Chapter 5: the beaver house

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hI started to wake up I noticed somebody was carrying me I noticed it was Peter he looked down and saw me. "Your awake!" he said "Do you think you can walk, or do you want me to carry you?"
"I think I can walk," I said. Then he gently let me down he was reluctant at first but he finally set me down.
"Ok, but if I see you struggle I'm gonna carry you." He said. Then I noticed Beaver he was like my second dad.
"Beaver is that you?" I asked him. Then he turned around and saw me he smile I gave him a smile back. Then I ran up to him and gave him a hug.
"Sydney, I missed you so much, you grown so much since you turned 5, the last time we all saw you." he said then he let go.
"Beaver is that you? I've been worried sick! If I find out you've been hanging out with Badger again I..." Then I saw Mrs. Beaver "Well those aren't badgers," she said.

"Isn't there anything we can do to help Mr Tumnus?" Peter asked. We were inside the Beavers house, it looked a bit different then I remembered. I was sitting next to Peter.
"They've taken him to the Witch's. You'll know what I say, 'there's few things that go through them gates that come out again'," Mr Beaver answered. I was worried where is my dad?
"Fish 'n' chips?" Mrs Beaver trying to lighten the tension in the room. "But there's hope dear. Lots of hope."
"Oh, yeah, there's a right bit more than hope!" Mr Beaver said excitedly. "Aslan is on the move, you dad's on the move Sydney." When he said my dads name I smiled a little knowing that I'll see him again.
"Who's Aslan?" Edmund asked. My heart then dropped.
"Who's Aslan?" Mr Beaver laughed, "You don't know, do you?"
"We haven't exactly been here that long," Peter said.
"Well he's only the king of the whole wood," Mr Beaver began saying,"The top geezer. The real king of Narnia! Sydney's dad, just ask he she was born here."
"He's been away for a long time, ever since he sent out poor Sydney away to keep her safe." Mrs Beaver said.
"But he just got back!" Mr Beaver interrupted. "And he's waiting for you at the stone table!"
"He's waiting for us?" Lucy asked.
"You didn't tell them about the prophecy, Sydney?" Mr Beaver asked.
"Sorry, forgot" I said.
"It's ok, Look. Aslan's return, Tumnus arrest, the secret the police, it's all happening because of you!" he said.
"Your blaming us?" Susan asked. She misunderstood.
"No! Not blaming," Mrs Beaver said "Thanking you." Like a thought.
"There's a prophecy," Mr Beaver continued.
"When Adam's flesh Adams bone,
sits at Cair Parvel in throne,
the evil time will be over and done."
"You know that doesn't rhyme," Susan said, I thought thanks captian obvious.
"I know it don't, " Beaver said " But you're kinda missing the point!" Mrs Beaver laid her hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
"It's has a long been foretold that two Sons of Adam and two Daughters of Eve will defeat the White Witch and bring back the true Queen of Narnia and together they will restore peace to Narnia," she said. Susan and Peter looked at each other. I knew what they thought witch broke my heart. Peter looked at me with worry I felt tears coming.
"And you think were the ones?" Peter asked
"You'd better be, cause Aslan's already fitted out your army," Beaver said.
"Our army?" Lucy asked.
"Mum sent us away so we wouldn't get caught up in a war," Susan said to Peter.
"I think you made a mistake," he said.
"No my dad would never make a mistake." I said but he just ignored me.
"We're not heroes!" He continued.
"We're from Finchleny!" Susan filled in "Thanks for you hospitality, but we really have to go!" She stood up.
" No, you just can't leave," Beaver said. Peter stood up as well which broke me heart a little. Now tears are really coming.
"He's right," Lucy said "We have to help Mr Tunmus." She didn't said up neither did I I felt tears roll down my cheeks but nobody noticed thank god.
"It's put of our hands," Peter said to the beavers. They looked like they didn't know what to do. Then Peter look at me and saw the tear I couldn't stand to look at him so I looked away. He cake up to me and wiped away my tears and hugged me then went back to his spot. "I'm sorry," Peter said to the beavers. "But it's time that we started heading home. Ed?" He looked around. "Ed?" " I'm gonna kill him," Peter said realizing what Edmund had done.
"You may not have to," Beaver said. "Has Edmund ever been to Narnia before?"
Lucy nodded "Yes, he has."
"Hurry we ave to hurry," Beaver said. Peter, Susan and Lucy all went for there coats I've decided to stay
"Are you coming Sydney?" Peter asked.
"No, I'm gonna stay here, go on without me," I said. I just sat there crying silently while Mrs Beaver was running all over the house packing things mainly food. Then all of the sudden the door swung open.
"Hurry mother! There after us!" Peter gave me my coat and I put it on.
"Oh, right then," Mrs Beaver said and ran out into the kitchen.
"Whats she doing?" Peter asked.
"Oh, you'll be thanking me later. It's a long journey and Beaver gets cranky when he's hungry," she answered. Then Susan ran to help her I wa right next to Peter I noticed we were holing hands.
"I'm cranky now!" Mr Beaver said angrily.
"Do you think we'll need jam?" Susan asked.
"Only if the Witch serves toast!" Peter said he sounded frustrated. Then I heard something barking outside the house. Something stared to dig its way in. Then Beaver opened a hidden door in the wall.
"Hurry!" He said and the disappeared jnto darkness. Mrs Beaver followed, then Susan, Lucy, me and last Peter he closed the door after he got in. Beaver handed him a torch and Susan a a lantern. Then I realized we were in a tunnel.
"Badger and me dug this, comes out right near his place," Beaver said while we ran through it.
"You told me this led to your mum's!" Mrs Beaver said angrily. The we heard growling and barking.
"There in the tunnel," Lucy said.
"Quick! This way!" Beaver said.
"Hurry" Mrs Beaver said.
"Run!" Peter shouted
"Quick! Quick! Quick," Susan said. the we came to a dead end.
"You should of brought a map," Mrs Beaver said panicking.
"Ther want room next to the jam!" Beaver said back. Then he climbed up the wall. Then. Mrs. Beaver Susan dragged Lucy up. Peter helped me up yhe. He came through last. Mr and Mrs Beaver and peter put a barrel in the hole. Then I let out a small scream. I screamed at the stone badger in front of me.

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