Calm Me Down

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A/N: I'm thinking about this as I go along. In my head, this idea is really cute. Let's hope it pans out in the way I'm hoping.



When Captain America contacted you (you) to help out his ailing best friend, you scoffed. There's no way you're special enough to help out with something so important, especially after the Sokovia Accords crashed and burned in the way they did.

Ultimately, though, you agreed, because how could you possibly say no to Captain America?

You headed to the Avengers Compound upstate and met the Quinjet there that will take you to the African country of Wakanda. You were also surprised that the best friend of Captain America was being treated there, in a country that doesn't have nearly enough resources to spare for even themselves, much less a stranger and an outsider.

Once you get there, though, you're surprised. They really did keep themselves hidden very well.

You step off the Quinjet and are greeted by Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, and the newly-crowned king of Wakanda, T'Challa. You smile at the three men and shake each of their hands. "Hello, I'm Y/N L/N. I'm here to help your friend," you direct this to Steve.

He smiles. "Follow me."

You follow the men to what looks like a lab, and to a large window that displays a man in a glass tube, strapped down against it. You're confused until Steve clarifies. "That is my childhood best friend, Bucky Barnes. He was more recently known as the Winter Soldier, and this is a precaution. He still has the trigger words in his head and Princess Shuri-" he gestures over to a teenage girl at a table. "Is working on a way to erase them. She thinks she's close, so you're here to help him rehabilitate after he's taken out of Cryofreeze."

You sigh and nod. "What influenced you to ask me of all people? I mean, he doesn't really know me-"

Sam grabs your shoulders to calm you, and you sigh, rubbing your face. "I'm's just that there's nothing really special about me. Why can't one of you do it?"

"I think he gets overwhelmed around us. He needs a fresh face, someone who has no expectations for him to perform in a certain way. I asked you specifically because I've read things about you. You train therapy dogs to help people, and you hold a support group every other week." Steve smiles. "You're special, Y/N L/N. Think you're up to the job?"

You study Bucky through the window and think for a few seconds before turning to the three men and nodding. "I think so."


You sit at a table in Shuri's lab, reading up on Bucky's file, when you hear a sound that resembles that of air being let out of a tire, and you look up and see that the Cryofreeze tube that he's being held in is opening.

You look at Shuri. "You figured it out already? It's only been three weeks!"

She grins. "You Americans and your time expectations."

You watch as a doctor eases the man onto a stretcher and wheels him out. Shuri gets up and waves her hand at you to follow her, which you do.

You both end up in a hospital room and she presses a couple buttons before pulling up what looks like a brain scan. "The brain is very intricate and complicated. If you just move some things around here and there..." she presses another couple buttons and the image slightly shifts. "And we have a completely different story."

You look at her in confusion. "I don't know what I'm looking at."

She chuckles. "This is Sergeant Barnes' brain chemistry after the procedure I plan to perform. I've run the simulation about a thousand times with a 99% success rate. As you can see, things are a lot less jumbled."

You nod. "So this is pretty much foolproof then?"

She nods. "As foolproof as an experimental procedure can get." The machines start beeping and she smiles. "Time to move him to the hut."

You raise your eyebrows. "Huh?"

"You'll see."


The Wakandan countryside is beautiful.

You're standing with Shuri beside a pond when the children squeal and run out of the hut in which you two put Bucky, and you steel yourself.

Wrapped in traditional Wakandan garb, Bucky Barnes steps out of the hut, looking extremely disoriented.

He seems to relax, though, once he sees you and Shuri.

You hold your hand out to shake his. "I'm Y/N L/N. I'm here to help...if you'll let me, that is."

He smiles softly at you. "Yeah."

Shuri then speaks up. "How are you feeling, Sergeant Barnes?"

"Bucky," he clarifies, making the other girl smile.

"Come. You have much to learn."


About six months later, you and Bucky are sitting out by the pond, when he speaks up.

"Y/N?" At the sound of your name, you look up, and he continues. "Did you ever feel...obligated to stay here with me? Because if you did-"

You shake your head. "No. I mean, maybe before I met you formally, but once I got to know you..." You smile to yourself. "I don't know, I think I fell in love."


Your eyes grow wide at realization of your admission and you try to backtrack. "I didn't mean it like that-"

"No, uh, did you mean it?"

You look at him and see his pleading blue eyes, silently begging you to say yes. You then nod. "I usually don't say things that I don't mean."

He grins and bites his lip. "Would you mind-"

"Course not," you answer, knowing exactly what he's asking.

He leans in and kisses you, and it's even better than you could've imagined.

After pulling away, he rests his forehead against yours. "You have single-handedly brought me a calm I've never known before. Would it be too much to ask that you continue to do that?"

You smile, brushing your nose against his. "I'd be honored to."

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