Chapter 9: Return of Edmund

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Peter put me down when we got back to camp. Then the feast started. Everybody was as the feast. There was a huge bonfire in the middle and people were dancing around it while the fauns played there instruments. I sat with my father at the head of the table. I was getting lost in my thoughts about earlier until they were interrupted. "Are you glad to be home, Sydney?" my dad asked. I looked at him and smiled.
"Yes I did very much." I was now watching the girls trying to dance then Peter joined them.
"Peter has grown very fond of you, have you grown fond of him?" he asked. I blushed a little.
"umm... maybe." I said. "What are my powers?" I asked him.
"Well, you have figured one out already, flying. You also have other powers. They are weather, fire, you can turn into a lion, and super speed." he said. I was surprised those are odd powers.
"Really?" I sounded shocked. He nodded then got up and left. I looked over at Peter our eyes met. Then he walked over to me and held out his hand. I didn't feel like dancing but he pulled me up anyways. We danced for a long time.
"Peter. I'm tired." I complained. He gave me a smirk.
"Then I shall carry the princess to her tent." he said in a ridiculous accent. I couldn't help but laugh. Then in that moment he picked me up bridal style and carried me to my tent.

Peters POV:
She looked so beautiful when she fell asleep in my arms when I was carrying her. I wonder if she knew how beautiful she is. I went inside her tent I layed her down on her cot. She looked so peaceful then I left the tent.

Normal POV:
I woke up I saw the sun I got up and got dressed. I grabbed my daggers and ran to and open area. I wanted to see what powers I could use right now. I sat down on the ground and took a few deep breaths. Then I started to relax. I imagined flying then I opened my eyes I was 10 feet above the ground I started to freak out and start to fall. Then I started to calm down and didn't fall. I was floating at least 3 feet from the ground then I let myself down. I sat on the ground again and held out my hands. I imagined fire and my hands started to spark then it stopped. I decided to run back to camp. I realized that I was running at the speed of lighting. I got there in under 3 seconds I was amazed. When I got there everybody was up. My dad was on a rock talking to Edmund, I smiled when I saw Peter. I ran toward him and ran around him a couple times.
"Woah! That's amazing," He said. With wide eyes and grinning. Then we ran to Lucy she was hugging Edmund. I ran toward him.
"Edmund!" I shouted. I said while hugging him. I could hear his groans I laughed. "Are you okay?" I asked him. Then I pulled him out of the hug.
"Just a little tired." Ed answered with a weak smile.
"Get some sleep,"Peter said while nodding toward his tent. Ed began walking toward his tent but Peter stopped him. "And Edmund, try not to wander off." Edmund smiled before going into his tent to get some rest.
"Didn't know you were up, Sydney." Susan said to me.
"Well, I was in the field at least twenty miles from here" I continued. "I ran back here with out stopping." she stared at me with wide eyes."
"What were you doing all the way over there." she asked.
"Oh, you know, just practicing my magic." I said casually.
"You have powers." she said surprised. "And you did tell me about them?" she asked offended while laughing.
"Well I just got told what they were last night." I laughed. "I'm hungry." I complained.
"We'll lets go eat breakfast than." Peter said while taking my hand.He dragged me along till we got to a table where they were serving eggs and toast. I was sitting by Peter eating an egg. Then Edmund joined us wearing better clothes.
"Narnia's not gonna run out of toast Ed." Lucy joked he smiled.
"I'm sure they'll pack something up for the journey back." Peter said.
"We're going home?" Susan asked. Peter looked at me I couldn't bear to look at him right now so I looked away. "You are" He said he got up to go sit with Ed. "I promised mum I'd keep you safe. But it doesn't mean I can't stay behind yo help."
"But they need us." Lucy said. She was right they do need us they can't do it without all of us.
"Lucy, it's to dangerous. You almost drowned! Edmund was almost killed!" Peter tried to warn them. I couldn't stand it anymore so I got up. "Where are you going?" Peter asked me.
"I'm going to practice." I said and ran to the targets. They just kept on talking until Susan and Lucy came over.
"Why did u get up and leave?" asked Susan. I sighed.
"I couldn't take it anymore, I need to protect my people we can't leave." I said with sorrow in my voice.
"Well were not leaving" Lucy said proudly. I looked up at her with hope in my eyes.
"Really?" I asked she nodded. "That's great!" I said smiling.
"I'm gonna practice." Susan said. She held up her bow and aimed for the center. She let go of the arrow it was close to the center.
"Lucy you try." I said. She grabbed her knife and held it back and aimed for the center. She threw it. It hit the center exactly. "Good job Lucy," I said. I grabbed one of my daggers and did the same it hit the center exactly.
"Wow!" said Lucy. Then we heard hooves coming from behind us. It was Peter on a white unicorn and Edmund on a brown horse. They were sword fighting.
"Come on Ed. Sword up like Oreius showed us." Peter said making me smile thinking it's my knight in shining armor.
"En garde!" Edmund shouted before they went at it again.
"Now block" Peter instructed. They were learning fast.
"Peter! Edmund!" I heard a voice shout. It was Beaver. "The Witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan. She's on her way here." I looked at Peter. He held out his arm I took it and we rode back to camp. We made it just in time to see her being carried in. I looked to my left and saw my dad sitting there waiting for her. The people from the camp were yelling and booing, but she kept her head held high and ignored everybody else. She was then let down and started to walk towards my dad.
"You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan." Jadis said.
"His offence was not against you." my dad said.
"Have you forgotten the laws which Narnia was built?" She said.
My dad growled making making me jump slightly then Peter grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written!" my dad spat at her.
"Then you will remember that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my propetrty" then Peter let go of my hand and grabbed the hilt of his sword. No Peter don't. Peter then pulled out his sword and held it to the Witch. Peter what are you doing are you crazy.
"Try and take him then" Peter warned. The fauns behind us took out there swords. Oh no Peter are you crazy.
"Do you really think mere force will deny me my right, little king?" Jadis mocked making me angry. "Aslan know that unless I have blood, as the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water." She turned to the crowd. "That boy will die," she pointed at Edmund. I stood in front of him she will not get him. "On the Stone Table as is tradition." I looked up to my father hoping that there was another way. "You dare not refuse me" she warned my father.
"Enough I shall talk to you alone." My dad made his way to his tent while Jadis followed. I went to follow them but Peter grabbed my wrist.
"No, Sydney, please don't." he said but I just snapped by wrist out of his grasp and super sped to the tent. They were surprised to see me there. My dad wanted me to leave but I refused.

Peter's POV:
My siblings and I were sitting on the grass bored. It has been a while since they went in the tent. I was starting to worry. Then the witch came out. Then Aslan and Sydney there heads were down. I saw a tear roll down Sydney's cheek that made me worry. What was going on?
"She has renounced her claim on the son of Adam's blood!" Aslan announced making us all cheer and smile at Ed.
"How do I know you promise will be kept?" The witch shouted back. Aslan roared making her sit down on her seat.

I saw Sydney walk off I was really worried so I followed her. "Sydney!" I called yelled at her. She turned around she was looking at the ground there was something wrong. "Sydney what's wrong" I asked her then she ran to me and cried in my arms. I rubbed her back while she cried. We stayed like that for a while. "Sydney,what's wrong? you can tell me," I whispered in her ear.
"Peter," she whispered. "I need you to promise me something." she said
I nodded "Anything, anything for you." I said to her.
"Promise me that you'll take care of Narnia when I'm gone." she said. I was now really worried she was speaking as if she was leaving.
"Sydney I-" I started before she cut me off.
"Just promise me Peter please." she begged.
I sighed "Ok I will." she tried to give me a smile but I could see right through it she was broken right now.
"Thank you Peter, this means a lot to me." she said then she got up to leave. I grabbed her arm I didn't want her to go. She can't leave me I think I might love her. "Peter I have to go." she said
I just shook my head. "No you can't go please don't leave me" I said she started to tear up again.
"I'm sorry I have to go, I love you Peter even though you probably hate me I'm ugly and everything." she said I was shocked she said that she loves me. But then she said that she was ugly . No she is so beautiful how could she ever be ugly.
"Sydney you are not ugly you are so beautiful. And I love you too." I said.
"I have to go" she muttered before running away.
"Sydney! Wait!" I yelled before going to run off but being stopped by Aslan.
"Peter, leave her be. I will talk to her." he said before walking off to catch her. I started to walk back to the camp to get rest.

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