Chapter:1 there coming

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I woke up by alarm my blonde hair sprawled out everywhere. Then I realized that the Pevensies were coming to day. I got up and trudged over to my clothes I put on a white long sleeve shirt with a black skirt. I went over to my mirror I looked at my hair it was sticking out of my head everwhere. I grabbed my hairbrush and started to brush it about fifty times before it was tamed.

Then I started to walk downstairs into the kitchen to get some toast. Then I hear the door open and shut and some voices. "Now the professor doesn't usually have children except for his daughter you will meet her soon." Said Mrs. McCready. Then I walked into the room I was still eating my slice of toast and had jam on the corners of my mouth from it I quickly wiped it off.

I finally spoke up and said "Good morning everybody, I'm Sydney the professors daughter." I look at the kids there were four of them two looked my at hand the other two looked younger. The youngest the girl she had short starlight brown hair. The next one was a boy he had dark brown hair too the girl my age has a lighter bown hair that went down to the middle of her back. Then there was the older boy he was quite handsome he has blonde hair and he had green eyes.

The youngest girl came up to me and held out her hand "I'm Lucy, it's nice to meet you Sydney." She said I shook her hand the the rest introduced themselves.

"I'm Peter, this is Susan and this is Edmund it's nice to meet you Sydney." He held out his hand I shook it he had a firm grip his hands were nice and warm. Then Susan held out her hand and I shook it. Edmund held out his hand reluctantly but I still shook it. "It's nice to meet you all." I finally said. Then I walked up stairs and showed them there rooms.i was starting to walk to my room when I noticed I was being followed I turned around and I saw Peter.

"Why are you following me?" I asked while I was walking up to him. I tried to look him into the eyes but he wouldn't let you. "It's j-just I wanted to know if you really were the professors daughter, and if you wanted to play a game with my siblings and I." He asked me he sounded nervous I wonder why. "I'm not really the professors daughter I was adopted, and yes I would like to play a game." I smiled at him he have me a small smile back. Then we started to walk where his siblings were so we could play a game

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