18. Happy New Year

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Sorry for the lack of chapter yesterday. I have a couple days off work so i'm planning on writing as much as I can.

There is a photo on the Author's Note chapter now which has a photo of Astra and James on it for all of ya'll who may want to see.

Anyway, welcome 1972.

Enjoy <3

Song: Ho Hey (The Lumineers)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Happy New Year

・゚: *・゚:*    *:・゚*:・゚

December 31st 1971, Friday.

It had been a rather quiet two weeks for Astra. Ever since Steven had moved in, the house carried a completely different atmosphere than she was used to.

She had barely spoken a word to her mum the entire time, the two of them making small talk over dinner and swapping hello's as they passed in the hallways.

Astra had so much she wanted to talk to her mother about. She had questions about her father, about Remus and about Atlas. But with her new boyfriend around, it seemed almost every possible topic of conversation was off limits.

With a flash of emerald green flames, Astra landed directly into the Potter's living room. Her stomach was turning from the intense spinning sensation that came along with travelling by floo. Closing her eyes, she took a moment to readjust before taking in her surroundings.

The Potter's house - or mansion - was everything she expected it to be, if not more. The living room alone was almost triple the size of her entire house. It was incredibly huge, but not in a way that made it seem vacant or overwhelming.

As soon as she entered the room a feeling of warmth and comfort overcame her. It was flawlessly decorated, photos of James and his sister laid out perfectly across the walls, many of their achievements proudly on full display.

The room was busy, music playing harmoniously in the background as laughter and chatter filled the air. Wizards of all ages and blood statuses - some she recognised, some she didn't - were mixing together and making conversation.

"Astra, hello darling."

Turning in the direction of the voice, she grinned as she was greeted by James' mum, a warm, welcoming smile spread across her face.

"It's lovely to see you again."

"Hi Mrs Potter-"

"Effie, please."

Astra smiled wider, nodding slightly, she took another look around the room.

"Thank you for the invite."

"Of course sweetie. You're welcome anytime." Mrs Potter opened her arms, pulling Astra in for a quick hug. "Is your mother with you this evening?"

Shaking her head in response, Astra's smile faded slightly. "No, she decided to stay home with her boyfriend."

"Never mind." Euphemia smiled down at her. "The kids are up in James' room. It's the door at the end of the hallway when you get to the second floor." She motioned towards the grand staircase located at the opposite end of the room. "Do try and get them to come down and join the party for me."

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