21. Waiting for the Moon

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Hello Hello Hello,

Sorry for no update yesterday but here we are.

Enjoy <3

Song: Somewhere only we know (Keane)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Waiting for the Moon

・゚: *・゚:*    *:・゚*:・゚

June 26th 1972, Monday.

It had been a month.

A month since the last full moon.

A month since Remus was last in the hospital wing. His weary body torn to shreds, blood seeping through his hospital gown as he desperately tried - and failed - to convince Astra he was okay.

A month Astra had spent attempting to convince herself she was wrong. That there was no possible way Remus Lupin, her brother, was a werewolf.

But the more she tried to push the idea out of her mind and assure herself there must be a reasonable explanation for it all, the more she realised that she didn't actually know Remus, not as well as she thought.

She knew he lived at a boys home in London, his mum in a care home back in Wales. She knew he liked to read and take long walks around the castle and grounds, that, they often did together. She knew his general likes and dislikes, what classes he was both good and bad at. She could take a guess at what foods he preferred with the amount of dinners they had had together, but ultimately, that was it.

Remus had never voluntarily surrendered any information about himself, and tended to be very quick to change the subject whenever anyone pried too much.

He was incredibly self reserved and unwilling to let anyone know too much about him. Astra understood this, she was the same way. The two of them had suffered through extreme difficulties within their lives, causing them in turn to become recluse.

The difference between the two of them however, being that Remus was the one person Astra felt comfortable enough around to want to open up. She wanted to share her life with him, to make up for the years they didn't get to spend together growing up. He did not seem to want to do the same.

As a matter of fact, since that day in the hospital wing, Remus had become more closed off than ever before. Although she hadn't made much effort to question him further either. The two of them constantly walked on eggshells around each other. Astra knowing she saw something she shouldn't have, and Remus knowing that she had seen something he didn't want her to see, neither one of them confronting the other.

But Astra didn't want to confront him. Mainly because she didn't want to believe it. All she knew was this creature she had spent the past month researching was known to be vicious, intimidating and fearsome. The Care of Magical Creatures book she had taken out of the library claimed them to be XXXXX classified beings. Meaning they were known killers, impossible to tame and overwhelmingly violent. Remus was none of those things.

Every Sunday morning Remus and Astra walked the grounds in total silence, the physical distance between them growing each week as the uncomfortable glances increased. Luckily, no one else seemed to notice. They were all too busy revising for end of year exams, which were due to begin that week. Or, if you were James and Sirius, attempting to come up with some grand end of year prank.

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