hers.
Laura dropped down onto her. Those lips are a distraction from everything. Cameron unfolded her leg, causing the weight of Laura’s hip to fall into place against her groin. Both felt the heated patch through their clothes. Cameron gasped into her mouth. Her hand gripped the back of Laura’s neck as she moved her lips to her ear.
Laura ran her hand up the back of the slender legs she’d eyed earlier. She wet her lips, caressing her earlobe with them.
“I’m not going anywhere.”

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