Chapter 4

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"Hey Chuck."

Charlie is on her way downstairs to meet Kev when she hears her name and looks up. "Look who it is. What happened to you last night?"

"Gog showed up and was just being a dick. Really wanted to punch him but figured I'd just leave. Keep myself out of trouble.." He notices purple on her wrist. "What the hell?" He grabs her hand and sees a bruise make almost complete circle. "Who did this?"

She yanks her hand away. "No one. Just an idiot at work, I'm fine."

"I don't believe you."

"Dunno what else to tell ya, then. Haven't talked to you in a few days. Maybe call me later?

He decides to let the bruise thing drop. "I was actually on my way to see if you fancy some breakfast?"

Charlie's mouth drops a little. "I'm actually on my way out to breakfast right now."

"Oh. Right.. course."

A horn honks and they both look to see Kev leaning against his car. "Ready, charlie?" He yells.

Dennis whips his head back to her, brows furrowed. "You're going out with Kev?"

She laughs. "Don't make it sound like a date. He's struggling with the whole Trish/Mal thing. I offered him an ear."

"Look a bit dressed up for it, don't ya?" He spits out, tone laced with jealousy.

"What's your bloody problem? Haven't spoken to ya in two days and now you're on me about breakfast with a friend?"

"He's my boss."

"You don't know what he went through in the hospital, Den. If he needs my shoulder to cry on again, it's the least I can do."

"Right. Have fun then." He turns on his heel and storms off.

Kev watches their interaction with confusion. Charlie stands shocked for a few seconds before meeting Kev.

"Everything okay with you and Asbo?" He asks as she hugs him and climbs into his car.

"I'm not real sure, honestly. Haven't talked to him in a few days and then he just sort of blew up at me for coming to breakfast with ya."

"We can cancel if we need to. Don't want you two fighting because of it."

"No, no it's fine. I think his dad's getting out of prison soon. He's probably just stressed about it. Shit... don't tell him I told you that."

"Secrets safe with me."

After sitting down and ordering, Charlie starts off the conversation. "So... what's going on?"

Kev sighs heavily. "I still can't wrap my head around my girlfriend and best friend doing this to me. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised Trish did it at all." Charlie's brow shoots up. "We haven't exactly... been... intimate since the fire. I mean you saw..."

"Ahh. Yeah.. that's rough, I can't even imagine."

"I've honestly been waiting for her to just up and leave me. Even tried to convince her to a few times. She doesn't deserve a life with someone like me now. I can't give her everything she wants."

"But she loves ya, don't she?"

"Does she?"

"From what I saw in the hospital, it sure seems like she does. Dunno many people who would stick by someone going through what you did for so long just to not give a damn about them."

"It's been almost a year, you'd think I'd have gotten over everything now."

"Kev, don't be daft. You have been through so much in this last year. It's not like the fire happened, you were out for a week, and then back to good. It's going to take time to heal. Emotionally, I mean. And plus with the anniversary coming up in a few weeks, that's gonna mess with ya too."

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