Chapter 1

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Charlotte locks the door of her flat and turns to walk away. "Oh, hey Dennis."

Dennis Severs looks up to see his lifelong friend and crush approaching him. "Alright, Chuck?"

"Where you headed to?"

"I got fire training this weekend."

She looks at him with shock. "You're wanting to join the fire brigade?" Dennis nods. "That's amazing, Den! I'm happy for ya."

"Thanks." He smiles sheepishly. "How's the nursing stuff going?"

"Alright, yeah. Rotations are hell but just a few more months and I'll officially be a nurse."

Dennis shoves his hands in his pockets and smiles. "Proud of ya, Chuck. Honestly."

"Thank you. How's your mum?"

"She's good, yeah. She'd love to see ya. You should stop by when you're free."

"I definitely will. Give her my love. Good luck this weekend." Movement behind Dennis catches Charlie's eye and she tenses. "Better get going. Bye Den."

Dennis is confused by her sudden coldness until he turns after she brushes by him and he sees his friend George. George gives Charlie a disturbing smirk.

"Chunk! Looking beautiful as ever. Leaving so soon?"

"Gotta go to work." She says boredly.

"Give us a kiss first, yeah?" Gog grabs her as she passes.

"You're disgusting. Let go of me."

"Oh you know you love it." He whispers as he pulls her close, his hands grasping her bum.

"Gog." Dennis calls out.

"Fuck off, Gog!" Charlie writhes in his grip, trying to get away.

"She said stop, mate." Dennis grabs Gog's arm to pull him off Charlie.

The loosened grip gives her an advantage and she slaps Gog across the face. "Stay the fuck away from me." Charlie rushes away, fear rising in her.

Dennis gives him a panicked look as he stares down Charlie. "Better tame ya girlfriend, Den. She hits me again, it won't go well for her."

"You shouldn't have messed with her."

Gog glares at his friend. "Charlotte is nothing but a tease. She knows what she's doing to us, mate. She shouldn't be surprised."

Dennis balls his fist, ready to punch him, but he knows he will fight back and Dennis doesn't want to arrive at training with a black eye. "I gotta go."

"See ya when you get back, brother."

Dennis walks into his bedroom of the flat he shares with his mum and pulls out his cellphone to call Charlie.


"It's Dennis."

"Hey Den. I'm just about to start my rotations, everything alright?"

"I wanted to apologize for Gog."

Charlie pauses for a minute. "Your best mate is an arsehole, Den. I dunno why you hang around him."

He sighs and sits on the edge of his bed. "You sound like my mum."

"Well your mum is a smart woman." She chuckles. Dennis cracks a smile but can't think of anything else to say. "I've really gotta go, Dennis. I'll talk to you later, yeah?"

"Yeah. I'll come see you when I get back from training."

"Be safe, darling." Charlie hangs up and heads inside the hospital for her rotation. Despite the nonsense with Gog, she was happy Dennis called her. She doesn't get to talk to him much anymore. Not like they used to.


"Oi, Chuck!" Dennis yells as he sees Charlie walking to her flat.

"Hey Dennis. How's it going?"

"Yeah, alright. What you up to?"

"Just finished work. I'm in desperate need of a shower." She pulls a face, making Dennis laugh.

"Ehm.. I was gonna see if you wanted to grab a drink? If you're too tired though, I totally understand."

Charlie studies him. "I'm exhausted but wired, honestly. Can I shower and change real quick?"

Dennis rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah yeah course."

Charlie unlocks and opens the front door. Dennis is still stood a bit away. "You can wait inside, if you want. That way I don't have to come track ya down." She grins.

He chuckles nervously. "Yeah okay."

Dennis takes a seat on the couch as Charlie rushes to take a quick shower. Sporting skinnies and a low cut blouse, she applies just a touch of makeup and walks out of her room. "All set."

Dennis can't help but stare. Charlie notices and chuckles, breaking him out of his trance. "Sorry. Ha. The pub around the corner okay?"


The pub is literally around the corner, meaning the walk isn't very long. It was awkward, nonetheless. The pair hadn't spent much time alone in years.

"So how have you gotten in at a firehouse yet?" Charlie asks as they sit down at a table and order a couple of beers.

"Started last week at the Mile End Station. I'm on the White Watch."

"Look at you! That's awesome. You're doing great things, Dennis. I'm proud of ya."

"When do you finish?"

Charlie brushes some hair back nervously. "I have my pinning ceremony next Friday. I've decided to stay in the ER so I get to continue on. My first official shift is on the following Sunday."

"Heyyyy. That's fantastic! I dunno if I could handle the ER though. Too many crazy folk."

Charlie laughs. "It's been an experience, for sure. But it keeps me on my toes. I don't mind it. Uhm... do you work next Friday?"

Dennis tries to think of his schedule. "I get off that morning. What time is your ceremony?"


"Are people allowed to come?" Dennis starts to sweat. He's thinking she's implying he should come, but is too scared to say it. He's usually not the forward type but he'd do just about anything to be around her more.

"Yeah. Will you come?"

He can't hide a smile. "I'll be there."

*Disclaimer*: I'm not from the UK. I've done my best with sayings, and terms for things but it's probably not perfect 😂 if I've messed anything up, please let me know! There's just not many Asbo stories out there so I figured I'd post it. Enjoy!

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