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"Taehyung", Jungkook declares the presence of the newcomer.

What is he doing here? I stand abruptly and hurry to the door to see if the idiot is hallucinating or not.

I come to a quick halt once I see the person standing on my doorstep. It's Tae. Guess I can't put Jungkook in a mental health facility after all.

Once he notices my presence he looks at me in a way I couldn't quite understand. He takes in my outfit by looking me up and down.

I blush and all of a sudden I regret wearing my favorite pajamas.

I feel like I'm being discovered from a new perspective

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I feel like I'm being discovered from a new perspective.

I open my mouth to talk or to welcome him at the least but I can't find the courage to speak up. I bite my lips nervously, waiting for him to explain why he's here. He directs his look towards my lips. I didn't think I would get redder than I already was... But I was mistaken.

I try to muster up some courage to look him in the eyes, and when I finally do... I see him coming in my direction in long and confident strides with a determined look on his face.

As soon as he reaches me, he doesn't think twice before crashing his lips to mine...

Butterflies erupted in my stomach at the feeling of his soft lips on mine. I was electrocuted.

I couldn't move.

Do something! Move! Kiss him back! My brain was ordering... But I couldn't fucking move.

I felt an aching burn when his lips left me bare. I wanted to feel them on mine again, even if it hasn't been a few seconds.

When I opened my eyes I found him staring at me with his gorgeous brown orbs. Then he smiled. Oh my God, this boxy smile is going to be the death of me...

I would have smiled back at him if I wasn't too busy trying to keep myself conscious.

I just realized he's in his pajamas and he has a bedhead. He must have gotten directly out of bed after our call. Wait...
Did he drive all the way here to kiss me?!
Then he must-

"I have feelings for you too Iris", he said smiling.

After I had a small inner celebration, I smiled back at him. I can't believe this is happening!

"But why- I mean why- Are you-", I couldn't assemble a meaningful sentence. In such situations, I wished my big mouth was useful in something other than ranting. Maybe-

"I'm sorry for hanging up on you like that, but I didn't want to tell you how I felt about you on the phone... So I got up from bed and drove here, so I could..."

"So you could kiss me", I completed his sentence for him.

"Yeah...", he answers, and I notice a hint of pink spreading on his cheeks. He's so cute.

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