Chapter 11

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The next morning, Kev is told he's being discharged. He gets up and notices Asbo already gone. A twinge of guilt hits him, but he pushes it away.

"Kev!" Mal runs in the room as he dresses. "It's not Trish. She's okay. She's at Greenwood."

"What?!" He starts crying.

Mal hugs him tightly. "Go see her when you leave, mate."

Nick walks in moments after Mal leaves and tells Kev his $150k settlement from the Churchill estate fire has hit his account. He's surprised that Kev isn't more excited, which only makes Kev dislike him more. He signs his discharge papers and rushes out of the hospital.

Charlie gets off shift a few hours later and heads home, exhaustion overtaking her from both work and stress over Dennis and Kev. She immediately takes a shower and goes to the kitchen for something to eat. Something catches her eye, so she pulls back the curtain and sees Rosa Paknadel in the courtyard digging beside a tree. Today is the one year anniversary of the fire that killed her baby, so she's planting a tree in her honor. Charlie's shoulders drop. She can't imagine what Rosa is going through. She's lost so much. She slides some toast in the toaster and comes back to the window to see someone digging furiously while Rosa watches. Dennis. She stands still not knowing if she should go down there or not. He's had a much worse time handling things the last week and she knows it's his guilt eating at him. She sees him glance up and tries to find what he's looking at. Gog is standing on his balcony watching them.

The toast pops up and Charlie doesn't move

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The toast pops up and Charlie doesn't move. Everything from the last week and the last couple of months has just hit her all at once. She never had a chance to react when Dennis told her about the fire. She was too worried about him. She was worried about Kelly. Afraid of Gog. Sorrowful for Rosa. And then hearing the man she loves talk about wishing he could kill himself or begging Kev to let him die over and over... She understands guilt. She's lived with it everyday after her parents passed. But Dennis was there for her. He was her only support system. No one else would've cared if she died too. But Dennis isn't alone like Charlie was. She doesn't know how to help him and it's destroying her. And seeing Gog stand there with a smug look on his face. She wants to... "AHHHHH" She rips the toaster from the outlet and throws it across the room, watching it smash into pieces as it hits the wall. She collapses on the floor, shaking with sobs. If only she'd killed Gog that night years ago. She was so close. Had every opportunity. But she panicked. She couldn't do it. If only.. If only...

"Have you got permission from the council?" Gog approaches Rosa. "Stuff like this, residents should have a say. I'm a resident. No one asked me. Did you hear me, Rosa, love? I don't want it there. It's in my eye line. What happens when it grows? Block the light, that's what it'll do."

Charlie pushes herself off the floor and looks out the window again to see Gog knelt down beside Rosa, holding her by the neck. She growls, wiping her face off and grabbing her shoes.

"Rosa, I don't want it there. Alright?"

"Fuck off." Rosa breathes.

Charlie runs down the stairs and makes it to the courtyard to see Gog pissing in the hole Rosa is digging. "Gog!" She screams.

Dennis is watching everything from his own kitchen window. He knows he should've gone down there when Gog walked out, but he was doing everything in his power, still, to avoid him. But then he hears Charlie's voice.

"Chunk!" He pulls his zipper back up and turns with his arms out. "Fancy seeing you here. How's your cheek?"

Charlie shoves him back. "Stay the hell away from her."

"What the fuck'd you just say to me?" He gets in her face.

"Leave or I'll fucking gut you." She leans in closer. "Didya get it that time?"

Dennis is about to rush out the door when he sees Gog step back, hands in the air. He glances back at Rosa.

"Don't forget to wash your hands."

Gog growls and starts to walk away, stopping so he can whisper in Charlie's ear. "Didn't I have to teach you a lesson last time you hit me? Gonna really have to punish you this time, love."

"Fuck off."

Gog stalks away and Dennis groans. "You stupid idiot. You coward." He mutters to himself.

Once he's out of sight, Rosa starts digging. Charlie grabs another small shovel and kneels down across from her. "Are you alright?"

"He doesn't scare me. I just wish he would get what he deserved."

"Rosa... I didn't know... I was working the night of the fire and I never really talked to anyone around here much anyways. I didn't know. I'm sorry."

Rosa reaches over and pats her hand. "I really like you Charlie. And I believe you. Never saw much of you after your parents died. Not that I blame you. I wish I'd had the guts to leave after Scarlett..." She shakes her head. "Thank you for helping me."

"Of course. Let's get this hole finished, yeah?"

 Let's get this hole finished, yeah?"

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