Chapter 10

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"Charlotte! I want you on this one with me." The head nurse calls out.

"Yes ma'am. What've we got?"

"23 year old male, you'll take him. I've got the 41 year old. Both suffering from smoke inhalation, the 23 year old was injured in an explosion." Charlie nods, listening intently. "They're firemen from the Blackwall Tunnel accident." Panic rises in Charlie. Firemen? Oh god.

The nurses walk into the room and Charlie's fear is confirmed. "Dennis." She breathes out, blinking back tears.

"You know 'im?" The head nurse, Janine asks.

"He uh... he's my neighbor." She lies.

"Can you keep it together?"

Charlie peels her eyes away from Dennis and meets Janine's eyes. "I can handle it."

"Good. Check his vitals. See if you can get him to wake up, he's been out for a bit."

Janine approaches the other male and Charlie learns it's Kev. Kev hears his best mate and someone else talking about identifying a body. Trish. He tries to hold it together, tries to focus on the nurse. Finally, he can't any longer. He breaks down.

"Good man. A good cry, that'll sort ya out." Janine pulls the curtain closed to give him privacy, nodding at Charlie before going to sit beside Kev.

Charlie finishes checking Den's vitals which all appear fine. She carefully sits on the bed and rubs his cheek. "Dennis? It's Charlie. You've gotta wake up." Tears start to fall and she wipes them away furiously. "Den. Can you hear me? Please wake up. I need you, ya bastard."

She sits for a few minutes, holding and rubbing his hand. Just before she's about to give up and continue her rounds, she feels a very light squeeze on her hand. She gasps and sits up, looking at his hand to make sure she isn't imagining it. She sees it flex and turns her attention to his face. Den's eyelids start to flutter and his lips are moving, but no sound is coming out.


His eyes pop open and meet hers

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His eyes pop open and meet hers. He tries to speak, but does not succeed. He clears his throat a few times and Charlie grabs some water, helping him drink a bit. He coughs a bit and stares at her. "Charlie."

Charlie laughs and nods. "It's me. I'm here."


"You need to save your voice. You've had quite a time. I need to go get the doctor." She doesn't want to leave him but she knows she has to do her job. His grip on her hand tightens. "I'll be back. I promise."

She rushes out to get the doctor. He comes in and gives Dennis a basic exam. "Your throat is a bit of a mess. Try to keep talking to a minimum. You've got some bruised ribs from the explosion, but otherwise nothing too serious. We would like to keep you here overnight to observe you."

The Nurse and the FiremanWhere stories live. Discover now